From Fear to Faith: Trusting God in the Midst of Chaos | Psalms: An Exile's Prayer Book | Psalm 3 | John Lee

Good morning! My name is John Lee and I serve Mission Church as the Lead Pastor. The mission and vision of our church is to partner with God to see His Kingdom come in Las Vegas as it is in Heaven. And we believe that the best way of accomplishing our mission is by loving Jesus…by pursuing a life that lives like Jesus...... and by intentionally sharing the gospel and leading others to know and to love Jesus.
Now.....If you have a Bible please open it up to Psalm chapter 3.....Psalm 3....If you’re new around here ....we have been preaching through the book of Psalms the past few years…..and.....we usually dedicate our summers to this great collection of poetry. However....there are times throughout the year when a visit to the Psalms is helpful. And today ......well is one of those days’re going to take a week off from that we might consider Psalm 3 and explore how we can pray and process through our fears and our anxieties. So.....When you find Psalm 3 in your Bible and if you able to....please stand for the reading of God’s Word
Psalm 3 (CSB)
A psalm of David when he fled from his son Absalom.
1 Lord, how my foes increase!
There are many who attack me.
2 Many say about me,
“There is no help for him in God.”
3 But you, Lord, are a shield around me,
my glory, and the one who lifts up my head.
4 I cry aloud to the Lord,
and he answers me from his holy mountain.
5 I lie down and sleep;
I wake again because the Lord sustains me.
6 I will not be afraid of thousands of people
who have taken their stand against me on every side.
7 Rise up, Lord!
Save me, my God!
You strike all my enemies on the cheek;
you break the teeth of the wicked.
8 Salvation belongs to the Lord;
may your blessing be on your people.
This is the Word of the Lord
Have you ever felt like your life was crumbling all around you? Have you experienced the suffocating grip of fear, the relentless waves of anxiety, or the overwhelming weight of stress? Have you ever felt so emotionally frozen that you were unable to move? or....unable to see the light through the darkness? moments like’s natural for us to wonder..... How do I cope? How do I deal with this? You see.....When the fog of disappointment rolls in can lead us to wonder.......where we can turn to find peace amidst the chaos? And more importantly....... how do I pray when I find myself in the midst of a profound darkness, gripped by fear, and surrounded by seemingly insurmountable circumstances?
Well....Psalm 3 is helpful …for it’s a Psalms of Lament that serves to help us answer these questions…questions like...... “Where do I go with my pain? How do I express my sorrow? What do I do when I feel disoriented and alone?” Or.... in the case of King David....what do I do when my son has kicked me out of my own house and wants me dead? Look back at Psalm 3 and take notice of the superscription
A psalm of David when he fled from his son Absalom.
This superscription is verse 1 in the Hebrew Bible…..and it points us to a historical moment in the life of King David. A story that takes place during the end of David’s Kingship and is recorded in 2 Samuel 15-18. David had a son named Absalom…and his son essentially formed a resistance army and staged a successful coup against King David. And Absalom….well…. he was strong and he was handsome…..he was shrewd yet charismatic….and a ton of people joined his revolt against the King. In fact.... 2 Samuel 15:6 says that “Absalom stole the hearts of the men of Israel.”
As a result....David was forced to give up his throne and to flee Jerusalem......and as he fled for his life .....the Bible records that he did so weeping and barefoot.....people were even throwing rocks at him and ridiculing him! Can you imagine ? Can you imagine the fear he was experiencing as he fled for his life!?!?!……Can you imagine the heartbreak as he wept because his own son wanted him dead?!?! No doubt.....David was full of angst, anger, doubt, and anxiety and it was during this tremendous trial and test of faith that David penned this Psalm of Lament..... which speaks to the truth that maybe there’s space for some tension in our prayers …..perhaps there’s some room for the rawness of our humanity when we fall to our knees before the Lord.
