Untitled Sermon
The Text
The Context
Which is Right
Death is separation. Physical death is the separation of the spirit from the body (James 2:26). Similarly, spiritual death is separation—the separation of the spirit from God. He who walked with God in the cool of the day prior to his disobedience, hid from Him afterwards. Their close union had been disrupted. Eternal death is the separation of the spirit and body from God forever.
Similarly, life is union: physical life is the union of the body and spirit, spiritual life is the union of the spirit with God through Christ, and eternal life is the union of the body and the spirit with God for all eternity.
So, there is no question about it: death that subsequently “reigned from Adam to Moses” began immediately upon Adam’s act of disobedience. It is also true that from that day on man began the process of deterioration (corruption) that inevitably leads to physical death. The Bible is not wrong; it is the materialistic literalist, who fails to see the greater spiritual consequences of one’s relationship to God, who is wrong.