Derrick Trent - The True Grace of God Part 5: The Grace of the New Birth (full service)

Let’s turn together
in our Bibles
to Peter’s 1st letter.
1 Peter....
chapter 1.
& we’re gonna read
verses 3-5.
1 Peter 1:3-5.
& when you find that
in your bible
pls stand for the reading
of God’s Word.
The Title of
today’s teaching is:
The Grace
of the New Birth.
In 1 Peter 1:3-5
1 Peter 1:3–5 (NIV)
3 Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead,
4 and into an inheritance that can never perish, spoil or fade. This inheritance is kept in heaven for you,
5 who through faith are shielded by God’s power until the coming of the salvation that is ready to be revealed in the last time.
You may be seated.
we’re going back to
a series I started
several months ago.
Where we were
walking thru
Peter’s first letter
& learning about
the True Grace of God.
In today’s passage
Peter teaches us
Three things
God gives us
The grace
of the new birth.
Let’s pray:
Holy Father
we ask you
to illuminate our minds
to understand
the truth.
& give us both
the will & the ability
to obey
the truth.
In Jesus name. Amen.
[Transition: The 1st truth
Peter teaches us
abt the grace of
the new birth is…]

1. Through God’s grace we’re born again into a living HOPE.

In the 2nd part of verse 3
Peter says:
1 Peter 1:3 (NIV)
3 In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead...
The Scriptures
describe God
as the God
of all mercy.
Bcs God is merciful
he gives us
what we don’t deserve
& does for us
what we cannot
do for ourselves.
Peter says:
It’s thru God’s mercy
that God has gvn us
new birth
into a living hope.
But what does it mean
that God has gvn us
“New birth”?
It means:
We who were once
children of the devil
can now become
children of God.
Bcs God is merciful
He gives all of us
the chance
to leave one life behind;
& live a brand-new life
in Christ.
Thru the new birth
God’s grace
changes our identity
& changes
our nature.
Thru the grace
of the new birth
we’re no longer
sons and daughters
of Satan.
Instead we become
Sons & daughters
of the living God.
Thru the grace
of the new birth
we become a part of
the new creation
in Christ.
This means:
In Christ
that old person
we were is dead.
That drug addict;
That alcoholic;
That liar;
That thief;
That fornicator;
That wicked person
we were
no longer lives.
Christ lives
in us.
& the life we now live
we live by faith
in the Son of God
who loved us
& gave Himself
for us.
When we become
children of God
we’re infused
w/ the supernatural life
& divine pwr of God
thru which
He empowers us to live
as a new creation
in Christ.
Thru the grace
of the new birth
we now live
as God’s Son’s
& daughters.
We now live daily
in the hope of becoming
more & more like Jesus
in this life.
& we live in the hope
of sharing in His
glory in the life
to come.
But this is not automatic.
This is something
we’ve all gotta work twd.
Who hopes for something
they already have?
The goal
of our life in Christ
is NOT to seek out
some experience
where we
instantaneously become
perfectly like Christ.
Our goal now is
to put to death
& put off
every part
of that old humanity
that clings to us
& keep putting on
the Lord Jesus
& every part of
the new humanity
until everything abt us
matches our new
identity in Christ.
We do that
thru God’s grace
at work within us.
Thru God’s grace
We’re born again
into a living hope.
[Transition: the 2nd truth
Peter teaches us
abt the grace of
the new birth is...]
2. Through God’s grace we’re born again into a Heavenly INHERITANCE.
In 1 Peter 1:4
Peter says:
God has given us new birth
1 Peter 1:4 (NIV)
4 ...into an inheritance...kept in heaven for you...
& this does not mean
heaven is
our inheritance.
Jesus said
“The meek will
“inherit the earth.”
So, heaven
is not
our inheritance.
Our inheritance is:
kept in heaven
for us.
Heaven is like
the bank
or a safe deposit box
where our inheritance,
or our possessions
are being deposited.
And they’re being kept
until the time
when God gives us
our inheritance.
& what is this inheritance?
What is it
that’s being kept
for us in heaven?
Put very simply:
Our inheritance
is eternal life,
in the eternal kingdom,
of our Lord and Savior
Jesus Christ.
And this inheritance
includes every promise
God gives us in Christ.
Including the promise:
That everything
we do for the kingdom
of God on this earth
will be rewarded.
At the present time
that inheritance
is kept in heaven for us
until Christ comes again
to usher in
the fullness
of His eternal kingdom
on the new earth.
This is one reason why
Jesus tells us,
to stop storing up
treasures on earth.
& instead
to store up treasures
in heaven.
& how do we do that?
By using
the time,
& treasures,
the Lord gives us
on this earth
to serve Him,
and His people
thru His grace.
By doing things like
feeding the hungry;
Giving water
to the thirsty;
the naked;
the sick & imprisoned;
Looking after
The orphaned
& widowed
among God’s ppl;
It’s by bearing
one another’s burden.
By doing those kinds
of things we store up
treasures in heaven.
By using the things
God so richly
blesses us w/
in this world
to serve others
& especially the Lord’s ppl;
we store up
treasures for ourselves,
in our
heavenly inheritance.
& notice
in 1 Peter 1:4...
Peter says three
things abt
this inheritance.
He says it’s...
1 Peter 1:4 (NIV)
4 inheritance that can never perish, spoil or fade.
Those three words:
& fade,
all have to do w/
things of this life.
The best this world
has to offer
is only perishing
& fading.
No matter what
we gain
in this life.
No matter how new
our car
or house
or any other
material possessions
may be;
As soon as we get
those things
they’ve already
started to perish,
spoil, & fade.
No matter how good
we may look now—
& you all do
look good.
But no matter
how good we look
& no matter what we do
to try to
stop it.
All of our bodies
are perishing,
& fading.
& the same is true
for everything else
in this world.
But our
heavenly inheritance
can never perish,
spoil, or fade.
So, we’ve gotta get
our focus off of
this world—
Off of
what’s temporary.
And focus on
what’s eternal.
The only treasures
that will never
perish, spoil, or fade
are the treasures
we store up
in heaven.
Only things
we’ve done for Christ
& His kingdom in this world
will follow us
into the world to come.
& nothing
we cld gain
in this world can compare
to the inheritance
God has prepared
for those who love Him.
When we’re born again:
We’re born again
into the hope of
a Heavenly Inheritance.
And Peter goes on
to talk abt an important part
of our heavenly inheritance.
[Transition: & that brings us
to the 3rd and final truth
Peter teaches us
abt the grace of
the New Birth...]