In fact…Psalm 3…it not only gives us a glimpse into one of most terrifying moments in the life of King David but it also provides us with a model and an example of how we can pray when we too find ourselves going through a dark night of the soul. …and the first thing we should see is that David brings his fears to God’s attention. Look back at v1
Psalm 3:1–2 (CSB)
1 Lord, how my foes increase!
There are many who attack me.
2 Many say about me,
“There is no help for him in God.”
David’s troubles were real….they were growing.....and they were seemingly insurmountable…..and so he responded to them by praying and telling the Lord exactly what his enemies were doing and what they were saying…….and at the heart of his complaint we find the word “MANY”… “There are Many who attack me. 2 Many say about me, “There is no help for him in God.”
You see....It was enough that David’s son became his declared enemy. But now David’s people have also turned against him. These were people that David knew, they were people he loved, cared for, and trusted …and these same people were now ...not only determined to end his reign as king ......but they wanted him dead.
Now…..David’s fear was two sided….not only is he being faced with a very real physical threat…but there’s a whole other layer here and it’s in the lies that Absolom and his army were spreading about David…You see….David’s heart was broken by what his enemies were doing to him.......but his broken heart was being torn apart by what his enemies were saying about him. Look back at verse 2....
Psalm 3:2 (CSB)
2 Many say about me,
“There is no help for him in God.”
Now…..understand..... these folks are not saying that they don’t believe in God…..they’re not even saying that they don’t believe God can deliver people ….rather.....what they’re saying is, “David…….God is through with you…there is no more favor for you …there is no salvation left for you….God will not help you…He will not save you!! ” Now…this is a very different kind of attack….this isn’t a physical attack on David’s life….but it’s an attack on David’s identity….it’s an attack on his since of self, significance, and status..
“Many say about me, “There is no help FOR HIM in God.”
Underline or take note of the words “for him”.......with these two words…”for him”..... David’s enemies were implying that God .....who is more than able to help, rescue, and deliver...... was not willing to help, rescue, or deliver David. In other words.......David’s circumstances led onlookers to conclude that God had turned his back on David.
Now… understand......this was a logical conclusion. You see……there was a key moment in the life of David when his heart turned away from God and he moved towards selfish gain…remember……earlier in his reign as King.....David saw a beautiful woman bathing on her rooftop.....…. her name was Bathsheba…..and David used his power as King to force himself on her…and he got her pregnant …and if that wasn’t enough....he tried to cover his tracks and even conspired to kill her husband.
Now…after being confronted by a prophet....David confessed his sin …he repented and God forgave him. But David still had to face the natural consequences of his sin. And….It was from that moment in David’s story when his family fell apart….his kingdom fell apart…and ultimately.....his whole life fell apart.
Consider 2 Samuel 12:11
2 Samuel 12:11 (CSB)
11 “This is what the Lord says, ‘I am going to bring disaster on you from your own family....
And....well....this ominous promise came to pass through Absolom’s rebellion...... and it caused people to conclude that the Lord was done with David. He was …at one time....God’s chosen and exalted king….but not anymore…..look at him now as he runs for his life into the wilderness from his own son.
Now…understand what’s being threatened’s not just David’s life that’s being threatened…that’s true and that’s happening….. but v2 is a direct attack on David’s identity…..think about it....... Who is David now if he is not a successful king and father?
However….v2 isn’t simply a statement about David…..but it is a statement about God…and it’s a lie….and what makes this lie so powerful is that it is personal. David’s enemies proclaimed.........“There is no salvation for you in God …..There might be salvation, grace, mercy and help for other people but not for you…’re beyond hope.”
Can you relate to this feeling? ……I believe that many of us can…because one of the ways that satan lies to the people of God is to say… “All of these things in the Bible…all of the promises of God….these things are true for other people but not for you…you’re the exception to the rule.”
Some of you have heard those lies in your own heart.....or maybe you’ve even heard other people say them to you…or about you….and if that has been your experience....... I’m sorry……..But listen to me….you need to see this for what it is…It’s a lie about God disguised as a lie about you……and if satan can get you to believe the lie……. that God’s promises are true for everybody else but not for you… know what he’s gotten you to do?…..well....he’s gotten you to doubt that God is who He says He is and he has led you to a place of disbelief.
