Marys Magnificat - Lk 0101-0238
I'm not sure where to put this Steve. I know maybe I should sit up there but
It's farther back better.
Got some new sound challenges. I understand. I don't understand them that we have some new sound challenges. So it's kind of getting a little bit of a clarification.
Welcome. We're glad you're here. We're talking today about The Magnificat of Mary and I thought that's just really magnificent. So I like these mountains cuz it's really really really high. This is the Church of the Messiah. We've been here for a long time. We're about about 30 years old almost and I've been here about that long. This morning. I noticed I was not able to clap and I wanted to explain not as an apology. Just I love to clap. But my bones don't like it. When I clap my bones go. Why did you do that? So I'm clapping just not the not actually clapping. We really are glad you're here. This is Elder by Elder LED congregation. I'm one of the acting Elders on the active and I'm a teaching Elder. So there to teaching Elders one is active. I'm active calls also active but not like I'm active so it's very confusing but never mind. Presumptions where in Genesis and at the beginning of Genesis. There are a lot of things that you can get wrong in the world today. We live in a world that claims that God didn't create the world. I believe he did. It's one of my basic presumptions. It's the basic presumption of ancient Judaism and Christianity and and God didn't create us as robots. Automatons to just go around doing what it wants us to do. He created us with free will now often when we encounter situations like Jack was talking about last week. We kind of tend to say will God set us up. He knew we were going to fail. Why didn't he keep us from sinning? Why didn't he stop this death? Why didn't God why didn't God why didn't God why didn't God the reason is he wanted us to be free? he want us to come to know him and love him freely not because we had to that's radical. Katie knew we'd send so you're right in that regard Jack but he did not set us up. And when we say it's like God set us up. We don't really mean that we just are we we want to say he set us up that way we don't have any guilt but we do have guilt so he didn't set us up. It's our problem. That's really important priests presupposition. I've heard he set us up how many times in my life? Probably over 300 times people have said that to me anyone else ever heard someone say that. No, amazing. Yeah. Okay. I happen to be a young Earth creationists. If you don't believe these things, it's okay. It doesn't mean you're a total heretic.
This is what these are my presuppositions and I think their biblical presuppositions to some people they would say these aren't presuppositions. These are basic truths. I don't want to go that far because I don't want to think that you were a total heretic. You understand we can disagree we can debate we can argue we can study we can look at it. We can examine things we can talk about it. We can pray about it. We can do all kinds of crazy things. I'm not going to say you're a total heretic because you disagree with something I said. I happen to be a young Earth creationists. Second the third of presupposition that this one I think is very very very important. All scripture in both Testaments is god-breathed and you can look up 2nd Timothy to get the full text there.
Enough said about that presuppositions. Did they were talking about Mary Mary's Magnificat? My soul proclaimed the greatness of the Lord Luke 1:46 through 55. I'm doing my reading not from the semi septennial cycle that Doug read from this morning, but I'm doing it from the New Testament readings kind of the Jack was alluding to last week in Jack and Mariah and I and others will be working on as we go through so you might get a Torah preaching one week the next week. You might get a prophetic preaching from the semi septennial cycle the next week, you might get a teaching from this new testament cycle that we're trying to initiate and I'm very grateful to be doing that or you may get a off-the-wall teaching that the teacher just decided to do because he has that Authority So sometime I'm going to do a series on 1st and 2nd Peter, but that's not today today. I'm using the cycle that we're trying to to work on Luke 1 beginning a one going all the way through to basically so before I go into this I felt like okay. We're going to be talked about Mary.
Incredible how old was Mary when she was received the announcement? best guess 14
anyone else 16
probably 19 must have been like more of a woman than a 13 or 14 or 15 or 16 year old probably according to the best information that we had. She's somewhere between 13 ish and 20. She's a young Maiden, huh?
Joseph was older. We don't know that how do we know that? We don't we just have Traditions that we look at he was older how much older that's more of a debate than how old was Mary.
Minden live that long so some people would say now I could have been 50 cuz he'd be dead. I'm not going to go there. Anyway, what was Mary's? What was Mary's reception of the angel? Gabriel Tell me what you think huh afraid she was afraid. Yes. Surprised. Yes. How can this be there an angels talking to me? I'm Blown Away here like that anyone else. Huh? She did better than Zacharias.
She heard what the angel said that the angel encountered her. She heard what the angel said she received what the angel said. She has applied with the angels said and she was ready to go because God had spoken to her. And she felt greatly blessed. Does God speak to you?
Do you receive him? Are you ready to accept his instruction? If you are then you're like Mary.
This is a prayer.
