Deacon Ordination
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Today is a special service.
Today we gather together to witness and to celebrate the calling of two of the congregation to the servant position of Deacon.
Jeremy Oglesby and Dylan Crabb.
What is Ordination?
What is Ordination?
The model for this service is found in Acts 6:1-7.
In those days, as the disciples were increasing in number, there arose a complaint by the Hellenistic Jews against the Hebraic Jews that their widows were being overlooked in the daily distribution. The Twelve summoned the whole company of the disciples and said, “It would not be right for us to give up preaching the word of God to wait on tables. Brothers and sisters, select from among you seven men of good reputation, full of the Spirit and wisdom, whom we can appoint to this duty. But we will devote ourselves to prayer and to the ministry of the word.” This proposal pleased the whole company. So they chose Stephen, a man full of faith and the Holy Spirit, and Philip, Prochorus, Nicanor, Timon, Parmenas, and Nicolaus, a convert from Antioch. They had them stand before the apostles, who prayed and laid their hands on them.
So the word of God spread, the disciples in Jerusalem increased greatly in number, and a large group of priests became obedient to the faith.
The term ordination is the setting aside of an individual for a particular purpose. In Acts 6, the Greek word for appoint in verse 3, is kathistemi, pronounced kat-is’-tay-mee. It comes from the combination of the Greek word “kata” which means down, or over against. This is combined with the word, “histemi” meaning to cause to stand, to set. Combined it becomes something like :down set, which is translated “to ordain” or in the case of Acts 6:3, to Appoint.
Brothers and sisters, select from among you seven men of good reputation, full of the Spirit and wisdom, whom we can appoint to this duty.
What is the ROLE of the Deacon?
What is the ROLE of the Deacon?
The purpose, then, of ordination for the individual is the signifying of the sense of a calling by God, and their committing of their life to a particular ministry.
For the local congregation it is the acknowledgement, approval and authorization for the individual to serve the church in ministry
But we will devote ourselves to prayer and to the ministry of the word.” This proposal pleased the whole company. So they chose Stephen, a man full of faith and the Holy Spirit, and Philip, Prochorus, Nicanor, Timon, Parmenas, and Nicolaus, a convert from Antioch.
Acts 6:5 - this proposal pleased the whole company
In those days, as the disciples were increasing in number, there arose a complaint by the Hellenistic Jews against the Hebraic Jews that their widows were being overlooked in the daily distribution.
Deacons serve the church and are connected with the congregation in a different way than the pastor.
Deacons, Gentlemen, You are there to serve (the name deacon means servant), and thus, as much as is possible and within reason, you are there to attempt to keep the congregation happy!
This means critical thinking and conflict resolution, for the promotion of UNITY!
This allows the other office, the office of Pastor/Elder to focus on the work assigned to us by God:
But we will devote ourselves to prayer and to the ministry of the word.”
to equip the saints for the work of ministry, to build up the body of Christ, until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of God’s Son, growing into maturity with a stature measured by Christ’s fullness.
So the word of God spread, the disciples in Jerusalem increased greatly in number, and a large group of priests became obedient to the faith.
The Role of a Deacon is to be exactly what the name means: servant. Deacons SERVE!
Qualifications of a Deacon
Qualifications of a Deacon
In the Bible,
the primary emphasis is given to what a deacon is to be, not what a deacon is to do.
The inference is, if a person is who he ought to be, he will do what he ought to do.
They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching, to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread, and to prayer.
Deacons, likewise, should be worthy of respect, not hypocritical, not drinking a lot of wine, not greedy for money, holding the mystery of the faith with a clear conscience. They must also be tested first; if they prove blameless, then they can serve as deacons. Wives, likewise, should be worthy of respect, not slanderers, self-controlled, faithful in everything. Deacons are to be husbands of one wife, managing their children and their own households competently. For those who have served well as deacons acquire a good standing for themselves and great boldness in the faith that is in Christ Jesus.
The Qualifications of a deacon are there for everyone.
We should all be asking ourselves these questions and striving to have these qualifications.
Every follower of Christ!
Brothers and Sisters we should break these verses down and ask ourselves:
Am I devoted to the teachings of the Word of God?
Devoted? What does devoted mean? It means to be irredeemably dedicated to God!
Am I DEVOTED to the teachings of the Word of God?
Am I devoted to fellowship with fellow believers?
Am I devoted to the breaking of bread -
to unity and taking care of others?
Am I devoted to prayer?
Am I am man of dignity?
Worthy of respect?
Am I a man of my word?
Can I be trusted?
Am i someone who people can look up to, without offense?
Am i a man who honors Christ with how I view and treat money?
Do I hold to the mystery of the faith with pure conscience?
Am I endeavoring to clearly understands what I believe and why?
