Sermon Tone Analysis
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< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
Exposing the Lies Part 1
Pre-Tribulation Rapture.
The first in a series of false doctrines that must be exposed.
You know we as
Christians are not being given the full “Terms and Conditions” of our faith.
There are
things that we are not being told.
Important things.
In this message I am going to talk
about a very poisonous bit of Doctrine.
According to most Baptist/Pentecostal
Church's, they will tell you that the Church will be raptured before the Tribulation
Therefore, don't worry, you wont face any tribulation and its all wonderful.
Sounds rather Like this “They say still unto them that despise me, The Lord hath
said, Ye shall have peace; and they say unto everyone that walketh after the
imagination of his own heart, No evil shall come upon you,” Jeremiah 23:17
Jeremiah 23 is purely based on the lying and Prophets of the days of the Prophet
Thus even back then, they told the lie that ye shall have peace and no evil
shall come upon you.
Its a lie.
Lets get into the Message.
I. Parable of the Tares and the Wheat.
Mat 13:24-30
In this part of Scripture the Saviour explains that the Tares and the Wheat grow
together until the Harvest.
Then it is the reapers who FIRST gather the tares
and burn them!
See Mat 13:30
Now, I understand that is a parable spoken by Christ but you will see by the
end of the Message that this ties in with the rest of the message and that the
Rapture is false and we shall go through Tribulation.
II.Jesus explains the time lines
Beginning of troubles Mat 24:5-8
This is leading up to the start of the seven year Tribulation, with roamers of
war, People claiming to be the Christ and Messiah and all kinds of false
doctrines arise Earthquakes and boy have we seen a rise in them.
Famines and
pestilences are all just the start of it.
Tribulation Begins- Peace Treaty Signed Dan 9:27
I would firstly encourage you to read all of Chapter 9 to fully understand verse
27 and then cross reference with Mat 24:15
You will see that this is where the tribulation begins.
This lines up with
Mat 24:15-20 This then becomes a difficult struggle for survival for
believers as even during this time we will be speaking to people and giving
people the Gospel.
We will go through Tribulation, we will struggle many will
be martyrs, Food will be scarce and even during this time will see even family
members turning each other in.
It is difficult to put into words the type of
hardship we will face, but mark my words you will face it.
There is no mention
of the return of Christ yet in the Scriptures I have listed.
Mid-Tribulation- The breaking of the Peace Treaty
The Great Tribulation.
Dan 9:27 Read the verse again and cross Reference with
Mat 24:21-28
OK we are half way through the Tribulation.
At this point believers have faced
all kinds of difficulty Forgive me for not going through the Trumpet
Judgments and Horsemen but this is not what this message is about.
This is
about dis-proving a lie.
In any case it is now about to get worse for Christians.
The Beast is indwelled and is bout to enforce the mark, the reason I mention
the mark is specifically it reflects directly on the message.
One of the
potential dangers of this miserable lie is that the mark will be taken as
believers will assume it is not the mark because they have not yet been
By the way I wager that Satan will be more Subtle than to stamp 666
in your right or forehead.
End of Tribulation 7 years- Christ Returns.
Mat 24:29-31 Now Christ appears AFTER the Tribulation
That should be all that is needed to any true believer of Scripture.
However I
realize that there is the folk out there whom if God asked them to turn and walk
right, they would want to know why they cant walk left.
So for the benefit of
those who love the lies.
Cross References with Mat 24
1st Thes 4:14-17 refers to the coming of the Lord in the air, this is simple to
cross reference with Matt 24:31
Paul Himself makes it clear we will face the Tribulation.
1st Thes Chapter 3
In this Chapter shows clearly especially in Verse 13 That this Tribulation will
happen before the coming of the Lord.
Once again I refer you to Matt 24:31
So this isolates 1st Thes 4:17 to wit, this can only be the coming of the Lord
foretold by the Saviour himself in Mat 24:31 AFTER the tribulation.
The evidence from Revelation.
Rev 7:13,14 those who came through the Great Tribulation who washed
there robed in the blood of the Lamb.
Let us cross reference again with
1st Thes Chapter 3 and Mat 24 It all leads back to the appearing of Christ
after the Tribulation, there is no Scriptural Evidence to suggest any Rapture
takes place before this Tribulation or evidence to suggest Christ comes to take
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9