The Wisdom of God

God Is: The Attributes of God  •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented   •  40:49
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The Wisdom of God

Several weeks ago, I preached about the omniscience of God.
That is that God is all knowing.
He knows the beginning from the end.
He never grows in knowledge, rather he possesses it fully.
There are no gaps in his knowledge.
A few weeks before that we talked about the Sovereignty of God.
That God rules and reigns over all of creation.
That there isn’t one rogue molecule out of God’s oversight and control.
Not only is God sovereign over all things in the universe, but God is all powerful.
He is the source of all power.
He isn’t and can’t be weakened or over come.
So the God we claim to serve in those three attributes.
Is all knowing, all ruling, and all powerful.
So what’s to keep him from being a tyrant.
It’s the fact that God is all wise.
Wisdom and knowledge are closely connected.
Knowledge is information.
Whereas, wisdom is the right use of the knowledge.
Or the application of knowledge
You can be knowledgeable without being wise.
And you can be wise without having a ton of knowledge.
Pastor and Author Roger Ellsworth said it this way.
We must not confuse [wisdom] with knowledge. Knowledge is information; wisdom is application. Knowledge is comprehending facts; wisdom is handling life. Knowledge is theoretical; wisdom is practical.
Roger Ellsworth
Growing up I would always hear my parents say that I am book smart, but I have no common sense.
Meaning that I have a lot of knowledge, but not a lot of wisdom.
I’ve said it before, but it’s a good application of this truth:
Knowledge is knowing that a tomato is a fruit.
Wisdom is not putting it in a fruit salad.
Here’s a good one to apply at home and at work.
Knowledge is knowing what to say.
Wisdom is knowing whether or not to actually say it.
And here’s the thing, God has infinite and perfect wisdom, knowledge, and power.
That means that all of his choices are perfect choices.
All of his choices are after the greatest and highest end and means.
God knows all the possible outcomes and all the actual outcomes of every situation.
Of every circumstance and b/c he is all wise he always makes the best decision
Job 12:13 CSB
13 Wisdom and strength belong to God; counsel and understanding are his.
And even further than that, as Job says here wisdom belongs to God.
All wisdom. All perfect wisdom and might are God’s alone.
There is no one in all of creation that is wiser than our God.
He is the source and fount of all wisdom.
He always deals with the best use of knowledge for the highest purpose.
So you may be asking what is the highest purpose or the highest goal that God is always moving toward.
Simply put, it’s his glory.
We’re going to talk in depth about God’s glory in a few weeks, but today we need to see that God’s use of wisdom, knowledge, strength and sovereignty always serves the purpose of his glory.
Whatever God does his ultimate goal in all of it is his glory.
That’s why Paul can write in Rom 11.36.
Romans 11:36 CSB
36 For from him and through him and to him are all things. To him be the glory forever. Amen.
So glory is the end goal of God.
And his attributes are how he gets there, but what about wisdom?
Where can we see wisdom in creation.
How did God take his infinite knowledge, and apply it so that we can see just a glimpse of his beauty and glory.
This morning we are going to look at three areas of God’s wisdom on display.
We will look at his wisdom in creation
His wisdom in redemption.
And his wisdom in the lives of his children.
First let’s look at God’s wisdom in creation.

