Unity between Jews and Gentiles
Isn't Christ a great Savior?
Reasons for division
1. Who we are by nature
2. Slander
3. Lost condition
a. separated from Christ
b. excluded from the people of Israel
c. strangers to the covenants of promise
d. hopeless
e. without God
Reasons for unity
1. Broguth near by the blood of Christ
2. He is our peace making two groups one
3. He broke down the dividing wall
a. By abolishing hostility the law of commandments - it is clear that the commandments Christ “invalidated” are those that kept Jew and Gentile apart—the teachings on purity and separation (cf. Col 2:14) S. M. Baugh, Ephesians, Evangelical Exegetical Commentary (Bellingham, WA: Lexham Press, 2015), 192.
b. Christ created one man instead of two - IN HIMSELF
c. both reconciled through the cross - destroying hostility
4. He preached peace to us! TGC article - search TGC eph 2:15
5. No longer strangers or aliens - rather fellow citizens, but members of the household of God
6. Common foundation (the apostles and prophets)
7 Common cornerstone (Christ)
8. One strucutre growing as a holy temple
9. One dwelling place for God