Jesus' Care Revealed (Luke 9:10-17)
I. Introduction
1. Prayers
2. Catch- How do we show someone we care about them?
3. Review of the book
II. Jesus’ care is revealed in His response to others
1. The Apostles wanted to speak with Jesus, so He makes space (10)
when John was imprisoned, Christ removed from Herod’s territory, in order to avoid his fury for the time, so we may now infer that Christ, in order to keep his trembling disciples at a distance from the flame, withdrew into a desert place.
the aim of gospel work is not to be a lone hero, but to work with other gospel workers to spread the gospel of Jesus.
2. The crowds want to see Jesus, so He makes provision for them (11-13a)
The crowds follow and Jesus teaches (11)
The crowd stays and Jesus feeds (12-13a)
3. The need is impossible, so He does a miracle (13b-17)
1. The problem- Impossible numbers (13-14)
2. The response- obedience (15)
Faith and obedience are bound up in the same bundle. He that obeys God, trusts God, and he that trusts God, obeys God. He that is without faith is without works; and he that is without works is without faith. Do not oppose faith and good works to one another, for there is a blessed relationship between them; and if you abound in obedience your faith shall grow exceedingly.
3. The provision- miraculous (16)
Christ had bestowed his whole attention on feeding souls, but now he includes within his duties as a shepherd the care even of their bodies. And in this way he confirms his own saying, that to those who seek the kingdom of God, and his righteousness, all other things will be added, (Matth. 6:33.) We have no right, indeed, to expect that Christ will always follow this method of supplying the hungry and thirsty with food; but it is certain that he will never permit his own people to want the necessaries of life, but will stretch out his hand from heaven, whenever he shall see it to be necessary to relieve their necessities.