So……What do you do? How do we defeat these lies? How do we combat the thoughts of unbelief? How do we pray through our fears and anxiety? Well…..I am glad you asked………Look back at v3….. David…here…. he begins to preach the gospel to himself…and he does so by reminding himself about who God says that God other words….David moves his attention off of his circumstances and on to God and God’s character.….look at v3
Psalm 3:3 (CSB)
3 But you, Lord,’s what is true about you God....(You) are a shield around me,
my glory, and the one who lifts up my head.
Stop and think about this for a second…..what does a shield do? Well.....when I think of a shield I immediately think about protection. And…..If part of your preparation for the day includes you strapping on a shield….what is your assumption about how your day is going to go? Is your assumption… “I guess I better put on this shield just in case something bad happens?” No!….that’s not why you put on a shield….you put on a shield because you KNOW horrible things are coming.
And......I think it’s fair to say that although David trusts that things could get better …..he realizes that they’re more likely going to get worse ..…after all…. there are thousands of people chasing after him… he comes to terms with his new reality and his difficult circumstance he says, "God …you are a shield around me.”
What does this mean? Well….it means that God may not prevent bad things from happening to you...... but .......when bad things do happen......God will be right there with you protecting the most vital parts of who you are.
And……let’s be honest…how many times have you….wether you experienced a hardship in your life … a season of confusion or even a tragedy……one of the basic assumptions that we go to is we think, “My life is falling a part…this must mean that God’s not real……or God’s no longer present with me …God must have abandoned me.”
Now…’s the problem with this mindset….. the root of that thought is the belief that God’s role in your life is to prevent bad things from happening to you….it’s the idea that if God really is good and loving then he would never let anything bad happen to me…his job is to ensure that I’m always content and happy.
Church...…please hear me………that is not the God of the Bible….that God does not exist….that is not the promise that God has made…rather......... as we live in this broken world marred by sin...... horrible things are going to happen…and when they do......God has promised that he will be right there with you.....and the truth is often in the worst of times that we experience a closer intimacy with God.....because it is in and through our trials …our hardships…and our sufferings that God is using to produce in us perseverance, character, and hope. I am reminded of Romans 5:3-5.
Romans 5:3–5 (CSB)
3 And not only that, but we also boast in our afflictions, because we know that affliction produces endurance, 4 endurance produces proven character, and proven character produces hope. 5 This hope will not disappoint us, because God’s love has been poured out in our hearts through the Holy Spirit who was given to us.
You see.....David reminding himself that God is His shield.......he is essentially saying…look I’ve never felt closer to God than I do right now in the midst of this tragedy.....which leads me to think.......…could it be possible that .....whatever hardships you are experiencing right now…is precisely the tool that God is using to shape you and to mold your character…and to give you hope? [PAUSE]
So….. God is a shield protecting the most vital parts of who I am….I could die but God is still my shield…Now the question is begging to be asked….what are the most vital parts of who I am? Well…let’s look back at v3
Psalm 3:3 (CSB)
3 But you, Lord, are a shield around me,
my glory, and the one who lifts up my head.
Now…stop and think for moment..…What does David mean when he says...... “But You , Lord are my Glory?” Well......the word David uses here for glory ….is the Hebrew word Kavod .......כָּבוֹד (kābôd).…..and when this word is used towards God…it's equal to saying.....“God you are the most significant one…the most important one there is to know.”…However…we have a Kavod too…humans also have glory…..and when this word is used in reference to speaks of dignity and honor....and so David is saying… “God, my dignity and honor is secure in you.”
