Lesson 23
John sees an angel coming down from heaven. What is in his hand (20:1)?
Next, John sees thrones and those seated on them who have been given authority to judge (20:4a). This probably refers to the twenty-four elders, who represent the church (4:10). This is because of what truth revealed in 1 Corinthians 6:2a?
However, John comments that the rest of the dead will not be resurrected until the thousand years end (20:5a). Then, he writes: This is the first resurrection. Blessed and holy is the one who shares in the first resurrection (20:5b–6a). Why, according to verse 6b?
John sees Gog and Magog surround the camp of the saints and the beloved city, which is Jerusalem (20:9a). Jerusalem will be the capital of Christ’s government throughout the millennium (Isa. 2:1–5). What happens to Gog and Magog when they surround the beloved city (20:9b)?
The end of the Millennium and the beginning of eternity are marked by the judgment before the great white throne. The word great (MEGAS, meg’-as) refers to the greatest judgment of all time. White denotes purity, righteousness, and justice. The one sitting on the throne is probably Christ. Why, according to Jesus in John 5:22?
John sees the dead, great and small, standing before the throne (20:12a). This is the second resurrection—for the unsaved dead. The books, which probably record each person’s life, are opened. Also opened is the book of life, which records those who have been saved (3:5; 13:8; 17:8). The dead are judged based on the things written in the books, according to what they had done (20:12b–d). What they have done in their lives will determine the degree of their eternal punishment. When denouncing the unrepentant cities in Galilee, how does Jesus declare there will be degrees of punishment in hell (Matthew 11:24)?
The KJV uses the word “hell,” but it is Hades (HADĒS, hah-des), the intermediate residence for lost spirits prior to their permanent doom in hell (GEHENNA, geh-en’-nah). In Revelation 1:18c, what does Christ say He has?
Gehenna is the New Testament word for the valley of Hinnom, located southwest of Jerusalem. It was Jerusalem’s garbage dump, which burned constantly. This is an earthly picture of eternal hell. According to verse 15, who will be thrown into hell?