Wisdom in Creation

Psalm 19:1 CSB
1 The heavens declare the glory of God, and the expanse proclaims the work of his hands.
When it comes to God’s wisdom in creation, to those of us who believe in God it’s readily apparent that all this needed to be designed by an intelligent designer.
There is no way that order, beauty, and complexity could have arisen accidentally.
I was watching a video earlier this week with Christian mathematician, John Lennox.
He’s a super smart guy and all of us would benefit from listening to him.
And he was talking about math, as mathematicians do.
But he was saying that with math shouldn’t work.
Math and science are the ways that we understand the world around us.
Last week I talked about the fact that we as humans like to measure and quantify things.
Well math and science is how we do it.
But according to Lennox math shouldn’t work.
It’s not an accident that math works.
That these calculations actually add up.
God’s wisdom is what makes math work.
Why would I harp on math this early in the is sermon?
It absolutely blows me away that God’s wisdom in creation makes it so that we can comprehend anything about his creation.
That with his knowledge and wisdom God created a universe that could be measured and quantified.
In fact Einstein said,
“The only incomprehensible thing about the universe is that it is comprehensible.”
This is not too different from what Paul wrote to the Romans:
Romans 1:20 (CSB)
20 For his invisible attributes, that is, his eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen since the creation of the world, being understood through what he has made...
In God’s infinite wisdom, to bring him the most glory and honor, he made the universe so that we could understand and see the beauty in creation.
Let’s not forget that modern science didn’t arise until 1600 or so years after Paul wrote this.
So even pre-scientific method, Paul knew that God’s Wisdom in creation was readily apparent.
Here’s the truth, Science and faith are only at odds when they are forced to be at odds.
Many of the early scientist were deeply committed Christians.
Their desire was to find out more about who God is.
It wasn’t until relatively recently at the turn of the 20th century that the shift occured that more scientist weren’t religious in any capacity.
In fact, Chemist and Microbiologist Louis Pasteur said
“A bit of science distances one from God, but much science nears one to him.”
So I know that I’m talking about a lot of science here, but if it weren’t for God’s wisdom in the design of the universe then much of the universe wouldn’t make sense.
Let’s talk about the amazing wisdom of God’s creation.
Have you heard of what’s called the Goldilocks Zone.
It’s also called the Habitable Zone.
As you know in the story Goldilocks and the 3 bears, Goldilocks needed everything to be “just right”
When talking about the Goldilocks zone, this is the distance from a star with the right temperatures that would allow for water to remain a liquid.
Too close to the star, liquid would boil away.
To far from the star, liquid would freeze.
Just the right distance from the star, water remains a liquid.
Yet it’s not just the Goldilocks zone, its also the fact that we orbit the sun at the exact angle, speed, and distance that allows for life.
Closer and we would be burned to a crisp.
Further and we would freeze
God’s design in creation is wondrous.
It’s beautiful.
And it speaks of his glory.
Psalm 104:24 CSB
24 How countless are your works, Lord! In wisdom you have made them all; the earth is full of your creatures.
I love what theologian John Calvin said
“The whole world is a theatre for the display of the divine goodness, wisdom, justice, and power.”
Nothing in the universe just happened.
Everything in creation and in the world around us was created with purpose and wisdom.
Weather patterns, Seasons, day and night cycles.
All done with purpose and wisdom.
Divine wisdom that displays the Glory of God.
As amazing as God’s wisdom in creation is.
God’s wisdom in redemption is even more amazing.

