The Parable of the Prodigal Son -The Greatest Story Ever told.
All I Needed I learned in Sunday School • Sermon • Submitted • Presented
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Good morning, we coming towards the end of our series on the Parables… Today we are going to be looking at what is arguably the greatest parable that Jesus ever told... and that is The Parable of Prodigal Son…
What makes something great?
In literature.. something is considered great when..
It is timeless —speaks to its own time and beyond .. it speaks to something larger and lasting about the human condition
It has the element of surprise The ideas are startling, unexpected and unusual in the narative.
3. It is both simple and complex - it offers us something familiar and new every time we read it...
The parable of the Prodigal son has all these elements.. and more..
it has also been called
The Parable of the Lost Son
The Parable of the Loving Father.
The Parable of the forgiving Father
And the parable of two brothers..
The reason is that there are various perspectives we can take.. — We can read the parable from the perspective of
Youngers brother .
Who takes an early inheritance and squanders it on wild living.
Or the Father perspective..
who shows unconditional love to both his sons.- He waits patiently for his youngest son’s return…and then restores him back into to the family…
And then there is the older brother perspective..
who stayed at home.. Whose pride and resentment keeps him out of the Celebrations.
There are these perspectives..which make this parable so rich...
But at the heart of the parable is the Story of God's uncondital love and forgiveness towards us..
The first question we need to ask - who is this parable addressing?
1 Now the tax collectors and sinners were all drawing near to hear him.
2 And the Pharisees and the scribes grumbled, saying, “This man receives sinners and eats with them.”
As Jesus ministry was growing, he was attracting a mixed crowd... in particular the ‘sinners’ and “the tax collectors”.
These were were those who were considered less than..
those who were disliked and living on the fringes and living for the moment… —
Tim Keller.. Who wrote the prodigal God.. Said that IN his church in NY, there Many young people…..who.....came from rural America .. they had left home for the “ city life ” …to get away from family and find MEANING and excitement... Keller says they represented the younger brother
Then ..
Also in the crowd were the Pharisees and the scribes. (They were the religious crowd)…They resembled the Older brother
—When they saw who Jesus associated with… they.. grumbled and complain “saying that this man receives sinners and eats with them!”
THIS IS THE CONTEXT.. the parable .. Jesus deals with the question of why?..he spent time with of sinners and tax collectors.... He tells a series of parables on lostness..
The parable of the lost sheep
The Parable of the lost coin
then the parable of the “lost son.”.
Lets read the first few verses of the parable.
11 And he said, “There was a man who had two sons.
12 And the younger of them said to his father, ‘Father, give me the share of property that is coming to me.’ And he divided his property between them.
13 Not many days later, the younger son gathered all he had and took a journey into a far country, and there he squandered his property in reckless living.
I. Opps (displace the equilibria):
The parable begins this broken family system.. It's a dysfunctional family and … to be honest.. This could be any family in America,
The younger son, driven by his desire for freedom.. Life at home was claustrophobic and he longed for a life where he could get up when he wanted , go where he wanted, and return when he pleased…
It reminded me of High School Senior — in their last semester of HS when they - “Senioritis” — they can’t wait to finish school, leave home and go to college… GET freedom..
But, this story is so much more than just a son leaving home…
You see.. The Prodigal Son — not only wanted to leave home, but he also wants his share of the inheritance..
This would have been shocking for those in first century Jewish culture..
If you had two sons, It was only after the father died ., that the estate would be divided with two-thirds to the older son and one-third to the youngest.
But, what is unique in this parable is that the son was requesting His inheritance while the father was still alive.
Today… It would be like our college student telling us that they wanted to leave —(which is normal) but first demanded that we sell our house -… and give them the proceeds
T/S This what makes for good story… We are all shocked by this request.... It is also a gripping story because it is relatable to our own struggles ! .
1.It is a Story of a heart that is not Satisfied.
1.It is a Story of a heart that is not Satisfied.
There is this deep need in every human heart to find completness… we we created with a need for our Creator…
and when this need is not met.. We feel incomplete.
so we.. often turn to the material world..the tangible… to bring send of completeness
But the problem is that materialism doesn’t deliver on it promises..
