The True Spiritual Believer
Galatians 6:1-5 Bearing Burdens
The Judaizers who came from Jerusalem thought themselves to be more spiritual than others, however, they came and disrupted the faith and growth of the Galatian believers.
Paul teaches the believers what true spirituality looks like through the Fruits of the Spirit and these 3 groups of fruits work themselves out in our interactions with other believers
Spiritual People Don’t Find Fault in Others (1-2)
Spiritual People Don’t Find Fault in Others (1-2)
Always ready to restore knowing that these fellow believers have been overtaken
Not people who are willingly sinning and are fulfilling the lusts of the flesh. Those who will not inherit the kingdom of God
But those who are true Spirit-filled believers who have been overtaken are to be restored
Always in meekness knowing that temptations come to all believers
Consider how I would want people to treat me if I had fallen prey to satan’s attacks
Remain humble because all sin starts with a spirit of pride and an uplifted heart (Proverbs 16:18)
Always in love knowing that we have been given the law of Christ
The Spirit is making us more like Christ who loves, forgives and restores even the greatest of sinners
The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace (Galatians 5:22-23) Apply these as we deal with other believers in the church and no other command will be needed
The false teachers came and began looking for fault in the believers about circumcision and the mosaic law. Not only did they find fault but they compared themselves with the Galatians believers and declared themselves righteous. This as well is not the practice of a spiritual person.
Spiritual People Don’t Compare Themselves with Others (3-4)
Spiritual People Don’t Compare Themselves with Others (3-4)
This will lead people to be deceived by their own conceived self-righteousness
This is not the practice of spiritual people but of the fools (2 Corinthians 10:12)
We will not boast but will rejoice in the abilities and opportunities that God has given us to preach Christ (2 Corinthians 10:13-14)
Prove ourselves and rejoice in our own work
We cannot control what others say and do, and we certainly cannot produce anything spiritual in other person- that is why they are called fruit “of the Spirit”
We continually place our life into the hands of God and pray for his work in sanctifying us and his church
The church is the bride of Christ. He is the husband that will purify and sanctify his bride (Ephesians 5:26)
The Fruit of the Spirit is longsuffering, gentleness, goodness (Galatians 5:22-23) Apply these as we deal with other believers in the church and no other command will be needed
The false teachers came and began comparing themselves and the believers amongst themselves. Not only did they unwisely compare but they also began blaming Paul and others for corrupting other believers and took upon themselves the responsibility to change the church.
Spiritual People Don’t Blame Others (5)
Spiritual People Don’t Blame Others (5)
We all are responsible to God for the life we have been given and the decisions we make
God has given each and every believer the Holy Spirit with His power to grow and mature in Christ
We will each give account of ourselves (Romans 14:12)
God is the judge over all believers
We have a responsibility to carry our own burdens until Christ returns and delivers us from our fallen world
Romans 14:13 teaches us not to cause others to stumble, we do this by living a godly life and encouraging others in their walk with Christ
We remain humble before Christ and the church as we keep our faith in Him who is able to keep us until the end (1 Corinthians 10:13)
The Fruit of the Spirit is faith, meekness, temperance (Galatians 5:22-23) Apply these as we deal with other believers in the church and no other command will be needed