EXPLANATION: Last week we began our dive into this awesome book of Galatians, written by Paul to the churches at Galatia.
EXPLANATION: Last week we began our dive into this awesome book of Galatians, written by Paul to the churches at Galatia.
These were the same churches he and Barnabas had just visited on that first missionary journey.
Churches in Antioch, Iconium, Lystra, and Derbe amongst others.
Paul began with a defense of himself as an apostles of Christ, but more importantly, a defense of where his message came from.
We will see in just a few weeks, he circles back to this defense in v.10-12
As we continue through these opening verses, we find an encouraging reminder that Paul writes to these churches: He wasn’t alone in his position.
2 And all the brethren which are with me, unto the churches of Galatia:
We don’t know for certain who he was referring to when he mentioned “all the brethren which are with me”
Maybe it was just a small group… maybe it was a whole church full of believers, but what an encouragement it must have been to write those words as a reminder, “We aren’t alone in our faith.”
APPLICATION: That’s one of those reasons church is so important.
APPLICATION: That’s one of those reasons church is so important.
It can be so easy to start to feel all alone in what you believe.
You miss a few services and start to get disconnected from other likeminded believers.
We live in the most disconnected connected time in history.
Everyone has a 1000 friends on social media but no real friends in the real world.
When you don’t spend time around people that are on the same page as you, you can begin to feel alone real fast.
ILLUSTRATION: Before Tressa and I had kids we had the opportunity to travel in the Northeast, and while we were there we decided to visit her aunt who lived in New York City.
ILLUSTRATION: Before Tressa and I had kids we had the opportunity to travel in the Northeast, and while we were there we decided to visit her aunt who lived in New York City.
We discovered pretty quick, these aren’t our people.
We were out of place… it was super uncomfortable.
We couldn’t wait to get back around people who were likeminded.
APPLICATION: Friend, don’t belittle the importance of coming together for a church service.
APPLICATION: Friend, don’t belittle the importance of coming together for a church service.
The bible still tells us in Hebrews 10:25
Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching.
It’s a sweet time of joining with likeminded believers and being encouraged that you aren’t the only one still seeking to live for God.
What an encouragement it was just a few weeks ago to have a missionary who serves on the other side of the world in Egypt with us in service.
To be able to be encouraged that the same things we are doing and teaching here is what they are teaching over there!
That reminder should be such an encouragement to us.
The devil would like nothing more than to get you out of church, away from the teaching and preaching of God’s Word, and discouraged in your Christian life.
He cannot steal your salvation as a Christian, but if he can get you separated, anxious, and discouraged, he doesn’t have to worry about you doing anything for God!
So Christian get plugged in and stay plugged in.
It’s so important for you to be able to say, “All the brethren which are with me.”
EXPLANATION: Then as Paul comes to v.3-5, he once again gives a direct defense of the Gospel, and this is where we will spend the rest of our time here today.
EXPLANATION: Then as Paul comes to v.3-5, he once again gives a direct defense of the Gospel, and this is where we will spend the rest of our time here today.
Grace be to you and peace from God the Father, and from our Lord Jesus Christ,
EXPLANATION: Right away, Paul goes to the root of the problem with the first word of v.3: Grace
EXPLANATION: Right away, Paul goes to the root of the problem with the first word of v.3: Grace
Grace: God’s unmerited favor
Grace cannot be earned, achieved, or deserved… otherwise it isn’t grace
And if by grace, then is it no more of works: otherwise grace is no more grace. But if it be of works, then is it no more grace: otherwise work is no more work.
This is the very problem that was infiltrating these young churches and new believers… Works added to grace for salvation
Now to him that worketh is the reward not reckoned of grace, but of debt. But to him that worketh not, but believeth on him that justifieth the ungodly, his faith is counted for righteousness.
For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast.
APPLICATION: From the time of Christ through till today, Religion has been doing it’s best to add works to grace.
APPLICATION: From the time of Christ through till today, Religion has been doing it’s best to add works to grace.
Your good must outweigh your bad
You have to do these religious actions, pray these prayers
You have to hold to these sacraments and traditions.
You have to be a part of this specific church
You have to look like us.
And let’s get to the root of most religion, you have to give enough money… then you will get to heaven.
