No Financial Need is Too Large
No Financial Need is Too Large
By Ken Horn
I. Put your finances in perspective.
A. Measure your success by riches in heaven.
_ Luke 12:16-21
_ Psalm 37:16
B. Be a giver, even in your time of need.
_ - Luke 6:38
_ - Malachi 3:10
_ - Luke 11:42
Note: There are other ways to give besides financially.
C. Be content with, and thankful for, what you have.
_ Philippians 4:11
“To have more, desire less.”
Note: True prosperity is being “rich towards God.”
D. Recognize God as your source for all the good that comes into your life.
_ - Philippians 4:19
_ - James 1:17
II. Bring your need to God.
A. Know that God cares about you and your needs.
_ Luke 12:6-7
_ Matthew 10:29-31
B. Ask God for help.
_ Matthew 7:7
_ Matthew 6:11
C. Make God’s Kingdom your first priority.
_ Matthew 6:33
III. Trust God to meet your needs.
A. Reject worry.
_ Matthew 6:31-32
B. Delight in the Lord, not in your possessions.
_ Psalm 37:4
C. Believe God no matter how difficult the circumstances.
_ Luke 17:6