I've been praying this forever now probably 5 years now. This is this is my big prayer. There's no other prayer for me. This is really really good Lord. Jesus, please and counter each each one of us encounter us the encounter is first. He encounters us. Like the angel Gabriel spoke to Mary. Also, please encounter our children their children their children Etc. if they're not our natural children, if their children that were taken care of or watching those are children to that you're praying for also our spouses or wives our significant others and our families also the body of Messiah I pray for the body of Messiah and when I pray for the body of Messiah a lot of faces go through my head And not just for the body of Messiah but beyond. I'm also praying for the Hamas people who aren't seeing the truth. I'm praying that God and counters them to Jesus and counters them and after this Encounter of the Lord with us help each of us to receive you now, he can encounter us and we can say well that's just stupid. I'm not going to do that or we can say God has spoken to me in some way. And if God has spoken to you in some way. Hopefully you'll receive it. I'll receive it. Why do I want to receive God's instruction? For one reason my healing I'm broken. I'm flawed. I messed up. I've got confusion. I've got injury somewhere in my family. I've got frustration whatever it is. He is instructing us to heal us. For our own good for the good of our communities for the good of our families and also for the kingdom of God. I think this is also Mary's Prayer.
At least three years sometimes several times a day. I say this prayer or something very similar to it.
Fully God and fully man. Okay, we talked about the three presuppositions, but this is another one. I think it's very important. Mary is and was Jesus mother. My mother is no longer my mother should because she's at she's still my mother and I think when I see her in the world to come I'm still going to know she's my mother. I don't think that ends. Mary's Humanity one off the road is Jesus's Humanity. Mary was human and Jesus was born of a Virgin Mary. And so Jesus was a human being he wasn't just God. All early church fathers all church councils, at least the seven of them that were unified East and West they were there was a Schism that happened between the eastern and western churches, but they had seven church councils together. They agreed on them. They settle these fundamental doctrines of the church which all Christian churches today in one form or another follow unless they rejected them all church councils and all of today's Christians even assert with one voice one voice that Jesus is and was both fully God and fully man. Now if you did if you do if you disagree with that, I'm not sure where you're at in your Christianity, but maybe we should talk. I don't think this is disputable.
This early doctrine of the church was firmly established in 381 at the First Council of Constantinople. It was it was appreciated before then, but it was fully indoctrinated into the doctrine of the church in 381 and has been part of the doctrine of the church ever since it's never been questioned. It's never been discussed argued debated people of challenge that they're not they're not they're not consistent with fundamental Orthodox belief. Jesus was fully God and fully man questions.
Oh, no.
yeah, so
Michaels Michael Sing Mary was prophetic and she wrote The Magnificat. So now I take exception because of all scripture is god-breathed. So occasionally in this congregation, you'll hear someone say will Luke was trying to do this and every time I hear Luke's intention was or something like that. I'm going to turn off turn off God's intention through Luke was this so I kind of have to say yeah, you're kind of right Michael God. Use Mary. And wrote The Magnificat through her cuz it's it's God breathed. It just flat-out is and we're going to go through it line by line today.
Cuz I think it's important before that.
One of my favorite things about the New Testament is early cradle hymns. There are at least five early kridel hymns. These are things that that God use the authors of the New Testament to bring into the New Testament to share with us some of the praise and worship music of the early church. And this I think is one Though he was in the form of God Jesus Christ. He did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped. He could have held on to it. But he emptied himself. Kind of like you took off.
A vest and laid it down.
That's demonstrated in in a number of paintings. But emptied himself of godhead by taking a form of a servant being born in the likeness of men. He was born a man fully man and fully God and being found in human form. He humbled himself by becoming obedient to the point of death even death on a cross. Therefore God was high has highly exalted him. And bestowed on him the name that is above every name so that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow in heaven and on Earth and under the Earth and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the Father.
Okay, so now we're going to begin going into Mary's Magnificat to the with the sun degree. 4 grade songs laser for great songs in early Luke in the first two chapters of Luke Luke has four great songs Mary's Magnificat. Zechariah's Benedictus of the Angels Gloria in excelsis, Deo. That's about the whole of that verse Gloria in excelsis deo a Bach decided to write music to all of these and the Gloria goes on for I don't know 15 minutes. one simple line beautiful
Bach realize this was a great song. The Angels sang a lot. You don't know what they saying. But Gloria in excelsis deo is all we have written down but it's a bigger song than that. And the nuke dimittis Simeon Lord. Let us die servant depart in peace. According to your word. Mine eyes have seen thy salvation.
Luke 1:46 through 55. It's from the Latin Magnificat anima mad dominum. My soul magnifies the Lord. Flattened most of the time you're here in church the mesial here Greek or Hebrew occasionally will trip into Latin. Everyone has heard Mary's Magnificat spoken the name of it, but it's Latin in case in case you're wondering it's not Greek. It's not Hebrew, it's Latin. I wanted to let you know that and the Benedictus also Latin the glory in excelsius Des. Also Latin the nuke tomato salsa Latin. So we're going in to enter Mary and was Mary and Old Testament believer or a new testament believer.