Wisdom in Redemption

The greatest display of God’s wisdom is found in the plan and power of Salvation.
God’s plan of salvation was in motion before the foundation of the earth was laid.
Before the universe was spoken into existence God already had the plan of salvation, the plan of redemption in place.
B/c of God’s omniscience, because of his divine knowledge that is outside of space and time,
He knew that humanity would fail.
He knew that when they were presented with the opportunity to rebel against him.
When sin enticed Adam and Eve in the garden, he knew that they would take and eat.
And in taking the fruit, humanity, God’s grand creation would be separated from him.
There would be a chasm between man and God that would have to be crossed.
After the first man and woman rebelled, the heart of rebellion was passed on to each descendent.
This is the stain of original sin that we all inherit from Adam.
Every person born of man and woman is born with original sin.
We are blemished.
So how was God going to rectify the issue.
And in fixing the problem, how was he going to do it to bring about the most glory for himself.
In God’s wisdom, he always chose the path that was impossible for man to do alone.
He wanted people to see that he gets all the glory in all situations of bringing about redemption.
So God chose a man, Abraham, where the line of the savior would come.
This man and his wife were old.
And Sarah his wife was barren.
But God made a promise that they would have a child.
And at the ripe ages of 100 and 90, God gave Abraham and Sarah their one and only Son.
Through the Generations, God’s divine wisdom was always at work.
We see it at work in the Exodus event.
Abraham’s descendants were slaves in Egypt, but God still made them fruitful and they multiplied.
One of the little ones meant to be murdered by pharoah was actually raised in his house and preserved by God. His name was Moses.
Moses was then raised up to lead God’s people out of slavery, out from under the thumb of pharoah through the supernatural power of God.
Plagues and infestations were sent.
And ultimately the first born of all creatures in Egypt were wiped out.
God supernaturally led his people into the land that he promised Abraham.
They were able to conquer parts of that land, not by their own strength, but b/c God gave them the victory.
Then God’s People, the people of Israel turned against God, so God sent prophets to the people.
These prophets spoke on God’s behalf and spoke of the savior to come.
They spoke of a savior that would come in the Spirit of God.
That he would heal the blind.
Make the sick well.
One of these prophecies is found in
Isaiah 61:1–2 CSB
1 The Spirit of the Lord God is on me, because the Lord has anointed me to bring good news to the poor. He has sent me to heal the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives and freedom to the prisoners; 2 to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor, and the day of our God’s vengeance; to comfort all who mourn,
Over 300 of these prophecies are found in the OT.
And can I tell you, in the wisdom of God, Jesus fulfilled all of them.
There was a mathematician that calculated the probability of Jesus fulfilling just 8 of these prophecies.
we take 10^17 silver dollars and lay them on the face of Texas. They will cover the state two feet deep. Now mark one of these silver dollars and stir the whole mass thoroughly. Blindfold a man and tell him that he must pick up one silver dollar and say that this is the right one. What chance would he have of getting the right one?”
That’s the same probability of Jesus fulfilling just 8 prophecies.
And he fulfilled over 300.
The story of redemption has God’s power, knowledge, and ultimately wisdom on full display.
Only an all wise God could have designed the plan of redemption.
Jesus was born of a virgin meaning that he didn’t have the stain of original sin that is passed down from Adam through the male.
He was born blameless.
He was also born under the law.
He was born to the people that the Law of God was given.
And though everyone before him had broken it.
All had failed, even the heroes of the faith. Abraham, Moses, David,
Jesus kept the law perfectly.
No sin. No disobedience.
Perfect Submission to the father in word and deed.
Submission unto the point of death.
Death on a cross.
Now here’s where human wisdom and divine wisdom separate.
To those outside of the Faith the thought that God would die to cover the sins of man is ridiculous.
Paul even says so in
1 Corinthians 1:18–25 CSB
18 For the word of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but it is the power of God to us who are being saved. 19 For it is written, I will destroy the wisdom of the wise, and I will set aside the intelligence of the intelligent. 20 Where is the one who is wise? Where is the teacher of the law? Where is the debater of this age? Hasn’t God made the world’s wisdom foolish? 21 For since, in God’s wisdom, the world did not know God through wisdom, God was pleased to save those who believe through the foolishness of what is preached. 22 For the Jews ask for signs and the Greeks seek wisdom, 23 but we preach Christ crucified, a stumbling block to the Jews and foolishness to the Gentiles. 24 Yet to those who are called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ is the power of God and the wisdom of God, 25 because God’s foolishness is wiser than human wisdom, and God’s weakness is stronger than human strength.
What would make sense to humanity is that we would be forgiven based on what we can do.
How good we are.
How many good deeds we do.
In fact, every religion is based upon this understanding.
If you are good in this world, you will be blessed in the next.
Whether it’s reincarnation and you come back as a higher status.
Or you get to go to a heaven like state if you are good according to the standards of this world.
But the wisdom of God and ultimately his glory would not be displayed if we could earn his favor through our obedience.
All that God has done in the history of redemption is make what is impossible possible.
So God in his divine wisdom made it to where forgiveness can never be something I obtain or gain.
Rather forgiveness is freely given through the grace of God.
That’s what brings God the most glory.
The fact that we have sinned against the infinite, holy, and perfect God demands the greatest sacrifice.
That being the body and blood of Jesus Christ.
God made flesh that came to rescue his people from their own destruction.
And to even boggle the mind of the wise of earth.
Jesus didn’t stay dead.
In fact, something amazing happened.
B/c the Father was pleased with Jesus’ He was raised from the dead.
According to the wisdom of the world.
People don’t come back to life after they die.
Once their dead, they stay dead.
But according to the wisdom of God
Jesus didn’t stay dead.
Instead he rose again to bring about a newness of life
That those who believe in Jesus can now be saved from the destruction they deserve.
The righteous and perfect life that Jesus lived will be granted to those who believe
Romans 10:9–10 CSB
9 If you confess with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. 10 One believes with the heart, resulting in righteousness, and one confesses with the mouth, resulting in salvation.
This is the great exchange in the bible.
2 Corinthians 5:21 CSB
21 He made the one who did not know sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.
In the wisdom of redemption, Jesus took the wrath of God that we deserved.
He bore the penalty of sin and death that we earned and grants us his righteous life.
Grants us the beauty of redemption and salvation.
This is the great wisdom of God working out his plans and purposes for his greatest glory.
That his enemies would become sons and daughters.
That those who are dead in their sins and trespasses will be made alive in Christ.
How glorious is this God that we serve?
How unmatched is his wisdom?
How worthy of all praise is he?
And if God’s wisdom in creation and salvation isn’t enough God also utilizes his wisdom in those he calls sons and daughters.
This is what theologians call providence.