Friend, grace plus anything is no longer grace… that is debt!
If I say something is free as long as you do something or give me something, is it free?
No it is a transaction… and if you do whatever I said, now I am INDEBTED to you.
That isn’t how it works with God.
His grace is free to receive!
The gift of God that is eternal life cost everything to purchase… but it costs nothing for you and I to receive!
EXPLANATION: With a world of religion swirling in Paul’s day, he wanted to make clear right off the back what made his message from God different than any other: Grace.
EXPLANATION: With a world of religion swirling in Paul’s day, he wanted to make clear right off the back what made his message from God different than any other: Grace.
Then I love where he goes immediately after: Peace from God the Father, and from our Lord Jesus Christ.
ILLUSTRATION: I shared this recently in one of our classes but I saw a post by Ja Morant.
ILLUSTRATION: I shared this recently in one of our classes but I saw a post by Ja Morant.
He is an NBA basketball player for the Memphis Grizzlies
He signed a contract with them for 5 years and $197,230,450
But last year on two separate occasions he made some bad decisions outside of basketball that caused him to be suspended for a number of games.
On October 14 I saw this post on one of my social media sites about Ja Morant:
“It’s a different story for me, it seems I got everything dat I ever dreamed but I can’t find no peace.”
EXPLANATION: Ja Morant is looking for the same thing that so many that turn to religion are seeking for: Peace.
EXPLANATION: Ja Morant is looking for the same thing that so many that turn to religion are seeking for: Peace.
But the only place that money, fame, or religion will bring is confusion, because none of those things bring the peace they are looking for!
There is only one place that true peace can be found and Paul nailed it: Galatians 1:3
Grace be to you and peace from God the Father, and from our Lord Jesus Christ,
Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace,
Whose mind is stayed on thee:
Because he trusteth in thee.
Trust ye in the Lord for ever:
For in the Lord JEHOVAH is everlasting strength:
There is a day coming following the rapture of the church that a man known as the antichrist will come on the scene with a promise of the one thing everyone is seeking for… He will promise Peace!
World Peace
But once again, any peace outside of Christ, is nothing more than a facade and in that day, the fake peace will be followed with total destruction and persecution!
APPLICATION: Friend, if you are here today looking for peace, I’ve got good news and bad news.
APPLICATION: Friend, if you are here today looking for peace, I’ve got good news and bad news.
The bad news is you wont find peace by coming to this church
You wont find peace by putting money in the offering plate
You wont find peace in being a good person
You wont find peace in being religious.
But here is the good news: you can find peace in Christ!
When you accept Christ as your Savior, you can have peace for your soul knowing that you have an eternity in heaven with Christ waiting for you.
To pillow your head at night knowing that you could open your eyes in the presence of your Savior, it doesn’t get any sweeter!
These things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God; that ye may know that ye have eternal life, and that ye may believe on the name of the Son of God.
It isn’t something to put off or to hope for… you can have the peace of knowing for sure that you are going to spend eternity in heaven.
It is a present promise that you can enjoy today!
The very next verse makes that reality clear: Galatians 1:4
Who gave himself for our sins, that he might deliver us from this present evil world, according to the will of God and our Father:
We know that in this world, there will be trouble.
He makes that clear in John 16:33
These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.
Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world.
But thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.
It is impossible to have true peace in this world if you do not know the prince of peace!
EXPLANATION: When Paul was writing these words, they were to believers!
EXPLANATION: When Paul was writing these words, they were to believers!
The promise of the Gospel extended beyond just that moment of salvation… it was the present reality they were to be living in.
But they had fallen into the bondage of living life outside of the Gospel of Christ!
APPLICATION: Now here is the sad part, for so many Christians, they get the peace of God for their eternity, but they don’t have the peace of God in their lives.
APPLICATION: Now here is the sad part, for so many Christians, they get the peace of God for their eternity, but they don’t have the peace of God in their lives.
We will dive in deeper in the months ahead, but I can’t help but mention another verse Paul would later write in this very book: Galatians 4:9
But now, after that ye have known God, or rather are known of God, how turn ye again to the weak and beggarly elements, whereunto ye desire again to be in bondage?
This is the root of this epistle… they were turning back after salvation and living like they had never accepted Christ.
