Depravity of False Teachers

Growing in Grace and Knowledge  •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented   •  44:20
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Good morning Church family and guest. We are continuing today in our Series called “Growing in Grace and Knowledge” where we get from 2 Peter 3:18 “but grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To Him be the glory both now and forever. Amen.”
Today’s text is found in 2 Peter 2:10-16 and today’s message title is “Depravity of False Teachers”
The book of 2nd Peter in the Bible is a General Epistle (Apostolic Letter) written by the Apostle Peter around 63-64 A.D. It was written to all believers in general. The key personalities are the Apostles Peter and Paul.
The main theme of 2nd Peter is to warn against the increasing number of false teachers attacking the truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Peter urges his readers to make every effort to grow in their faith, to remember that the promises of God (spoken by the prophets and apostles) are trustworthy, and to beware those who teach otherwise
It needs to be said that false teachers can be those who teach within churches or they can just be people who teach lies and deceptions and who have no credentials whatsoever. Ordained or not…they are everywhere, in your family, those you work with, a neighbor, grade school teachers…anyone and everyone who is of the world are potential false teachers.
We need to be aware of the dangers that false teachers posse that way we can be better prepared to guard ourselves from their deceptive teaching.
The false teachers Peter describes as like “unreasoning animals, driven by their sinful desires and destined for destruction.”
Let us examine ourselves this morning and take this very seriously on a personal level. Let the scriptures this morning probe your heart to see if you are one of these. And if so, may the Word of the Lord convict and bring true repentance to your hearts today.
Again today’s message is about “Depravity of false teachers” lets begin
The first example of their extreme depravity and evil ways is that these false teachers show their wickedness by how they treat authority. They have “Audacious Arrogance”

Audacious Arrogance (vs.10b-13a)

They have no fear of “dignitaries” but instead they insult them (v. 10).
2 Peter 2:10 NKJV
and especially those who walk according to the flesh in the lust of uncleanness and despise authority. They are presumptuous, self-willed. They are not afraid to speak evil of dignitaries,
The Greek word for dignitaries is (doxai) which literally means “glorious ones” It is NOT clear who these “glorious ones” are.
Some Bible scholars think they are angels (good or bad). Others think they are church leaders.
It seems more likely that Peter is talking about evil, or fallen, angels.
Why is that? Well for two reasons, one because of what Peter says next in v.11
2 Peter 2:11 NKJV
whereas angels, who are greater in power and might, do not bring a reviling accusation against them before the Lord.
And second because of what we find when we read the Book of Jude.
Jude speaks about this same matter, in fact, there is similar language used.
Jude 8–9 NKJV
Likewise also these dreamers defile the flesh, reject authority, and speak evil of dignitaries. Yet Michael the archangel, in contending with the devil, when he disputed about the body of Moses, dared not bring against him a reviling accusation, but said, “The Lord rebuke you!”
Jude gives an example of Michael (a good angel) who did not rebuke Satan (an evil angel).
This shows that it is wrong for the false teachers to speak badly of evil angels, because they still have some of the glory of their Creator, even though they are fallen
We are not going to focus on the unknown, it is still hard to say who these dignitaries are, however, the point is what is more important that Peter is making, and it is that point we don't want to miss.
The point that is being made is point out the extreme pride of these false teachers in speaking against those who have more authority than them.
If “the glorious ones” (v. 10) are, in fact, celestial beings, there’s an important lesson here for Christians who like to dabble in the paranormal and take demonic activity too lightly.
Because Jesus and the apostles cast out demons and because these adventurous Christians are now in Christ, they feel like they have the same right and authority to talk to demons and put them in their place.
So pronouncements like “I rebuke you, Satan!” or “I rebuke that spirit of jealousy!” are commonplace in these false teachers/prophets vocabulary.
Arrogance is what it is, not humility, but pride.
2 Peter 2:12 NKJV
But these, like natural brute beasts made to be caught and destroyed, speak evil of the things they do not understand, and will utterly perish in their own corruption,
This text should warn us not to be careless with our spiritual authority.
If Michael was respectful of his limits, good angels—who are “greater in might and power”—hold back from judging, and Peter criticized false teachers for being reckless where angels are cautious, then we should also be careful how we speak to demonic forces.
Paul seemed to say that our role within the spiritual battles we face is more to defend than to attack. We are up against warfare that is not of this world but spiritual in nature. We are instructed in scripture to put on the full armor of God to defend our selves from attacks not be the ones attacking. Eph 6:10-20.
Peter’s second example of the extreme depravity and evil ways of false teachers is that their lust has no limits.

Limitless Lust (vs.13b-14b)

There are four statements Peter makes point out their unbridled sensuality.
2 Peter 2:13–14 NKJV
and will receive the wages of unrighteousness, as those who count it pleasure to carouse in the daytime. They are spots and blemishes, carousing in their own deceptions while they feast with you, having eyes full of adultery and that cannot cease from sin, enticing unstable souls. They have a heart trained in covetous practices, and are accursed children.
The first statement made to describe their lustful acts is the pleasure to carouse in the daytime.

Carousing in the daytime

The word carouse = “revelry” — luxury exhibited especially by overindulgence in wine and food.
Simply put it is indulgence to the high extreme that doesn't just happen in the night hours but through out the day.
Again Jude shines more light on this by stating the following in v.12
Jude 12 NKJV
These are spots in your love feasts, while they feast with you without fear, serving only themselves. They are clouds without water, carried about by the winds; late autumn trees without fruit, twice dead, pulled up by the roots;
Much like the Corinthians, who were tolerating sin “that is not even tolerated among the Gentiles” 1 Cor 5:1
1 Corinthians 5:1 (NKJV)
It is actually reported that there is sexual immorality among you, and such sexual immorality as is not even named among the Gentiles...
These false teachers partook of a kind of daylight debauchery that wasn’t even condoned by the degenerate Romans of the day. That should tell us alot.
Second, the false teachers likely were perverting the communion memorial in the church.