Materialism can be summed up in one word—“More!”
The it never satisfies..
the more stuff we have the more expenses, more to have to fix, or more to worry about losing...
In 2018, Harvard Business School did a study of over 4000 millionaires and asked them about how much money it would take to make them happy.
MOST of them responded that they needed about 10 x …what they currently had have enough …And to be happy..
Michael Norton the lead researcher, said that the question of happiness was not so much "Do I have enough?" but "Do I have more than those around me?"
In our Parable the Youngest brother is not Satisfied with his current life.... … — he doesn’t feel like he has enough.... So he begins to reject the things — that are around him…the things that really were meaningful.. there is the.
A. Rejection of his Father.-
He asks for his inheritance before the appointed time…
It is rejection of the Father’s role — as his provider —
He puts materialism over his relationship
He is saying..My relationship with you has just been a means to an end, and I’m tired of it. I want my stuff now.”
There is
b. Rejection of His Authority.
In middle Eastern culture was an Honor/Shame culture..and their identity resided within the family…
It was a patriarchal system where never questioned the authority of the father…
c. He Rejection of Identity…
We told that the Father.." divided his property between them.”
The word property here the word BIO which means life... it represented the fathers lively hood.. all that he had put into the land over the years... Property also represented ones standing in the community.. HIS IDENTITY..
He would have to have sold a large portion (Bio) of his land order to give his son at least 1/3 of his net worth..
We need to understand how lost he was…
As the prodigal son embarks on his journey — He rejects
His Family members.
His Community .
His Traditions and Faith
He looses sight of the big picture.. his Mission and purpose for life
At this juncture. We learn something incredible about the FATHER.. He suffers the ultimate Rejection and shame..
But maintains his love and affection and bears the agony..
The normal human response would be to get angry, retaliate, and “Do whatever we can to diminish our affection” - so we don’t hurt.. but father bears the brunt of the rejection..maintains his Love❤️
The problem of the Prodigal is Ours too.. We often try and find satisfaction outside of Christ..The scripture says that God has put eternity in each of hearts… There is this longing for more... than this life..
we are wired for AWE of God.
No other awe can give my heart the peace, rest, and security that it seeks.
Paul David Tripp says - in his book on AWE…
“Where we look for awe… will shape the direction of your life.”
What we AWE will control US, our decisions, and the course our story.. BUT HERE IS THE THING.
When we are not in AWE of the Father.. there will always be a restlessness in our hearts.… no matter how much we strive, or attain or achieve…
When think of King Solomon — who surrounded his life with wealth and beauty.... had all he could ever want…declared that it is meaningless a chasing after the wind…
Here is the reason there is only one who can satisfy — and that is our Lord..
Augustine summed it up like this..he said..
“Thou has formed us for Thyself, and our hearts are restless till they find rest in Thee” Augustine.
II. Agg (problem):
T/s Why is this greatest story ever told.. It is a story we can all relate too..
1.It is a Story of a heart that is not Satisfied.
2. It is a story of a Quest for Happiness.
2. It is a story of a Quest for Happiness.
THE QUEST FOR HAPPINESS — is something we relate too.
The French philosopher Pas-cal wrote, “All men seek happiness. This is without exception. . . .
Disney capitalizes on this same philosophy..
DISNEY SLOGAN -the Happiest Place on Earth.’
Its the only place that I have been too where people are willing to stand in a line for 2-3 hours for 5 minutes .. and still be in good Mood....
There is place for entertainment.. but we all know that his just temporal…the problem is when we make happiness our quest..
vrs 13
13 Not many days later, the younger son gathered all he had and took a journey into a far country, and there he squandered his property in reckless living.
The problem the quest for Happiness is that we are looking perfection in an imperfect world.. ‘Everything must be “just right,” or we’re unhappy.
And nothing is ever just right! So we Struggle to enjoy the ordinary days...
The Prodigal wanted to live on a High… He became a reckless spendthrift..and spent everything he had until your have nothing left..
Now.. in Middle East culture.. not only taking an early inheritance be unheard of.. but squandering it would be unforgivable..
Jesus illustrates just how lost this son was..
a. He was lost by distance.
