Stephen's Sermon

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Gospel Through The Patriarchs


The world had once again fallen into a level of sin that God had to do something about. Rather than flood the earth again, He would call a nation unto Himself. Abraham would be that father of that Nation.
He told Abram to leave his home and relatives to go to a place that He would show Him. He was living in the land of the Chaldeans. They are Babylonians. This is a group of people that are notorious for licentious living and false gods. Abram would have to leave his life behind and start a new one.
God led Him to the promise land but did not give him possession of it. He told him that he would take ownership of it through his promised son. The only thing is that his wife was barren and they were both beyond childbearing years.
When Abram was 100 years old Sarah became pregnant and had the son of the promise. This is something that only God could do.
Abraham Gospel
Abraham had a sin problem in himself and his family. He would have to leave his country and begin a new life. This is repentance! He would have to trust God to be rewarded for his repentance. This was in the promised son Isaac. This is a foreshadowing of Christ. He too is the promised Son. It was through Isaac that he would take possession of the promised land. Jesus is the only way we can get access to the promised land. John 14:6
John 14:6 NASB95
Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father but through Me.
The only way you can get to the promised land is through Jesus.


Abraham had Issac, Issac had Jacob, and Jacob had Joseph. Joseph was a foreshadowing of Christ. He was a man that went through the hardships of life to get to a position that he would save the world.
When he was a by his brothers sold him into slavery. When in Egypt he became a servant to Potiphar. Potiphar’s wife falsely accused him of trying to sleep with her. He was sent to prison. He met the cup bearer and baker of the king. He interpreted their dreams that ended up coming true. He ask the cup bearer to try to get him put of prison but he forgot him. The pharaoh had a dream and Joseph interpreted it. The dream was about a great famine. Pharaoh put Joseph in charge of the land and Joseph saved the world through his planning.
Joseph said those famous words in Gen. 50:20
Genesis 50:20 NASB95
“As for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good in order to bring about this present result, to preserve many people alive.
Joseph’s Gospel
Just as Joseph had to go through the hardships of life to fulfill the plan that God had for him so did Jesus. Jesus had to go through the hardships of life so he could perfectly identify with the people he came to save. He did so and then he was crucified. He was crucified because he lived a life as we do yet without sin. This qualified him to take the punishment for our sin . John 1:29
John 1:29 NASB95
The next day he saw Jesus coming to him and said, “Behold, the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!
It seems awfully cruel and mean that we crucified Jesus when he had done nothing wrong, but we must remember the words of Joseph. We meant it for evil but god used it for salvation.


Moses was a man that god chose to use to lead Israel out of captivity from Egypt. Israel had been in bondage in Egypt for 400 year and God heard the cries of his people. He called Moses to lead the people out of captivity and into the promise land. God sent 10 plagues on Egypt and they finally let them go. They pursued them up to the Red sea and pinned them in. God parted the red sea and the Israelites passed through on dry ground. When Pharaohs army pursued them the Lord wiped them out in the sea.
God called moses to the top of the mountain to give him instructions on how the Israelites were to live in relationship with him through the giving of the 10 commandments. While he was on top of the mountain the people rebelled and worshiped a golden calf. God judged the people and caused them to wander in the desert for 40 years. He brought Moses to the promised land and let him see it but not take possession of it because of his sin. He rose up Joshua and conquered the promise land.
Moses Gospel
Just as the Israelites were in bondage and suppression from Egypt, we are in bondage to sin and it oppresses us. Just as Moses was the deliverer for Egypt from their bondage, Jesus is the deliverer from our bondage of sin.
As moses was given the law to show how to live in relationship with Him, Jesus has given us the way to live in relationship with Him. Matt. 16:24
Matthew 16:24 NASB95
Then Jesus said to His disciples, “If anyone wishes to come after Me, he must deny himself, and take up his cross and follow Me.
Salvation from sin comes from following Jesus. This happens through repentance of sin and faith in Jesus.


David was a man after God’s own heart. He was a shepherd that defeated the giant Goliath. God used this to promote David to the throne of Israel. Though David was not a perfect person, he was the best king Israel had ever had.
He was a godly man that loved God with all his heart. It was this that made David the most powerful king in Israel’s history. God made a promise to David that He would send the Messiah through his lineage and would establish an Eternal King.

David Gospel

Our sin is our Goliath. Jesus is our David. He is the One that defeats our sin and makes us kings and queens. One day we will stand before and worship the king of kings and Lord of Lords.


Stephen called the Sanhedrin to repent of their sin . Acts 7:51-53
Acts 7:51–53 NASB95
“You men who are stiff-necked and uncircumcised in heart and ears are always resisting the Holy Spirit; you are doing just as your fathers did. “Which one of the prophets did your fathers not persecute? They killed those who had previously announced the coming of the Righteous One, whose betrayers and murderers you have now become; you who received the law as ordained by angels, and yet did not keep it.”
He is standing before the 71 most powerful religious men and calling them sinners. He told them that their hearts resist the Holy Spirit. He calls them out on receiving the Law but not living according to it.
He insinuated that they needed to stop behaving like their forefathers and believe in Jesus Christ the One the prophets said would come.
We need to stop living like our old selves and live according to the Spirit. I am here to proclaim that Jesus is God’s Son and wants to save you this morning.

Eternal Life

When Stephen called them out for their sin, they were angered and ran him out of town and stoned him. However, as he was being stoned he saw Jesus at the right hand of the Father. He ask the Lord to receive his spirit and forgive the people for what they were doing.
Folks there will be a day when we come to the end of our life. Will we go with the same confidence as Stephen?
You can today! You have heard the gospel. If you are willing to repent of your sins, put your faith in the deathe burial and ressurection of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins, and follow him, you can be saved. You too wil see the same ting Stephen saw and leave this world with the same confidence.
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