DO I strive to be honest, dependable, above repreoach?
Is my household honoring the Lord?
Am I the godly leader in my home?
Are my eyes for my spouse alone?
Am I leading my children to love Jesus?
Am I guided by the Spirit?
These questions seem difficult, but these are literally the qualifications of a deacon! These are the standards set by God! And all of these questions are actually simple to answer! They are not complicated!
Am I or Am I NOT? YES or NO to each question! Simple.
Everyone in this room has the capacity to put God first. Because the moment you get saved, you have the Holy Spirit living inside of you, and with that Spirit power, these standards are achievable.
Deacon is an example
Deacon is an example
Imitate me, as I also imitate Christ.
A Deacon is to be a chief example of how Christians ought to be.
While some have the ability to, a deacon isn’t required to teach, he is required to serve.
And so the quality of a deacon’s life must be exemplary.
He must be elder-like in his character.
Charge to the Deacons
Charge to the Deacons
Deacons, accountability.
Charge to Jeremy and Dylan
Charge to Jeremy and Dylan
Earlier I asked a whole lot of questions. You Gentlemen have gone through testing. You have had time of reflecting. Do you believe that you are living up to the standards God set for deacons?
Do you vow to be a servant, first to Christ then to your church as long as you're an active deacon? The candidate will answer.
Do you vow to be an assistant to your pastor and do all you can to support him as God's leader? The candidate will answer.
Do you vow to be consistent in your study of the Word of God showing yourself approved and a workman unto God? The candidate will answer.
Do you vow to maintain your beliefs in the Doctrine you affirmed during your deacon ordination counsel? The candidate will answer.
Do you vow to live up to the qualifications of a deacon found in 1 Timothy 3:8-13? The candidate will answer.
Do you vow to be a witness by sharing the gospel to those who are unbelievers? The candidate will answer.
Do you vow not to neglect your family and love your wife as Christ loved the Church? The candidate will answer.
Do you vow that you will vote in the future to ordain only men who are truly
qualified for the deacon ministry? The candidate will answer.
Jeremy and Dylan, are you prepared to step from the roll of layperson, member, to the roll of servant Deacon?
If so, would you please come join me here. You and your wife.
Laying of Hands
Laying of Hands
The one particular thing that stands out ceremonially is the laying on of hands. This was frequently used in the New Testament as a public and formal act of setting aside for ministry individuals (Acts 6:6, 13:3, 1 Timothy 4:14 and 5:22, and 2 Timothy 1:6).
All Deacons please join us.
(at this time each ordained minister or deacon will come and place their hands on his head whispering words of hope, encouragement, and prayer.)
Pastor Leads:
As these persons are ordained by God and the church for the ministry of deacon to which we believe they have been called by the Holy Spirit, let us pray for them.
We thank you, Lord God,
that in your great love
you sent Jesus Christ
to take the form of a servant,
becoming obedient even to death on the cross,
and now resurrected and exalted in the heavens.
You have taught us, by his word and example,
that whoever would be great among us must be servant of all.
Give these servants grace to be faithful to their promises,
constant in their discipleship,
and always ready for the works of loving service.
Make them modest and humble, gentle and strong,
rooted and grounded in love.
Give them a share in the ministry of Jesus Christ.
Deacons pass by:
Challenge to the Church
Challenge to the Church
Pray for deacon
Pray for deacon
First and foremost we MUST be a praying church and we MUST pray for those in the position of Deacon, and especially for those entering into the role; because the devil WILL attack them. We must not focus on the attacker but on the Great Guardian, the Great Protector, Sustainer, Provider - and we do this through prayer!
It has been said, "If you depend on organization, you get what organization can do; if you depend on money, you get what money can do; if you depend on education, you get what education can do; if you depend on promotion, you get what promotion can do; if you depend on prayer, you get what God can do."
We desperately want what God can do.
Pray for our deacons.
Encourage the deacons
Encourage the deacons
Second, the church should encourage its deacons.
Being an assistant to the Pastor, and a servant to the church, and a witness to the world is not an easy or even an enviable responsibility.
They will spend long hours fulfilling their responsibilities. They will wrestle with hard problems in the congregation.
They will receive criticism.
Do you know what the best part of being in ministry is? The people.
Do you know what the worst part of being in ministry is? The people.
Those who serve the Church will receive criticism! So be encouraging!!
WE ALL will need your encouragement.
One of Satan's primary tools in ministry is discouragement.
If he can drive the wedge of discouragement into our Christian commitment and service, he has won a major victory .
Mark Twain once said, "I can live three months on one good compliment."
There is enough discouragement in the world without our adding to it.
May God grant that all of us will be encouragers.
So now I ask you, CHURCH, will you fulfill your duty to your deacons?