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God is the Sovereign, Active God who upholds the universe
Acts 17:28 (ESV)
28 for “ ‘In him we live and move and have our being’;...
The Pharisees esteemed themselves as very strict observers of the Law of God.
They believed they could usher in the restoration of Israel’s independence and power as in the days of David by fulfilling God’s Laws.
But, the Law after the Fall has three functions...
The Teaching Use
Shows us the righteousness of God. Consequently, we are shown our sinfulness in transgressing the standard God upholds.
The Restraining Use
Restrains sin in a society. The Law cannot change the heart, but it can restrain outward expressions of sin.
The Moral Use
This aspect of the Law is meant to show what God delights in and how His people can honor Him with their pursuit of obedience.
That specific day would be considered a positive law added to the moral law for a specific covenant.
Positive laws are binding to those in the covenant.
Moral Laws are binding to all people, universally.
Positive laws stay or go away with the covenant.
The Mosaic covenant is done away with.
So, the positive law of the seventh day being the day of worship has been fulfilled and done away with.
But, the moral law of setting apart a proportionate time of worship for the Lord is not done away with because it is a Moral Law.
And, the practice of the NC, NT Church under the leadership of the Apostles, under the leadership of the Lord...
Established Sunday as the NC day of Worship…a celebration of the resurrection of our Savior.
A Big Difference
A Big Difference
John the Baptist was willing to DECREASE...
The RL were not.
If you’re righteousness is thought to be within you...
You will not be willing to decrease...
But, if your righteousness is outside of your self...
You cannot decrease.
You can only increase.
And, your value is in Christ, it cannot lose value.