But …the reality is… this point in David’s life……he has lost all dignity ....he has lost all honor….he has failed as a father…he has failed as a king…..his family is completely falling apart and he has lost all of his moral integrity…and it’s all because he misplaced his glory…rather than finding meaning and significance in God he found it in being the king….he found it in power…he found it in himself…
So David…now….at the lowest point in his life…he has nothing left to say but….. “God…you are my Kavod… are my glory…you are the one who gives me significance…you are the one in whom I find my identity and meaning.” In other words...... David is essentially saying that his identity….his self-worth is rooted in who God is.......Think about it….David is literally saying, “I am somebody – not because I am a king…not because I have health and wealth – but I am somebody because I belong to the one who is the true King of heaven and earth. The Lord is my glory.”
And David doesn’t stop there…..look back at v3
Psalm 3:3 (CSB)
3 But you, Lord, are a shield around me,
my glory, and the one who lifts up my head.
David had no reason to hold his head up in confidence anymore….He took what God gave him and he ruined it…he made horrible decisions and now this was his new reality. So David.........he removes the focus off of himself and back on to God and he essentially says….. “God….you are the lifter of my head…….God…you are the one who gives me honor….you are the one who…even in the worst moments of my life…when everything around me points to the truth that I am a broken sinner and an utter failure……you are the reason I can hold my head up high because you lift my head up and you are the one who restores my dignity.”
Now……how can David be so confident that God is for Him? Well…..look at what he says next in v4
Psalm 3:4 (CSB)
4 I cry aloud to the Lord,
and he answers me from his holy mountain.
How can David be so confident? I mean.......He’s running for his life …. He’s been morally compromised…. He’s a failed father and king… can he be so confident that God has heard him and will answer him?
Well…it’s because......he knows that God answering him has nothing to do with him and it has everything to do with who God is and where God is answering him from….verse 4 says….that the Lord answers him from his holy mountain. Now.....this is important because ......these terms…. “Holy Hill”… “Holy Mountain…or Mountain of Zion”…they are all throughout the Psalms……and they speaks to the the city of Jerusalem….but more specifically they speak to the highest hill in the city which is where the Temple of God was....and was where the very presence of God dwelled.
And so David is saying… “Look at me…I am out here in the wilderness….I’m a failure…and I am a sinner….but you God are my glory…you are the one I find my identity in…’re the one who gives me confidence…and I am praying to you and I know that you answer me because you are answering me from the Temple….from the very hotspot of your presence in Jerusalem.”
Now…….What it is that happened on regular occasion in the temple courts? What was it that happened that would allow a very selfish, sinful, and broken man to look towards the temple and have confidence that God has forgiven him and shown him grace? Well….It’s were the sacrifices of animals were offered as a substitute for the consequences of people’s sin…..and here’s how it would work……The animal would die in the place of and instead of the sinner…the animal would bear the guilt instead of the sinner. In essence the death of that substitute covered over the failures and the sin s of the one who was praying and looking toward God at the temple.
You see….what gave a man like David ......who squandered everything ….what gave him confidence that God was for him..... was the truth that God was for him and had forgiven him.
Brothers and Sisters……How much more confident can you and I be! ……for we are on the other side of the cross….and our conviction is that Jesus was the ultimate substitute…and.....Jesus’s life…Jesus’s death…and Jesus’ resurrection covers our sin and provides us with the confidence that God hears and answers our prayers….. for Jesus…in his death ....He absorbed into himself the consequences of sin that we deserve….and in his resurrection Jesus provides both with a covering and a source of new life and grace for those of us who would turn away from our sin and turn towards him as our Lord and Savior…and friends.....this is such good news! And it should lead us to…like David.....not only have the ability to pray through our fears and anxieties.....but also.....get a good night sleep.....look at verse 5
Psalm 3:5–6 (CSB)
5 I lie down and sleep;
I wake again because the Lord sustains me.
6 I will not be afraid of thousands of people
who have taken their stand against me on every side.
Anxiety will keep you awake at night......I know this from personal experience. And the truth is…..more often than not ……there is a spiritual root to my sleeplessness. When I lie awake at night……. tossing and turning in my bed.......I’ve learned to take inventory of my soul, asking, “What do I need to turn over to the Lord?”