Hew was as far as he could be from the father as possible..
b. He was lost by his life style
… He lived it up to the point of destroying his life..
Here is someone who has walked away as far away from Grace as possible..…
… to the point of being dead to the family.
His actions mirrors the destructive nature of sin in our own lives.
Here is the thing..
Sinful life promises pleasure in the now, but leaves us feeling lost and empty.
life in the far country was not what all that it was cut out to be..
He soon learned some hard life lessons..
He found out that money dosen’t go far as you would one would imagine.
Materialism does not bring happiness..
Resources run out —
life can be unfair we can’t ..anticipate a famine ....or a pandemic.. or inflation..
He never dreamed he would be working for a gentle and not being able to feed himself..
— Here is the problem - is that.
Sin promises freedom, but it only brings slavery… Jesus taught that sin brings us into slave rt..
34 Jesus answered them, “Truly, truly, I say to you, everyone who practices sin is a slave to sin.
The Youngest son thought he would “find himself,” but he only lost himself!
III. Whee (gospel):
When the son was at the lowest point of his life he came to senses!
T/S Why is is the greatest Story ever told.
1.It is a Story of a heart that is not Satisfied.
2. It is a story of a Quest for Happiness.
3. Story of Finding Hope in the midst of Failures!
3. Story of Finding Hope in the midst of Failures!
Humans seek after hope like moths seek after light.
It’s intrinsic to who we are.
Neuroscientists today tell us that hope is essential to our survival that it is hardwired into our brains,
it can mean the difference between living a healthier productive life versus one trapped by despair...
This is not new knowledge.
Pliny —the first century Historian wrote.
“Hope is the pillar that holds up the world.”
“Hope is the dream of a waking man.”
Pliny the Elder
What is amazing in this parable is that — that in the most hopeless point of his life — this young son — finds Hope....
What a great lesson it Never too late to find Hope....
17 “But when he came to himself, he said, ‘How many of my father’s hired servants have more than enough bread, but I perish here with hunger!
At His lowest point -The Son remembered his Fathers house...
The son thinks back to his Fathers house..
He thought about his fathers servants and remember’s how well they ate.. they were not eating the bitter pods that he was eating…
The son came face to face with himself — and He comes to that moment.. Where he realizes - He made a huge mistake..…
.Vance Hav er points out... In parable of the coin..
The coin was lost, but did not know it was lost;
the parable of the sheep.. the sheep knew it was lost, but did not know how to get home; BUT
the prodigal was lost and knew the way home.
He new what he needed to do.. He had to back get home to the father…
Most us know that where we need to return home… MOST US ARE FAMILIAR BROKENESS,
But returning home means a reorient you life — You have to acknowledge you need “We have sinned.”.. We fall short of God’s best..
The son knew he didn't deserve preferential treatment..
He Even plans his speach in advance....
“I have sinned against heaven and against you… I am no longer worthy to be called your son. Treat me as one of your hired servants…”
IV. Ahha (reversal):
“Repentance” is —being honest with our self and honest with God.
He acknowledged that what he was doing was wrong and admitted he needed forgiveness that only his Father could give.
And so He returns to the Father in humility with heart of repentance… Looking for Mercy… but not only does he get Mercy… He get Grace...
V. Yeah (resolution):
What follows is a wonderful picture of the son returning home…This Father noticed his son ON the horizon... He knew immediately that it was his Son....
20 And he arose and came to his father. But while he was still a long way off, his father saw him and felt compassion, and ran and embraced him and kissed him.
21 And the son said to him, ‘Father, I have sinned against heaven and before you. I am no longer worthy to be called your son.’
22 But the father said to his servants, ‘Bring quickly the best robe, and put it on him, and put a ring on his hand, and shoes on his feet.
23 And bring the fattened calf and kill it, and let us eat and celebrate.
24 For this my son was dead, and is alive again; he was lost, and is found.’ And they began to celebrate.
This is one of the most BEAUTIFUL IMAGES IN SCRIPTURE.. FATHER waiting … longing for his son.. When he sees his son..
IN the first century you would never see a father running in his robes..” The father runs, choosing to lay aside his own reputation embraced his son and kissed him..
The Son immediately repents..
Father, I have sinned against heaven and before you... I am no longer worthy to be called your son...
