transform 2- in character & impact

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transform 2- in character & impact

way God brings transformation is the brand new change He works into us at our conversion.
I became a C at 22 (so 1 whole year ago now- ish) and before I did I’d listened to loads of ppl say that when they became a C the room was filled with light and a whole host of heavenly angels surrounded them. So naturally I was very disappointed when I prayed and gave my life to Jesus and NOTHING happened. So I spent the next 4 weeks thinking I still wasn’t a C, that I hadn’t prayed magically enough. Or something.
But after 4 weeks I noticed that without thinking about it I had stopped using the really bad swear words. Big deal cos I used to like using them a lot. After a year I stopped altogether. Without even trying. I didn’t want to swear anymore.
Ezekiel 36:26–28 (NLT)
And I will give you a new heart, and I will put a new spirit in you. I will take out your stony, stubborn heart and give you a tender, responsive heart. And I will put my Spirit in you so that you will follow my decrees and be careful to obey my regulations.
You will be my people, and I will be your God.
When we become Cs, God re-wires from the inside. He puts in our hearts a compass that has Jesus as its true north. And so our desires change. New creation. Filled with faith/ hope/ joy. With purpose. Righteous. We desire to worship/ draw close/ live right/ holy/ bless others/ give/ generous/ love others. We have a spirit living in us that cries out for a close, intimate loving r with God. This is now our joy and satisfaction. This is whats inside of us. Our hearts passion. But...Our minds still play catch up with this
Romans 12:2 (NLT)
Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect.
It is God who changes the way we think. It happens as we hear him. This is why it's good to slow down each day to let him speak to us- primarily through his word. In the Greek the phrase means “open the mind to something not previously understood”. As we start to see/ understand things differently a transformation supernaturally occurs inside us. 2 main things
TRuth about God:
e.g. Its easy to think by looking around that God isn’t all good, all loving. Cos if he was there would be a lot less wars and a lot more peace. And our lives would be a lot better. As we think this way we can live less secure, with more anxiety because trust becomes much harder. Its hard to have peace when we can’t see the way forward. When I 1st became a C I believed in an indifferent God - one that wasn’t bothered with ppl and didn’t want to help.
SLIDE OF DIFFERENT PERSPECTIVES. Where some see a rectangle, others see a circle but the truth is it's a cylinder.
We only get to see things thru our natural thinking in one dimension and this is often distorted.. But thru the lens of God’s Word we get to see in 3 dimensions. our thinking is cleaned up everytime we read/ hear and we are transformed.
as we start looking at life thru the lens of the Bible, God opens our eyes and we can see clearly. He supernaturally changes the way we think by showing us reality, showing us the truth. And we live differently. He shows us He cares with a passion about everything that is happening on the planet, how He weeps about the way mankind chooses to destroy itself. And we live with more compassion. The way we think/ see God will affect how much we pray/ wehther we believe He will answer, it will affect the whole way we live our lives. The more I recognized thru the Word God really does love us and is good, the more my thinking changed and it transformed my me into a far more loving & caring person. Reality comes through word not exp.
Truth about ourselves:
Bit by bit God teaches us the reality of who we now are. Our true identity in Christ.
That we’re loved, righteous, holy, blameless, valued.
God knows absolutely everything. Everything about us. All that we know, all that we don’t know & he wants to teach us something new today. All we need do is ask Him. He desires to lead us into more truth and out of confusion & lies that we can easily believe.
To shed light on something brand new. And God’s Word really helps here as it is transformational. As we meditate on it it transforms every single fibre of our being, making us more like Jesus. It nourishes us and releases a fresh faith in us to see ourselves as we truly are - our new creation selves. Righteous, holy Ppl of God.
E.g. “in my Youth I got my sense of worth in what others thought/ said of me and developed low self-esteem which I masked in sarcasm to survive.- in my 20s I started to find that my true value was rooted in the fact that Jesus died for me. All of us. He wanted to have a r with so much that He went thru agony to do so. I keep coming back to this to renew my mind. I speak out verses like John 3.16. Cos as I do I am transformed from the inside out.
So let’s ask God to teach us something new today. Let God affect our thinking, because: Our thoughts eventually will become our destiny.
A further way in which God works transformation into us is thru the inner promptings of HS
Galatians 5:16–17 (NLT)
So I say, let the Holy Spirit guide your lives. Then you won’t be doing what your sinful nature craves. The sinful nature wants to do evil, which is just the opposite of what the Spirit wants. And the Spirit gives us desires that are the opposite of what the sinful nature desires. Those who belong to Christ Jesus have nailed the passions and desires of their sinful nature to his cross and crucified them there. Since we are living by the Spirit, let us follow the Spirit’s leading in every part of our lives. Let us not become conceited, or provoke one another, or be jealous of one another.
EXPOUND Prompt and trust
The HS is constantly living inside every believer, and is always guiding us into all truth, into the right way to live, the best way to live. Not only this but he empowers us to live this holy life.
But how do we recognise this?
Prompts/ nudges. An inner voice/ conviction to stop doing something. [perhaps a habit/ a lifestyle/ or a one-off event] Or on the positive to move out and speak to someone, do good for someone, to commence a more holy way of living that he leads us into. And this happens v regularly.
Story - telling funny stories in staffroom [incl telling a story where you complained this week]
A nudge can feel like a lack of peace straight after an action - HS letting us know to stop. Or alot of peace to start.
We may sense the HS nudging us in someway that seems too hard a request, but remember it is God’s power in us that works the change. All we need do is say yes and trust. God I cannot but you in me can. It is God who gives us the desire and power to live for Him.
And bit by bit we get transformed.
IBC - As we allow the HS to move in us ppl around us will notice the difference. .....Seen this in every job I've done. Work colleagues have come to church cos they have seen me handle high pressure situations calmly and start asking q's,. We are called to go out and shine, to make friends and make disciples to ib and TC. And as we rely on the power of God in us that's exactly what we'll do .
APPLICATION - PRAY “make me more aware of your HS, of your nudges”
The close for non-cs to get saved/ know Jesus
Jesus died that our sins could be forgiven and we could enjoy an eternal r with God forever. One that brings a new peace, hope and joy into our lives. Forever.
In a moment I am going to pray and you may find yourself in one of the following three categories. Can I have every head bowed please.
1. You don’t know Jesus today as your Lord and saviour. Never been a C. You would like to make this today the day you begin your r with Him.
2. You used to walk with Jesus and would like to re-connect with Him today.
3. You’re not sure of your salvation. You’re not sure that at the end of your life you will be going to heaven and you desire that certainty that Jesus offers.
If you relate to any of those 3 then please pray along with me now, repeating these words out of your own heart.
Lord Jesus, I believe You died for my sins and rose from the dead. I ask You to forgive me for all my wrongdoing, and receive me as Your child. I commit my life to You now. Amen
With every head still bowed could I ask you to raise your hand if you prayed that prayer?
Anybody else?
PAUSE – pray for these ppl to receive God’s peace and presence
Thank you Lord for you all incredible love that you have showed us. Pour out your presence. thank you that for everyone today who raised their hands have entered into a most wonderful relationship with you and can be assured of their salvation.
MIN stand pray for greater sensitivity to HS
Left shoulder
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