The New Testament didn't exist yet. So, how could she be a new testament believer?
New Testament era before the New Testament she was getting this from Gabriel and she was responding. So just before the New Testament era.
Yeah, we want a trip up and say she's both she's the beginning of the new this is the first New Testament Proclamation you could say but you're kind of off this isn't necessarily just New Testament Christian stuff. Mary was what's the. Between the Testaments called? The intertestamental. Now what's really fantastic about the intertestamental. That is different from the Old Testament sort of and not and different from the New Testament sort of and not what's different. What's unique about the intertestamental.
There are no profits will marry is so now we have a problem.
Anna and Simeon were recognized as profits of got new testament dish prophets. So these are in the interested. And you're right. So the engine test tomorrow. Is of is a. Of time between Malachi and and the beginning of the New Testament and the unique thing about this time is it they're developing their understanding of the hebraic roots of Christianity to include the absolute total expectation of a messiah of God. And they're developing their appreciation of how God is going to fix all this mess somehow and they're looking forward to the day when this is going to happen. So these are Old Testament Believers looking forward to something to about to begin and Mary is proclaiming it. You understand. Is that too far of a stretch. Intertestamental so all our good of all I'm going to be reading so if if you read PhD thesis and stuff on this you'll find them arguing that Mary was definitely only an Old Testament believer and the other find the people said no, she's completely a new testament believer and you'll find people saying well and almost no one makes the point of this is a intertestamental Believer but a intertestamental Believer is different from just Old Testament and just New Testament. It's the whole thing together. So I'm only going to be referencing the Old Testament verses that Mary is linking to in her Magnificat today. But they're definitely not just Old Testament. their intimate intertestamental you with me second fusing anyone confused Yes to Becca.
You did.
Yep, you did.
You said it better than I did? Mary's referring only primarily and I would have to argue only because you can see some things that she wrote in the New Testaments is but they didn't it went in there. So Mary is expressing primarily only the Old Testament, but she's expressing the expectation. Is that what ya of fulfillment in the new which isn't yet here and she's just about to be pregnant when she's just about to be pregnant almost pregnant.
Yeah, we don't know what all was pregnant means.
nevermind Okay, this is the verse verse 46. I'm just 46 255. I'm just going to give you the first number. She says my soul magnifies the Lord. What's this tied to? Well, first of all see Hannah's Prayer for Samuel to it's unbelievable the parallels. My soul boasts in the Lord let the humble hear and be glad oh magnify the Lord with me and let us exalt his name together. Is she making a reference to that verse most? Certainly? I'll praise the name of God with a song. I Magnify Him with Thanksgiving Hallelujah. My soul magnifies the Lord. My spirit rejoices in God my savior. My soul will rejoice in the Lord exulting in his salvation. I'll greatly rejoice in the Lord my soul shall exalt in my God. He's close me with garments of Salvation covered me with a robe of righteousness as a bride adorned for self with Jules. I'm rejoicing in God my savior. My spirit is rejoicing everything about me is rejoicing I will rejoice in the Lord and take joy in the god of my salvation. She's definitely hooking all these things together. Does anyone know what it's called? When you when you string one verse to another verse to another verse to another verse to another verse to another verse and then you say there's one thing
stringing pearls this is a well-known hebraic tradition of the sages. They would take versus and string them together and say a lock. This is better than any one of the ones this is this is them all together. Beautiful p************* a pearl beautiful necklace of pearls is very beautiful stringing pearls. Paul did this a lot. He strung pearls this though.
Okay, so Paul's actually stringing quotations and citations together. Mary string together quotation citations Echoes and other things
Illusions, so she is just beautiful just beautiful so far. We'll see if it gets worse. I think it'll stay just as beautiful as it is. He's looked on our humble estate all generations will call me blessed again. See Hannah's Prayer you'd hey love hey is high but he regards the lowly and is far from the hottie. This this verse is saying he looks at the week.
He raises them in some sense. But but those who are arrogant and proud. He's not close to them his name and doors forever his Fame continues as long as the Sun forever all generations.
May people be blessed in him all nations call him blessed.
