Three Truths You Won't Hear Anywhere Else.
What in the World is Going on? • Sermon • Submitted • Presented
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We find ourselves in Revelation 14 again, this time looking at the pronounced doom on those who worship the beast and his image, those who willingly take his mark in their head or their hand. The interpretation of this passage is plain and simple: Those living in the tribulation period that reject the Savior and take the mark of the beast have sealed themselves forever against God. Their judgment is as good as fulfilled in the eyes of God. In fact God speaks of it in the “present tense” in verses 10 and 11, as if it is happening right now. That is it. That is the interpretation of this passage.
Interpretation refers to what a passage means. Today we are interested in application, or rather, what this passages means to us today.
I read this passage and was moved by a staggering fact: 25% of the world will die at the breaking of the fourth seal, then 1/3 of the population will die at the blowing of the sixth trumpet…all of this takes place BEFORE the antichrist comes on the scene and issues his mark. Even after a significant number of people have died, there will be still many more who will line up to take this mark…even while the gospel is being given in the most powerful way! I was blown away that so many could be fooled in this way.
Then it dawned on me. It’s not entirely their fault. Someone, somewhere along the way let them down. That got me thinking: Who? Who let them down? Well I said, Satan has this world under his control. A good portion of people on the earth don’t even believe he exists. I thought, “How many Christians (so-called) don’t even believe in the literal existence of Satan?”
According to Barna, roughly 40% of Christians/churches do not believe in or teach the literal existence of Satan. What in the world is going on? Satan has convinced, not just the world that he doesn’t exist, but he has convinced a good number of our churches.
Today I’m going to bring a brief message I’ve entitled: Three truths you won’t hear anywhere else. First:
Satan is Real v. 9
Satan is Real v. 9
By convincing the world that he is not real, Satan has convinced the world that God is not real. It may sound foolish, but this is all part of his plan. If he can convince the world to worship anything other than God the Creator, then he can get them, eventually to worship him.
He will do this by:
Bringing peace - false peace
We see this Revelation 6 when his man rides out on a white horse and brings peace to the land of Israel
My friends in light of what is happening right now in Gaza, if this conflict continues, if it worsens, you better believe that even the most devout Jews will be begging for someone, anyone to bring peace to their region.
I’m not saying that this conflict is the beginning of the end, but I am saying that at some point before or right after the rapture of the church, Israel will be in a state of unrest
Isn’t it exciting to be a Christian in 2023?
Bring an end to Israel
At the mid point of the trib Satan will cause the antichrist to break his treaty and turn on Israel beginning a persecution that cannot be described.
He will use the false prophet to perform miracles, including something akin to a resurrection leading millions to worship him and his image and to take his mark
This mark, oh this mark!
Take it, or lose your job.
Take it, or watch your children starve!
Take it, or go to prison!
Take it or lose your life!
Fear is a powerful motivator.
He will
Bring in a new religion!
Many will take the mark out of fear and intimidation, but many more will take it blindly and devotedly.
Satan has always wanted to be worshiped and in the last days he will have what he
Hell is Real v. 10-11
Hell is Real v. 10-11
Heaven is Real v. 12-13
Heaven is Real v. 12-13