The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse
Revelation: Uncovering the Spiritual Realm • Sermon • Submitted • Presented
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Tonight we begin to start getting into the stuff we think of when we think of Revelation, tribulation.
Over the next couple of weeks we will be covering chapters 6-8 to look at the seven seals
As we go through this remember: God will sustain his people
What we will talk about tonight is known to many as the four horsemen of the apocalypse. Each horse symbolizes a different part of the end time tribulations.
Another thing to keep in mind is that we see a lot of stuff similar to what is explained going on now. But the things going on are just birthing pains, the tribulation will be the birth of chaos
There is much debate on when and who will be here on end time prophecies, but we are not going to focus on all then whens. God gave us this and we need to look on how it applies now. So tonight each point will be a two step process
1. What does this mean in context of Revelation?
2. How does this scripture apply to me now?
White Horse: Pseudo-Peace
White Horse: Pseudo-Peace
What does this mean in context of Revelation?
This first horse represents a false peace the earth will experience
Who will bring this false peace? the antichrist
How will he bring the peace?
rainbow- a symbol of peace
bow- no arrows are mentioned so it could be a warrior who brings about peace with diplomacy
the Greek for a winners crown not a royal crown is used here showing that he “wins” at diplomacy
This will be a bloodless and peaceful victory that is brought about diplomatically
The antichrist will gain the worlds favor through deceptiveness and as we see it will be short lived peace before chaos ensues
How does this scripture apply to me now?
Politicians often make many promises to gain power, but how often do they carry through on the promises they made?
People thirst for power and we see people act deceptive for it all the time
On a political level this gives us several applications:
One don’t look to politicians to fix the moral problems of this world, most have impure intentions
The church has the responsibility to address the moral issues of this nation
What is a moral issue in your schools?
What can y’all as a group do to address the issue?
Hold politicians to a high standard, it is scriptural to hold leadership to a higher standard
Educate yourself on voting issues and vote informed from all angles
How can we fix the problem of having to vote between the two of lesser evils?
The question also arises of in the midst of this chaotic world what sources of pseudo-peace do you lean on?
the antichrist has not started his reign but the principals that he will operate on are currently at work now. the devil throws out pseudo-peace sources all the time. Pseudo-peace keeps us distracted
Pseudo-peace crashes into chaos.
Sources of pseudo-peace (that all crash):
Busy life
stay busy keeps our minds occupied and God on the back burner, resulting in us making the spiritual a low class option
a busy life is not necessarily evil, but when we feel our lives with busy and neglect God it then becomes sin
The crash:
someone better comes along
Victim culture
we find a peace so to say in playing the victim and putting the world’s problems on someone else, that way i don’t have to accept responsibility for my actions
The crash:
excuses stop working
a downward spiral of depression hits in
bitterness sets in and people push away
Be a overcomer not a victim (work the problem)
Romantic relationships
We look for peace in relationships through affirmation and being desired
The crash:
You break up
the honeymoon phase ends
they cheat
How do we avoid falling prey to pseudo-peace?
Learn to distinguish between joy and happiness
Learn how to prioritize your life from a spiritual perspective
Develop a proactive lifestyle rather than a reactive lifestyle
Study what scripture has to say on peace
Find someone to pray with on the regular