A crazy man's Chorus (2)
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Psalm 34 (1-10)
The Subscription tells us that this Psalm was about the time when David changed his behavior before the great king of Gath.
That's right this was the city and birthplace of Goliath. We know the victory David won over the Philistines in his defeat of the giant of Gath, in fact songs were sung of David's great triumph but these songs and fame very quickly became a problem for David.
Saul, his king, became envious and jealous and sought to have David killed many times and many ways. From the tip of Sauls spear to the sending out to the front lines of battle David's life was in peril and remained to be so he fled on the run all over Israel place to place till at last his faith failed. Tired and worn out, confused and exhausted mentally emotionally, no doubt physically. Found himself lying to a priest for food and protection and soon after that finding asylum in the land of his enemies the philistines. (1 Sam 21:10-15)
Now after getting kicked out of the land David finds himself in the cave of Abdulam in the hill country southwest Jerusalem. Its in this cave where I believe he and all his fellow outlaws assembled. I can imagine David picking up his favorite instrument the harp and turning this cave into a Choir box singing out psalm 34
David’s Decision (1-3)
Praises God in all Situations. (1)
He resolved no matter what happened to him to praise the Lord.
In the storm.
In the successes.
In the silence.
His praise was not kept silent. (1-3)
With his whole heart. ( psalm 91) let your light so shine.
With his lips.
Because of Joy. “ …They Shall be Glad”...
Because of Humility. “ ..They SHALL listen..”
God resisteth the Proud. And so do others. Humility give grace or affords pleasure, sweetness,loveliness charm, favor. I have even read a Holy Influence( James 4:6)
Because of Leadership. “.. Magnify the Lord with ME..”
I must lead you by example. Mom Dad you must lead by example. In times of trouble and in time of peace we should try to be consistent with how we live. David understood that he had a captive audience. One that was watching his life, his choices, his every response.
Praise is a source of strength
When we praise God it takes are minds off the temporal and transports our minds to the eternal. Things that are sure, like our salvation, things that are solid. Like or Rock Jesus who has won the victory and through him can also give us claim to victory over our circumstances and situations.
When we praise God it can cause our HEARTS not to be troubled because of the hope we have! ( John 14 1-3)
Romans 8: 28 And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God according to His purpose!
Or minds must be able to Go back and try to see the Good in every circumstance.
David’s Dependency ( 4-6)
David undoubtedly fixed his mind and eyes on the goodness that God had done for him in the past learning that the Lord was the one who he could truly rely on and trust for salvation.
Was upon the Lord. “ I sought the Lord”
Look Not upon yourself… he tried to fix it himself by going to Nob for food and a weapon. ( 1 sam: 21)
Look Not to another King… He sought refuge in King Achish from all his problems.
Look Expectantly ( 5)
To The Same king (pause) The same king that Delievered from the paw of the lion, and the paw of the bear. The king that delivered him from the mighty hand of the Philistine whos name was Golithath, a Giant! Who is this king? Who is it that he sought. KING JESUS!!!!
B. Was based on need… ( This poor man criedout) (6)
His fears were overwhelming.
His troubles where to great
David’s Discovery (7-10)
God protects. (7)
God Provides. ( 8-10)
1. Because He is Good
There you can put God To the test and see that He IS GOOD! ( 1 peter 2-3)
2. Because He is Faithful.
3. Because He can not change.
I imagine Dave thinking back to when he was fearful of what the king of gath was going to do with him and panics and begins to pretend to be mad so well that he is kicked out and taken to the nearby border. Alive but with nothing , no food, nothing to drink, no friends or family. But he had the Lord…Jehovah Jireh
Now in the cave recognizing The lord delivered him…