But …get this..before the son can finish …his speach..the Father, was already restoring him to the family…
The father.. calls for the servants…he says
… Bring out out the family ring — the one with family crest… Bring out the best robe.. the best Robe literally mean the first robe ..— the best garment in the house…
The father instructs his servants to bring the fattened calf --- The fattened calf… was reserved for special occasion especially prepared for the celebration...
The Father spared no expense in bring him back to himself..y..
The prodigal was reckless in his spending.. He spent every single penny he was given… and had nothing to show for it..
The Fathers in forgiveness is also RECKLESS in his love… because he refused to RECKON - or count his sin against his son or demand repayment.. He didn’t even give a chance to try and pay him back.. Here is the thing..
The Father represents our heavenly father… who is ready to forgive us and to restore us…
Paul writes about Gods reckless love in …
2 Cor 5.19
19 that is, in Christ God was reconciling the world to himself, not counting their trespasses against them, and entrusting to us the message of reconciliation.
This reconciliatiom mirrors the ultimate resolution found in Christ's sacrifice, where through His death and resurrection, we are reconciled with God...
The Fathers response to the Younger brothers lostness was overwhelming GRACE/favor.
T/S Why is this greatest Story ever told?
.1.It is a Story of a heart that is not Satisfied.
2. It is a story of a Quest for Happiness.
3. Story of Finding Hope in the midst of Failures!
4. It is a Story with an Unexpected ending
4. It is a Story with an Unexpected ending
The parable ends with the older brother comes home from working in the field. He sees and hears all the festivities and dancing and he asks his servants what is going on here?…The servant responds..
Your brother has come home and your father killed the fatten calf --- and has received him back...
The oldest brother is angry and refused to go into the celebration.. and the father noticed that he was missing. So the father came out and pleaded with him to come in..
29 but he answered his father, ‘Look, these many years I have served you, and I never disobeyed your command, yet you never gave me a young goat, that I might celebrate with my friends.
30 But when this son of yours came, who has devoured your property with prostitutes, you killed the fattened calf for him!’
31 And he said to him, ‘Son, you are always with me, and all that is mine is yours.
The older brother feels jealousy towards his younger brother.. It is just not fair!!
While the younger son was sowing wild oats, the elder brother was sowing the crops..
Here the twist in the plot --- I is where we discover that the older brother is also alienated from the Father… But it wasn’t
his wild living… but his good deeds… He thought that through his works he could earn the favor of the Father… he was also after his stuff…rather than a relationship..
The Father reaches out in love to the Older brother..
-he said, “Son, you are always with me, and all that is mine is yours. It was fitting to celebrate and be glad, for this your brother was dead, and is alive; he was lost, and is found” (vv. 31–32).
Both the Older brother and the younger brother were lost and need saving..
In the lost Parables.. there is this searching… searching for lost coin…searching for the one sheep… It stands to reason that the Older brother should have gone after the younger brother… instead of a loving brother — He has a pharisee for a brother…
The truth is we are broken people living in a broken world trying to navigate our broken lives as we interact with other broken people..we get lost..
BUT WE DO NOT Have an older brother who abandons us!
We have Jesus who came down to us from heaven… Who was willing to pay the ultimate price of laying down his life… to brings us back into his family...
The parable of the Prodigal is a lesson in grace.. we deserved alienation, isolation and rejection…
WE can never out run grace, you can never wonder beyond the fathers limits... His son came after us...
The true elder brother Paid our debt on the cross.
As the parable ends… We are never told whether the Older Brother goes to the party
As we’re on the edge of our seats asking the question, “Will, in the end, the family come together in unity and love? How will the other brother respond? Will they all come together in the end?”
Jesus ends the parable on a Cliffhanger.
Why? Because
Either we are the younger brother -- where it's obvious that we have wondered... and is with the pigs... or we are the older brother… we have a need for God.. Years ago sister Gibson the founder of the college I attended.. said..
Let nothing master you but the master…
God desires us to be people who full of grace… First step is to respond to this offer of Grace… You might find yourself today in two places in regards to your orientation to grace… You can find yourself lost or you can find yours self — in the house but still not fully embracing grace