David…he too..... recognized the source of his fear and anxiety and he turned it over to the Lord.... which enabled him to rest in the what God had done for him that he could not do for himself and so he slept without fear….trusting that God would sustain him.
Finally, David ends this prayer with a request.
Psalm 3:7 (CSB)
7 Rise up, Lord!
Save me, my God!
You strike all my enemies on the cheek;
you break the teeth of the wicked.
In the closing verses of this psalm David gives his conflict to the Lord……. These words are harsh…and there is much to be said about these verses….But the point is this…..David doesn't take matters into his own hands. Instead….He asks God to fight his battle.
The truth is….you and I …..We will be betrayed….. We will be opposed….. And David’s response to his opposition gives us an example on how we are to respond….. instead of lashing out… he prays through his anger and leaves whatever lashing out there is in the wise and just hands of God.
So, what significance does David's rescue from Absalom hold for us today?
Well.....on one level..... it exemplifies David's unwavering faith and trust in God's promises. His deliverance from Absalom…it was a real and life-threatening danger…and it showcased the power of his cries to God for salvation....and well… 2 Samuel informs us that God did intervene and saved David's life in a tangible way.
However.....our reality may be different. We might not experience a deliverance from our trouble....and the truth's challenges persist......and God doesn't always rescue us from physical threats or less-than-ideal situations. Which leads us to a very important question: how does this story strengthen us, and what does David's rescue mean for us today?
Well....first we have to recognize that God's anointed king...... served as a foreshadowing model of the greater King to come....KingJesus. Psalm 3,.......we find parallels that point directly to Jesus. Even David's rejection by his own family echoes the rejection Jesus faced.
I am reminded of John 1:11
John 1:11 (CSB)
11 He came to his own, and his own people did not receive him.
Jesus…like David..... was rejected as king.....His family thought he was insane........ his hometown would not believe in him....and just as David’s enemies taunted him saying, “there is no salvation for him in God.” ………Jesus was taunted as he hung on the cross….we see this clearly in Matthew 27:43.
Matthew 27:43 (CSB)
43 He trusts in God; let God rescue him now—if he takes pleasure in him! For he said, ‘I am the Son of God.’ ”
And finally.......David’s lying down, sleeping, and waking again points forward to Jesus’ death, burial, and resurrection. You see….…the goal here is not to look to David….or to be like David….but the goal is to look to trust Jesus and submit to love Him…and to pursue a life that lives like Him and leads others to Him.
Now…maybe your here and you’re so far down in the pit of life.....and you’re thinking.... Well…this is great for you…but you don’t know where I have been and what I have done.......and maybe you feel excluded from the hope and salvation found in Jesus. Well....David is helpful in his conclusion in verse 8....
Psalm 3:8 (CSB)
8 Salvation belongs to the Lord;
may your blessing be on your people.
Now......I read this in preparation for today and I thought…… “This is crazy!!!! It’s crazy because David is praying for the people who have rejected him and are wanting him dead. And David’s love for the people who turned against him anticipated Jesus’s love for those who rejected him……it anticipates Jesus’s love for us! You see….we are not David in this story but rather we are one of the thousands who were against him…and wanting him dead.
Consider Romans 5:8
Romans 5:8 (CSB)
8 But God proves his own love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.
You see....... Psalm 3 is pointing forward to a greater king and to a greater see....our only hope is Jesus… the very King that we have betrayed. and the good news is does not matter who you are, what you have done ,or where you have can look to Jesus ....the author and the perfecter of our faith.
Brothers and Sisters Jesus’s suffering led to glory because God sustained him.....and’s true...... God may not save you from shame and death like he saved David, but he will save you through shame and death like he saved Jesus. You may be hard-pressed. Your family or close friends may turn against you. You might lose your job because of your faith......Your own children may turn against you, steal from you, or hurt you......but the promise of the gospel is that you will lie down, you will sleep, and you will wake up again, for the Lord will sustain you.
Let’s Pray