3. Through God’s grace we’re born again into a ready SALVATION.

In 1 Peter 1:5
Peter says
we’re born again for...
1 Peter 1:5 (NIV)
5 ...the salvation that is ready to be revealed in the last time.
Although our salvation
begins in the waters
of baptism
that salvation
will not be completed
until the coming of Christ.
& there are aspects
of our salvation
that have not yet been
revealed to us.
Peter says their ready
to be revealed.
& notice to whom
this salvation
will be revealed.
& in 1 Peter 1:5...
Peter says
this salvation will be
revealed to us
1 Peter 1:5 (NIV)
5 who through faith are shielded by God’s power...
I hear so many ppl
read this verse
out of context.
& they say
our inheritance
is kept by God.
And our salvation
is guarded
by God’s power.
And so,
They interpret Peter
to be saying:
“Our salvation is secure
no matter what
we do.”
But they fail to notice
Peter says:
Our inheritance
is kept in heaven;
& we’re being shielded
by God’s pwr
& then
he tells us how.
It’s thru faith.
We do have
a guaranteed inheritance;
We do have
a secure salvation;
We shld have confidence,
that God’s pwr—
God’s grace—
will shield us
until we reach
the fulness
of salvation.
But we can only
have that confidence
we have
an ongoing faith.
In other words:
those who do not have
an ongoing faith
cannot claim
this promise.
& true faith;
True saving faith
is more than mental assent,
to some facts abt Jesus.
It’s much more than
simply knowing
what the Bible says
abt Jesus.
Saving faith
is always an ongoing
obedient faith.
It’s a faith
that drives us
to obey the commands
of Christ Jesus
thru God’s
powerful grace
working within us.
Knowing & believing
good theology
is important.
But good theology
is worse than useless
if it does not produce
good works.
James tells us
the demons
know & blv
good theology—
even the demons blv
there’s one God
& they know
Jesus is God’s Son—
& they shudder.
Belief in one God
that’s good theology.
But simply believing
good theology won’t
save anyone.
Bcs faith—
w/o good works
is dead
by itself.
True faith
produces good works.
& if we do not have
good works
to go along w/ our faith
we will not
be saved.
No matter how many
misguided ministers
say it will.
Faith without works
cannot save anyone.
I’m going to go
w/ James.
James says:
“We’re not saved
“by faith alone.”
He says faith w/o works
is dead;
& cannot save anyone.
So, when Peter says
we’re guarded
by God’s pwr
through faith
he’s talking abt
an active faith;
The kind of faith
that produces works
of obedience.
That’s the kind of faith
Abraham had.
It’s a faith
you can see.
One that’s accompanied
by works.
Peter says:
Those who have
that kind faith
can be confident
we have an inheritance
kept for us in heaven
& that we’re being
shielded by God’s power
guarded by God’s grace
until our coming salvation
is revealed.
And this truth is
especially encouraging
to an audience
who were suffering
for living as foreigners
in this world.
Although persecution
will keep coming
God promises
to keep His ppl,
through His great pwr,
until we receive
the salvation
that’s ready
to be revealed.
Now What does Peter mean
when he says our salvation
is coming & ready
to be revealed?
Didn’t Jesus already
bring salvation
when he came
the first time?
It’s so important
we understand this:
The Scriptures
speak of our salvation
in three phases.
The first phase is:
We have been saved.
As Paul says
in Ephesians 2:8-9
Ephesians 2:8–9 (NIV)
8 For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God— 9 not by works, so that no one can boast.
The first phase
of salvation is past tense
We have been saved
by grace,
through faith,
as a gift from God.
And this phase
of salvation occurs
when we blv in
the Lord Jesus Christ
turn frm our sins,
& are baptized
in water.
And it’s in this phase
that our past is erased
we’re born again
& begin
a new life.
If we’ve done
those things
we can say:
We have been saved.
But that’s not
the end of it.
There’s a 2nd phase
of salvation.
In 1 Corinthians 1:18...
Paul says:
1 Corinthians 1:18 (NIV)
18 For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.
So, we who have
been saved
thru the new birth
are also
being saved.
What does that mean?
It means:
God’s grace is at work
in us conforming us
to the image
of His Son
as we walk in
the Spirit.
This phase of salvation
is all abt
an ongoing relationship
relationship w/ Jesus.
A relationship
where we daily
take up
our own cross
