Lessons from Chronicles of Narnia: Send Me

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Title: "'Send me!’: Lessons from Chronicles of Narnia"
Hey everybody! I'm so excited to share a special message with you today, a message about being "sent" and the incredible adventures that await when we answer that call. Our inspiration comes from the Bible in Isaiah 6:8, and we'll weave in some exciting stories from "The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe."
Let’s start by listening to some scripture from the Old Testament, in a book called Isaiah. Isaiah was a prophet and said these words, "Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, 'Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?' And I said, 'Here am I. Send me!'" Wow, those are powerful words from the prophet Isaiah. He was ready and willing to be sent by God on a special mission.
Now, imagine a magical land called Narnia, where animals talk and incredible adventures unfold. In "The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe," there's a lion named Aslan who represents someone very special—God. Aslan calls children to join him in a grand mission, just like God calls each of us to be a part of His amazing plan.
To help us understand the idea of being "sent" on a very important mission, let's watch a short video.
In this clip, we see Mr. Fox, a brave character, being turned to stone by the Witch who is Aslan’s enemy, because he chose to stand with Aslan. This reminds us that sometimes, when we decide to follow God, there may be challenges. But Aslan, like God, doesn't forget his faithful friends.
Later on in the move Mr. Fox is at a place called the castle of thrones, because he had been "unstoned" by Aslan. It's a big story that God can turn difficult situations around for those who are faithful.
Now, let's move to another part of the story.
In this clip, we see Edmund who is one of the children, walking through a courtyard filled with statues. These statues represent creatures who have been turned to stone by the Witch. It's a bit scary, isn't it? Sometimes, when we make wrong choices, it feels like we're stuck and everything around us is cold and lifeless. But remember, God's love is like Aslan's. It can change hearts and bring warmth even to the coldest places.
Now, let's watch the final clip where Aslan takes on the White Witch in a battle of good versus evil.
In this exciting scene, Aslan defeats the White Witch, showing us that God is stronger than anything that tries to harm us. Aslan's victory reminds us that God is with us every step of the way, helping us when we face tough times. When we say "yes" to God's call, we can trust that He'll be there to guide us and protect us.
So, guys, what can we learn from Isaiah, Mr. Fox, and the adventures in Narnia? When God calls, be like Isaiah and say, "Here am I. Send me!"
Even if it seems challenging, know that God is with you, just like Aslan is with the children in Narnia. Let's be brave, follow God's call, and spread His love wherever we go.
Remember that you all are part of God's incredible story. He has a special mission just for you. So, when you hear God's call, answer like Isaiah, and say, "Here am I. Send me!"
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