Perverting the Communion Memorial

The word “deceptions” (v. 13) is actually replaced in some manuscripts with “love feasts.”
This term is an obvious reference to the meal that traditionally accompanied the Lord’s Supper and one that appears to have been a favorite target for abusers.
Even if the preferred word is “deceptions,” it still likely refers to licentious conduct taking place “while they feast with you.” As if it were not enough for these teachers to be partying both day and night, their self-indulgence was being practiced at the common meal of the community that was part of the Lord’s Supper celebration.
That’s why Peter refers to the false teachers as “spots and blemishes.” Because they are associated with the community of faith, they stain and defile the body of Christ. Peter will finish his letter by exhorting his readers to be just the opposite—“without spot or blemish” (2 Pet 3:14; cf. Eph 5:27)—as they remember the Lord Jesus. But there’s no sacred ground for these false teachers. They even tarnish the feast that’s intended as a memorial to him!
Examples of today
There are several Christian denominations that affirm LGBT people and have homosexual leaders in church services, including the observance of communion. Here are a few examples:
The Episcopal Church in the United States: In 2003, Gene Robinson was the first non-celibate openly gay person ordained as a bishop in documented Christian history. The Episcopal Church officially became fully LGBTQ+ inclusive and affirming in 1976.
The Presbyterian Church (USA): This denomination is accepting of homosexuality and transgender identity and includes homosexual and transgender people in its leadership.
United Church of Christ: This denomination is also inclusive of homosexual and transgender people, including in leadership roles.
Metropolitan Community Church: This church is not only accepting of homosexuality and transgender identity but is also composed mainly of LGBT members.
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America: This church allows LGBT clergy.
These churches affirm that all individuals, regardless of their sexual orientation, can fully participate in the spiritual community, including leading in church services like the observance of communion.
Peter’s third reference to the limitless lust of these false teachers is the carousel of adultery that constantly plays in their minds.

Eyes full of Adultery

They have “eyes full of adultery” (v. 14), They lust after every girl they see; they view every female as a potential adulteress. Michael Green says...
2 Peter and Jude: An Introduction and Commentary d. Their Arrogance, Lust and Greed (2:12–16)

It becomes impossible for them to look at any woman without reflecting on her likely sexual performance, and on the possibilities of persuading her to gratify their lusts.

Peter is making an insightful observation about the human mind.
Remember the word of our Lord
Matthew 5:27–28 NKJV
“You have heard that it was said to those of old, ‘You shall not commit adultery.’ But I say to you that whoever looks at a woman to lust for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart.
Not only does lust act as an irritant; it never satisfies. It always leaves a man restless, longing for more
There is only one way of escape for the sin that they cannot cease from…it is the way of death to sin and rising to newness of life. The only alternative is to identify with Christ in His death and resurrection. It is the only way of victorious living which Peter refers to in 1 Peter 4:1-3
1 Peter 4:1–3 NKJV
Therefore, since Christ suffered for us in the flesh, arm yourselves also with the same mind, for he who has suffered in the flesh has ceased from sin, that he no longer should live the rest of his time in the flesh for the lusts of men, but for the will of God. For we have spent enough of our past lifetime in doing the will of the Gentiles—when we walked in lewdness, lusts, drunkenness, revelries, drinking parties, and abominable idolatries.
Fourth and finally, the severe lust of the false teachers is manifested in their refusal to travel their journey alone. Look at vs. 14 again.
2 Peter 2:14 (NKJV)
...enticing unstable souls. They have a heart trained in covetous practices, and are accursed children.

Wanting Others to Join Them

Peter says, “They seduce unstable people” (v. 14).
These guys want others to join them on their perverted path.
Sin loves company, and these false teachers will do whatever it takes to persuade people into their net and join them in their sin.
The third example Peter gives of the extreme evil of the false teachers is their instinctive greed.

Greedy Gain (v.14c-16)

False teachers have hearts trained in greed and are accursed children (v. 14).
They are not motivated by love for God or his glory, but by love for money and power.
They exploit their followers and use them as a means to enrich themselves and advance their own agenda.
Peter compares their greediness to Balaam the OT prophet who only cared about profit in money not profit in righteousness.
2 Peter 2:15–16 NKJV
They have forsaken the right way and gone astray, following the way of Balaam the son of Beor, who loved the wages of unrighteousness; but he was rebuked for his iniquity: a dumb donkey speaking with a man’s voice restrained the madness of the prophet.
Jude 11 NKJV
Woe to them! For they have gone in the way of Cain, have run greedily in the error of Balaam for profit, and perished in the rebellion of Korah.
They have followed the way of Balaam, who was a prophet who sold his gift for money and tried to curse God’s people.
They have ignored the warning of God, who spoke through a donkey to rebuke Balaam for his wickedness and madness.
The false teachers are a serious threat to the church and to our souls.
They are not only deceivers, but also deceived. They are not only enemies of God, but also of themselves.
They are not only doomed to destruction, but also bring destruction upon others.
We must beware of them and avoid their teachings and doctrines at all costs.
We must cling to the truth of God’s word and follow the example of Christ.
We must walk in holiness and obedience to God’s will, and resist the temptations of the flesh and the world.
We must trust in God’s grace and power to keep us from falling, and to deliver us from evil.
Let us pray!
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