Lesson 20
John also sees in heaven what appears to be a sea of glass (15:2a) that is before God’s throne (4:6). This sea of glass probably represents God’s holiness that separates Him from all sin. The sea is mingled with fire, suggesting judgment is about to come. John also sees those who conquered the beast and its image and the number of its name (15:2b–c). These are those who remained faithful to Christ and refused to worship the Antichrist and receive his mark. Now, in heaven they are standing beside the sea of glass with the harps of God in their hands (15:2d). These are tribulation martyrs (6:9–12; 7:9–17). What are they singing (15:3a–c)?
The First Bowl of Wrath (16:2). When the first angel pours out his bowl on the earth, what happens (16:2)?
The Third Bowl of Wrath (16:4–7). When the third angel pours out his bowl on the rivers and springs, they become blood. Earth’s fresh water now becomes polluted. John then hears the angel in charge of the waters (who is apparently the “superintendent of God’s water department” during the Tribulation) declare God is the eternal Holy One because He is sending this judgment (16:5). According to this angel, why do the people on earth deserve these judgments (16:6)?
The Fourth Bowl of Wrath (16:8–9). In this judgment, the sun’s heat intensifies, scorching people with fire. It is clear something will happen to the ozone layer that protects the earth from the sun’s deadly rays. The affected people curse God’s name; they do not repent and give him glory (16:8–9). However, God’s judgments are always designed to bring people to repentance. How does 2 Peter 3:9c–d express this fact?
The Sixth Bowl of Wrath (16:12–16). When the sixth angel pours out his bowl on the great river Euphrates, it dries up (16:12a). The Euphrates is the longest (1,700 miles) and most important river in Western Asia; therefore, it is called the great river. It originates in Turkey, flowing through Syria and Iraq to join the Tigris, before emptying into the Persian Gulf (see map on page 89). It is mentioned in the first and last books of the Bible. What does God promise Abraham’s descendants in Genesis 15:18?
Therefore, John sees three unclean spirits like frogs coming out of the mouths of the dragon (Satan), the beast, and the false prophet, which are the unholy trinity. They are demonic spirits, performing signs, who go abroad to the kings of the whole world (16:13–14b). These are apparently people possessed by demonic spirits who are persuasive in speech and signs. Why do they enlist the kings, or world leaders (16:14d)?
John next parenthetically includes a word of comfort from the Lord Jesus about His return and the need to stay morally awake and spiritually clothed (16:15). The world leaders assemble armies at a place with a Hebrew name. What is it (16:16)?
The seventh bowl causes flashes of lightning, rumblings, peals of thunder, and a great earthquake such as there had never been since people were placed on earth (16:17–18). Because of the earthquake, the great city is split into three parts (16:19a). In 11:8, we learned the great city is called Sodom but is Jerusalem, where Jesus was crucified. The city being split into three parts is the beginning of geological alterations that will conclude when Jesus returns. According to Zechariah 14:4, what will happen when Christ returns and stands on the Mount of Olives?
The survivors of the hailstorm will curse God for the plague of the hail and will remain defiant and unrepentant (16:21b). However, what does 1 Thessalonians 1:10c reveal about those who trust in Jesus?