Wisdom in Providence

Providence: The governing power of God that oversees his creation and works out his plans for it.
In God’s Wisdom he oversees your life
He knows where you are born.
He knows where you live.
He knows what happens to you in life and he uses all of that to bring about the most glory for himself.
There is not once ounce of suffering, circumstance, or trial that you go through that if you belong the Jesus isn’t use for your good and his glory.
That’s why Paul can write this
Romans 8:28–29 CSB
28 We know that all things work together for the good of those who love God, who are called according to his purpose. 29 For those he foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son, so that he would be the firstborn among many brothers and sisters.
Notice again that in God’s wisdom all things work together for the good of those who love God.
And what is the good for us?
That we become more like Jesus.
That through the trials, fire, and circumstances of our life we come out on the other side, not smelling like smoke, but looking more like Jesus.
One of the worst experiences for me was when my parents divorced.
I was 11 years old, I knew about God, but I definitely didn’t know him.
As a family, we were “Chreasters”, those who would go to church on Christmas and Easter.
And when my parents split it was hard on me.
I held a lot of anger at my father.
And that anger grew when my mom moved us from our home state to Texas.
So now, not only did my father leave, but now I moved to a new state with no friends.
A new kid in a new town. Isolated and alone.
However, God knew what he was doing.
It was in that new school that I was invited to church by a youth leader.
And through that interaction and attending that church I came to hear and believe the gospel of Jesus.
God took the worst situation in my life and turned it over for my good.
In fact, I often look back at where I’ve been just to see God’s hand and his wisdom in the providence of my life.
We also see the this type of wisdom in the life of biblical figures too.
Probably most apparently in the life of Joseph in Genesis.
Joseph was a young boy who was hated by his brothers.
They wanted to murder him b/c of how much they hated him.
Instead, in God’s providence They ended up selling him into slavery.
He was removed from his home and family and sold to a man named Potiphar.
After serving in Potiphar’s house, Potiphar’s wife tries to seduce Joseph.
Joseph resists, but is falsely accused.
He is then put in prison.
While in prison, Joseph deciphers one of Pharaoh's dreams.
Pharaoh sees the value of Joseph and then employs him as an overseer in Egypt.
Through this position, Joseph saves Egypt and the surrounding area from a Famine.
Including his family.
The family that wanted him dead.
The family that sold him into slavery.
Through God’s divine wisdom Joseph brought salvation to his people.
And Joseph says this to his brothers.
Genesis 50:20 CSB
20 You planned evil against me; God planned it for good to bring about the present result—the survival of many people.
God in his wisdom and providence saved many people from salvation through the evil of other people.
God can make straight licks with crooked sticks.
And all God really has to work with is crooked sticks.
So if you are sitting here today, I believe that it’s not an accident.
I believe that in God’s providence you have been brought here to either hear the message of the gospel.
That Jesus died for your sins so that you could be in a relationship with God.
Or to be encouraged that regardless of what you are going through God hasn’t abandoned you.
You may not know what good God is working out, but God is working.
Now if you are are follower of Jesus I want you to know that we do have access to God’s divine wisdom.
That there is wisdom for the saints.

Wisdom For the Saints

Wisdom should be the pursuit of all believers.
God has not left us alone in this capacity.
We primarily get access to God’s wisdom through his word.
That means that we have to be in his word to access the wisdom of the Lord.
Being a follow of Jesus means that we should be steeped in the wisdom of God.
Psalm 111:10 CSB
10 The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom; all who follow his instructions have good insight. His praise endures forever.
The beginning of all wisdom is fear of the Lord.
Fear of the Lord is a right view of who he is.
Fear of the Lord is a right understanding of how he operates.
If we don’t know and see who God is and how he operates we will never gain divine wisdom.
Wisdom that comes from the Lord has been communicated to us through his word and through the life of Jesus.
God is the only place where true wisdom lies.
He is the source of wisdom so the only way to gain this wisdom is if God bestows it upon us.
And God freely gives this good gift of wisdom to his children.
James 1:5 CSB
5 Now if any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God—who gives to all generously and ungrudgingly—and it will be given to him.
As much as the bible has answers to life, it doesn’t hold all the answers for every situation.
Before you through me out of the pulpit, this is what I mean.
I mean that it doesn’t tell you if you should take this job or that job.
It doesn’t tell you if you should buy this car or stick with the one you have.
It doesn’t tell you how generous you should be with what God gives you.
It doesn’t tell you what school you should attend after you graduate.
However, the scriptures and God’s divine wisdom do have principles for answering these questions.
And the primary question to ask when seeking the answer to these questions is:
How will my decision glorify God?
If this is the prism through which we look for answers to any question and we ask God for wisdom we will make the right decision.
So if you came to me and asked me if you should take a job that has been offered.
This would be the wisdom I would offer:
Is the position being offered going to hinder your relationship with God?
B/c a hindered relationship with God doesn’t glorify God.
Is this going to affect your relationship with your family?
B/c a neglected family doesn’t glorify God.
Is this going to affect your regular worship time with other believers?
B/c neglecting the church body doesn’t glorify God.
If the answer is yes to any of those questions, I don’t think it would be wise to take the position.
Listen, as followers of Jesus we have access to the one created the universe in wisdom.
The one who offers salvation in wisdom.
The one who through wisdom works all things together for the good of those who love him.
Shouldn’t we sit at his feet and ask for discernment and wisdom in the choices that we have to make.
Wouldn’t it be wise of us to submit our lives to the one who knows what he is doing at all times.
Living in the wisdom of the Lord is good for us.
So let’s continue to run to him for the wisdom we need to live the life that he has given us.
Let’s pray
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