Learning To Walk Right (Walk This Way)
Sermon Scripture
Introduction- Not Giving Thought To How We Walk
Transition To Body- Our Life/Spiritual Gait
follow, i.e., be an adherent of a person, group, or belief (Lev 26:3); 5. LN 41.1–41.24 (qal) behave, conduct, live, formally, walk, i.e., go about doing certain actions in a regular, more or less consistent manner, so possibly constituting a life or lifestyle, as an extension of the act of walking as regular and patterned (Lev 20:23)
wise, shrewd, i.e., a capacity for understanding and discernment (Pr 10:8)
be a friend, be a companion, i.e., be in an association with a person in a friendly relation based on common interests or vices (Pr 13:20; 28:7; 29:3+)
foolishness, stupidity, insolence, i.e., the state of being in complete lack of understanding, implying rebellion (Pr 10:1); 2. LN 32.42–32.61 fool, insolent person, i.e., one completely lacking understanding, implying to be a rebel against standard or person (Pr 10:18)
The OT language that describes God as executing judgment by doing evil shows “that there is no field of human action and endeavor that lies beyond Yahweh’s act of judgment. This conclusion is exemplified by the nuanced reaction to the perversion of the Zion tradition.
Acts and Consequences. Besides the ascription of affliction and disaster to a direct act of divine punishment, the OT, especially in texts of sapiential provenance, treats the correlation of acts and consequences as a model for explaining the experience of evil.