Do you realize that the title “Christian” actually means something.
The first time we find the word used is in Acts 11:25-26
Then departed Barnabas to Tarsus, for to seek Saul: And when he had found him, he brought him unto Antioch. And it came to pass, that a whole year they assembled themselves with the church, and taught much people. And the disciples were called Christians first in Antioch.
The word Christian meant, “Little Christs”
There was something different about them.
The people didn’t act like themselves, they acted like Christ.
They had compassion one toward another
They were forgiving one of another
They were sacrificial one toward another
They served one another
They care for one another
They encouraged one another in the truth.
How do I know? Because that is what Christ did! And these were little Christ’s!
Friend, just because you carry the name Christian, doesn’t mean that you are living up to it!
Be kindly affectioned one to another with brotherly love; in honour preferring one another;
Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.
It is no wonder that the world doesn’t want what the church has, because most churches don’t act like Christians!
Only let your conversation be as it becometh the gospel of Christ: that whether I come and see you, or else be absent, I may hear of your affairs, that ye stand fast in one spirit, with one mind striving together for the faith of the gospel;
Most are more concerned with striving against each other rather than striving together!
So many believers don’t have the peace of God because they aren’t living like Christians… they aren’t dwelling in the presence of Christ!
Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him.
Thou wilt shew me the path of life:
In thy presence is fulness of joy;
At thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore.
You are seeking for that fullness of joy in all the pleasures of this world and you can’t understand why you are feeling so much turmoil in your spirit.
What peace can they have who are not at peace with God?
Matthew Henry
Christian, the world can be crashing all around you, but when you are living in the presence of Christ and you are truly right with him, there is a peace that is incomprehensible and indescribable
Friend, do you have peace today?
Do you have peace in knowing that you are going to spend eternity in heaven?
Do you have peace in knowing you are right with Christ?
In a world that is full of confusion and chaos with religion and man’s ways, you can experience the peace of God in your life today!
To whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen.
EXPLANATION: Ultimately, this was the key of the true Gospel… it’s all glory to God and God alone!
EXPLANATION: Ultimately, this was the key of the true Gospel… it’s all glory to God and God alone!
APPLICATION: Have you ever thought about the reality that if you add anything to the Gospel for salvation or if you live in the power of anything other than the Gospel’s work in your life after salvation, you are stealing from the glory of God?
APPLICATION: Have you ever thought about the reality that if you add anything to the Gospel for salvation or if you live in the power of anything other than the Gospel’s work in your life after salvation, you are stealing from the glory of God?
If there is anything outside of Christ’s death on the cross that you can do to get to heaven, you can boast in what you have done!
If you think you could live any moment after your salvation outside of the power of the Gospel in your life, you have robbed from the glory of God!
For I know that in me (that is, in my flesh,) dwelleth no good thing: for to will is present with me; but how to perform that which is good I find not.
ILLUSTRATION: It’s the story of the turtle on the fence post.
ILLUSTRATION: It’s the story of the turtle on the fence post.
There was no way he could have gotten there on his own.
How foolish for the turtle on the fence post to look down on the other turtles still crawling on the ground as though he had something to do with getting where he was.
To believe that there was something about him that got him there.
APPLICATION: We are just a bunch of turtles on fence posts.
APPLICATION: We are just a bunch of turtles on fence posts.
There was nothing we could have done to get ourselves there.
And listen, if it were up to us, we would knock ourselves off of that fence post.
But the Gospel is so powerful, that not only does God save you, but he keeps you saved!
Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, which according to his abundant mercy hath begotten us again unto a lively hope by the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, To an inheritance incorruptible, and undefiled, and that fadeth not away, reserved in heaven for you, Who are kept by the power of God through faith unto salvation ready to be revealed in the last time.
Friend the point of your life after you get saved is to live your life to bring honor and glory to the only One Who deserves it!
Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honour and power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created.
I am the Lord: that is my name:
And my glory will I not give to another,
Neither my praise to graven images.
Have you experienced the unfathomable grace of God in your life?
Are you living your life with the peace of God?
Who is receiving the glory for your life?
It may be time today to experience the grace of God, live in the peace of God, and do all things for the glory of God!
Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God.