Jesus God marry us we're blessed. Met others know that we're blessed and see that were blessed and hope for that blessed situation for themselves. May Our Lives help to call people to others in Jesus All Nations call you blessed for your old be a delight says you'd have up a all generations will call me blessed. He has done great things. Holy is his name you'd hey love hey is in your missed. Mighty to save hill Rejoice over you with gladness quiet you by his Love's exult over you with loud singing. Our mouth was filled with laughter. Our tongues with shots of Joy. The nation said you'd have us has done great things for them. He's done great things for us. We are glad Old Testament, can we say that he's done great things for them. He's done great things for us. We are glad Mary his Mercy is for those who fear Him from generation to generation know that you'd have I pay your God is the faithful God who keeps Covenant and has stood loving-kindness with those who love him and keep his Commandments to a thousand Generations from generation to generation to a thousand Generations. I'll sing of the steadfast love of the Lord forever with my mouth. I'll make known your faithfulness to all generations and this generation and the Next Generation Etc. His Mercy is for those who fear Him from generation to generation. You'd have off his right hand exalts the right hand of you'd have of hay does valiantly he's shown strength with his arm his hand and Scattered the proud awake put on strength of arm of you to evolve. Hey awake as in Generations long ago, Isaiah Wright's you cut Rahab the dragon into pieces pierce. The dragon killed killed the evil monster. Nebuchadnezzar
Realize God was God. He may be went back. But for one little. Of time. He said God's works and ways are right and just and he recognized and proclaimed that God humbles those who walk in Pride if you're walking in Pride, you'll be scattered Nebuchadnezzar knew that. He's brought down the mighty and exalted The Humble. He sets the lowly on high. And lifts those who mourn to safety he causes Prince's to wander in the Wasteland and raises the needy out of Affliction making families like flocks.
That's lots of kids. He raises the poor from the dust and lifts the needy from the ice sheet to make them sick with princes with the princes of his people raises. The poor elevates The Humble exalts the humble.
He feels the Hungry with good things and sends the rich away. Empty Young Lions the powerful suffer. But those who seek you they've off. Hey lack no good thing for you satisfy the longing soul in the hungry Soul. He fills with good things that says you'd have loved him remove the turbine and the crown things won't remain as they are exalt the low and bring low the exalted fills the Hungry with good things since the rich way.
He has helped Israel and remembrance of his Mercy loving-kindness, but you is real my servant Jacob whom I have some shows in The Offspring of Abraham, my friend. I took you from the ends of the Earth saying you're my servant. I have chosen you.
Remember o Jacob o Israel You're my servant. I formed you. I won't forget you. I will remember you in my Mercy. As he spoke to our fathers and their offspring forever. God had said Sarah your wife will parents on you'll call him Isaac Ellis Dallas my Covenant with him as an Everlasting Covenant that means forever and for his offspring after him the Lord's Swartz David assure oath from which he will not turn back one of your son's one of the sons of your body. I will set on your throne. David new his offspring
would be very significant.
Mary remained about 3 months and then returned home Gabriel told Mary she conceived and various. Shua. She arose and the the verse says and went with haste. The didn't say she hung around. As soon as she heard she had to go see her cousin. Elizabeth she walked a long way about 100 miles and it's it's this kind of a walking. It's not like this kind of walking but it's a it's a 1200 ft rise. So a hundred miles and 1200 feet up that's a lot of up and down and it's a lot of it's a big elevation change from Nazareth. I'm Karim near Jerusalem where Elizabeth was living. Get to Elizabeth's house. As soon as she arrived there. John who wasn't named yet leaped in Elizabeth's womb and Mary Proclaim The Magnificat
Maybe not even in the house yet.
I don't know what you said exactly two Gabriel. This is what she said to Elizabeth. I think it might have been the same thing. I don't know. This is where it's proclaimed. Within I shot of Jerusalem.
Not too far from Bethlehem.
Joseph likely traveled with her. So some people say when are 13 year old girl walking on the road alone. She was very brave, but she was very brave. No question, but you wouldn't have traveled alone in this kind of country than you would have gone with either a family or Caravan. You would have arranged some kind of Transport with you. So she probably didn't go alone. She probably went with others Joseph may have escorted her there and then gone back to Nazareth to continue working he had to work. Under Roman occupation. So, you know might have been hard to get him to let him to get how do we get to there?
I know how it got there.
pop sorry number to the bercy Offspring forever
Mary remained home three months then returned home. So she was there for three months and then she returned to Nazareth when she arrived Elizabeth was six months pregnant according to the gospel. And so she waited.
Until Elizabeth was about to give birth. As well as I can figure. And then she returned to Nazareth. John the baptizer was born to Elizabeth and Zechariah is in proclaim the Benedictus Prophesy. So Zacharias is also a great prophecy and I thought about teaching it today also, but this was enough. This was enough the the application that take away from this is is God speaking to us through an angel through his spirit in us through some other method through Bible through some other method through a song like Steve this morning.
God speaks to us when he speaks to us. He encounters us may we receive him?
Because receiving him and being instructed by him is for our good for our healing.
So here I am back to the same prayer. I prayed before Lord. You can join with me if you want or just silently if you want Lord, please encounter. Each of us are children their children Etc are spouses and their families the body of Messiah and Beyond and help each of us. To receive you and to hear your instruction for our healing for our good for the good of our communities and families and for your kingdom. Amen. I think that's the prayer very I think that's the message of this for us. Hey, man. Thank you very much.