Mighty Humble Prayer
Mighty Humble
1 Peter 5:6-11
Peter’s Pattern
1. 3 Command Couplets
Humble Yourselves … Casting
Be Sober … Be Watching
Resist … Remembering
2. Each is past tense, conveying urgency.
3. Each pair is a command and an explanation – the
second explains the first by answering, “How?”.
Set #1 – Humble Yourselves …
Having Cast
• Humble Yourselves (v. 6)
1. “Therefore” looks back to God’s take on the proud (v. 4)
2. Twice Peter emphasizes “under.” God uses a variety of
means to accomplish His purposes, even wicked people.
Fighting against these wicked instruments fights against
the God who wields them (see John 18:1-12).
3. God will “raise you higher” in time
• Having Cast (v. 7)
1. Meaning: “lay upon” or “roll out”
2. Cares – you are an object of God’s particular concern
Set #2 – Be Sober. Keep Watch.
• Sober – Opposite of drunk, distracted; have a clear
mind. We might say, “Focus. Stay in the moment.”
• Keep Watch – military term for the guard on watch.
Again, we might say, “Keep your eyes peeled.”
• Explanation – your adversary is more awful than
you can imagine; he literally wants to “swallow
someone alive” (see Hebrews 11:29)
• “Walking” and “Seeking” – alludes both to Cain
(Genesis 4) and to Job (Job 1-2)
Set #3 – Resist … Having
• Resist – “To stand against” (v. 9a)
1. Peter deliberately uses a Pauline word – Galatians
2. “Firm” – we get “steroid” from this word; this is a
word to describe anything hard or firm (flint rock,
base of a mountain, foundation, etc)
• Having remembered that you’re not alone (v. 9b)
Closing Assurance
• The God of all Grace
1. This trial is temporary – it will last only as long as
God wants it to last.
2. This trial is momentary compared with the eternal
reward that awaits
3. God owes nobody – He Himself will heal all wounds,
strengthen all pains, and confirm all doubts
• The God of Glory – The same God who wants
glory from this trial will be glorified forever.