01-72 The Practice of God's Presence
Genesis 26:1-33
1979 So Great Yet So Little
One of the most infamous freethinkers of England was a man by the name of Anthony Collins, who died in 1729. He was author of the well-known “Discourse on Freethinking.” This Collins one day met a poor working man on his way to church.
“Where are you going,” asked Collins.
“To church, sir,” answered the workingman.
“Is your God a great God or a little God,” asked Collins in an attempt to confuse the mind of the poor fellow. But the church-goer gave him the perfect answer:
“He is so great, sir, that the heaven of heavens cannot contain Him, and so little that He can dwell in my heart.”
Collins later admitted that this simple but sublime answer of an uneducated man had more effect upon his mind than all the volumes of argument he had read in favor of religion.
We should never think of God as being spatially near or remote, for He is not here or there but carries here and there in His heart. Space is not infinite, as some have thought; only God is infinite and in His infinitude He swallows up all space. “ ‘Do I not fill heaven and earth?’ saith the LORD.” He fills heaven and earth as the ocean fills the bucket that is submerged in it, and as the ocean surrounds the bucket so does God the universe He fills. “The heaven of heavens cannot contain thee.” God is not contained: He contains.