Radical Disciple-Making (Acts 10)

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if this life is all there is
then do what makes you happiest
eat, drink, and be merry for tomorrow we die
live life to the fullest
get the newest and best
be with who makes you happy and change as much as necessary
live for YOU!!!
BUT if this is life is not all there is and eternity awaits
the words of Jesus cannot be overlooked
Matthew 16:24-27
does this describe your life? my life?
sold out to Jesus means we live different kinds of lives
are you living for your glory
OR are you living for God’s glory in Christ?
as a disciple of Jesus, are you ready for...

Radical Disciple-Making (Acts 10)

pew Bible page 1091
Peter’s obedience in Acts 10 will stir up a controversy that has been brewing for centuries
Acts 10:1-11:18 is longest single narrative in Acts
Luke (more like HS) places great importance on this incident
many repetitions
underlines the importance of the event
10:1-8 Cornelius’s vision
10:9-16 Peter’s peculiar vision
Leviticus 20:25-26
black screen
10:17-23 Peter’s journey to Cornelius’s home
10:24-33 Peter’s encounter with Cornelius
10:34-43 Peter’s gospel-centered sermon
While Peter was still saying these things…
10:44-48 Holy Spirit descends on Gentiles
Peter announced that everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved (2:21)
now he understands the implications of his own preaching
at Pentecost
HS poured out on Jewish believers (Acts 2)
Samaritans received HS when apostles laid hands (Acts 8)
now Gentiles received HS same as Acts 2 (Acts 10)
Gentile Pentecost
clearly God wanted the apostles to be eyewitness to what He was doing
for us
receiving HS is unique
but not necessary for salvation
look at other salvations in Acts
lame beggar (Acts 3)
Ethiopian eunuch (Acts 8)
Saul (Acts 9)
they believed and were baptized
Peter—God clearly baptized them w/HS, is there any reason we should not baptize them with water? (10:47)
trouble brews…
11:1-18 Peter’s defense back in Jerusalem
strict Jewish Christians had issues
Peter recounts account
Luke makes sure this account takes up a lot of real estate
spark a chain of events that will need to be settled at Jerusalem Council in Acts 15
will Gentiles need to trust Jesus AND become Jews?
NO, but takes early church some time to come to that conclusion
this account is a great reason why
what does Acts 10 have to do with disciples of Jesus on Oct 29, 2023?
1. Thriving in evangelism [define] comes from abiding in Jesus
John 15:5
back to point
prayer (10:9)
closely tied to Bible
remember they did not have luxury we do with BIBLE
much like Jesus (Mark 1:35)
Peter retreated to the roof to be free from distractions
not a prescribed time of prayer for Jews
HS leads through prayer
prayer is time for opening up to God and enabling His leading
prayer requires commitment in this busy world
set alarm earlier (go to bed earlier)
set alarm clock on other end of house near coffee pot
Unless you spend significant time in regular prayer, God’s voice will be difficult to discern. Without much time in regular prayer, you will be spiritually 'hard of hearing' and God will often seem distant.” Gregory Frizzell
Christian, what does your prayer life look like?
do you spend enough time with the Lord through His Word and prayer?
are you hard of hearing?
meditation (10:19)
inwardly perplexed (10:17) led to pondering (10:19)
meditation is where God has a chance to speak based on His Word
fill your mind with God’s Word
ever feel like your prayers are all the same???
Don Whitney in Spiritual Disciplines
during Peter’s meditation is when HS speaks (10:19)
radical is not Peter
radical is HS
2. Jesus is adding people unlike you to His Church
are you okay with that???
people that are different
prejudices were ripe in Israel (10:28)
centuries of conflict
Jew never enter home of Gentile
even God-fearer
Jew never invite Gentile in home
Israel’s doctrine of election was twisted
falsely embraced as favoritism
Gentiles = dogs
in Acts 10
how would God break down Peter’s prejudices and racial discrimination?
this account is as much about Peter’s conversion as it is of Cornelius
what did it take for God to break through?
divine vision
divine command
divine preparation (Cornelius)
divine action (HS came)
Peter even relapsed (Galatians 2:11 “But when Cephas came to Antioch, I opposed him to his face, because he stood condemned.”)
when (not if) we start following the HS and reaching people who may not be just like us,
Satan will love to use conflict just like Jew/Gentile in early church
the ground is indeed level at the foot of the cross
inclusive: the invitation is to all (All means All)
exclusive: only through Jesus
clear that Jesus was behind this encounter
apostles had no Gentile mission plan
Peter planned NONE of this encounter with Cornelius
apostle Peter
trained by Jesus
filled with HS
leader of the 12
BUT this movement began with Jesus, not Peter
Peter responded to Jesus, but Jesus was in charge of the mission
precise timing is not coincidental, rather providential
Peter is praying and seeing vision while men from Cornelius are approaching
Peter nor Cornelius took initiative in this encounter
all totally under Jesus’ direction
if you are comfortable with a church full of people like you,
then you are not open to the church Jesus is building right here at FCC
our church should not be filled with people that are the same
if it is, then we are not sharing the gospel with the people God wants us to
the radical in this story IS NOT Peter
the radical in this account IS GOD
God the Son
God the Holy Spirit
the HOLY SPIRIT will lead us to evangelize people that are not in our social circle
will you be sensitive enough to hear Him and bold enough to follow?
will you embrace the people God saves and sends our way?
3. Jesus is building His Church through disciple-makers like you
clear command (Matt 28 and Acts 1:8) for all followers of Jesus
what holds you back from obeying the Lord like Peter?
what will I say?
So Peter opened his mouth (10:34a)
about Jesus (10:36-43)
the angel did not preach the gospel to Cornelius
that privilege was entrusted to Peter
what will people think?
fear came true for Peter (11:1-18)
who do you fear more? people or God
how is it evidenced in your life?
if same HS that empowered fisherman to speak Jesus to the HOSTILE religious leaders,
then surely you can share Jesus with your neighbor
who is God preparing you to share Jesus with???
Love INC laundry facility

4. Good isn’t good enough…only Christ is perfect enough (salvation invitation)

“being good enough” is going to send lots of people to hell
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