& follow Jesus.
& become like Him
in His sufferings
as we obey
His commandments.
As long as we’re living
in that
kind of relationship
w/ Jesus
we are being saved.
& if we stay in
that kind of relationship
w/ Jesus
we will enter into
the third phase
of salvation.
We will be saved.
As Jesus says
in Matthew 24:10-13
talking abt a time
that’s much nearer now
than when Jesus spoke
these words
Jesus says
Matthew 24:10–13 (NIV)
10 At that time many will turn away from the faith and will betray and hate each other,
11 and many false prophets will appear and deceive many people.
12 Because of the increase of wickedness, the love of most will grow cold,
13 but the one who stands firm to the end will be saved.
Many false prophets
are out in the world today
Deceiving ppl
in many ways.
Like the
false prophets of old
they always prophesy
abt God’s blessings.
They claim God is always
abt to do some
big thing
where He brings
on His ppl
& converts
the whole world
in an instant
or some such thing
bfr the Lord returns
or after some
secret rapture.
But Jesus
tells a dfrnt story.
Jesus says
the closer we get
to His return
the more & more
ppl will turn away
frm the faith
& betray
& hate one another
& grow cold
in their love for
God & one another.
That’s what
we see all
around us.
& as the world grows
ever colder
to the things
of God.
As many
turn away frm the faith
& hate us
& persecute us
We cannot allow
our love for Jesus
to grow cold.
We cannot allow ourselves
to lose our faith
in Jesus.
We must continue
to love Jesus;
We must continue
to obey Jesus
until the end.
And IF
we remain in that
kind of relationship
w/ Jesus
until the end
we will
be saved.
And it’s this
last aspect of salvation
Peter has in mind
in 1 Peter 1:5.
We’re waiting for
that last phase
of salvation
to be revealed.
& Peter tells us
what this salvation
He says the end result
of a faith that endures
until the end is...
1 Peter 1:9 (NIV)
9 ...the salvation of your souls.
When we hear
the word soul
we normally think abt
the inner life
of person.
But the word “soul”
is frm the Greek word
that means
our whole person.
Our whole being.
Peter’s saying
the goal of our faith
is for our whole being
to be saved.
& it’s that phase
of salvation
Peter says is ready...
We’re just waiting
for it to be revealed
in the last time.
We’re waiting for
what John talks abt ub
1 John 3:2–4 (NIV)
2 Dear friends, now we are children of God, and what we will be has not yet been made known.
But we know that when Christ appears, we shall be like him, for we shall see him as he is.
3 All who have this hope in him purify themselves, just as he is pure.
& this
brings us back to
our living hope.
The hope of the
We’re waiting
for the day
when every part
of our being
will be saved.
When every part of us
will be completely conformed
to the image & likeness
of God’s Son.
When every part of us
is like Jesus.
We’re waiting
for the day
when every trace
of sin
every trace
of corruption
every trace of death
is removed frm us
& this world
once & for all
Thru the grace
of the New Birth
We’re born again
into the hope
that every part of us
will be fully saved.
We who
have been born again
& who are
being made like Jesus
in this world
We who are
purifying ourselves
thru the means of grace:
Through prayer
& fasting
& fellowship
& faithfully giving
to the poor
We have the hope
of being like Him
when He comes.
& until then
we live by faith.
And we strive
thru God’s powerful grace
to purify ourselves
just as Jesus
is pure.
We keep obeying
the Lord Jesus
no matter what we face
in this world
for doing so.
And we keep
looking forward
to the salvation
of every part
of our being.
Thru God’s grace
we’re born again
into a ready salvation.
As we close:
We’ve seen today
that bcs of His great mercy
the God and Father
of our Lord Jesus Christ
has given us
new birth
thru His grace.
And we’ve seen
three things
we’re born again into.
We’re born again
into a living hope;
We’re born again
into a heavenly inheritance;
And we’re born again
into a ready salvation.
Those are
some tremendous promises.
But those promises
are only for those
who’ve been
born again.
& who are living
by the grace God
gives us
to becdome
So, I want to close
by asking you this question:
Have you received
the grace of the new birth?
If not
then come & see me
after the service
& I’ll tell you
what to do next.
Let’s all stand for prayer.
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