The Door of the Sheep
This Door Is An Individual
This Door Is An Invitation
In this statement from the lips of Jesus, we find a tremendous offer given to sinners. In these words, Jesus offers hope to everyone who is wandering in a life of sin. While Jesus wants to save you, He will never force Himself upon you! However, He gives you opportunities to come to Him. Notices what He proposes to fallen men this morning.
A door serves one of two purposes. It can be a barrier designed to keep people out, or it can be a means of access allowing people in.) (Ill. Salvation is God’s gift to a fallen race! However, before this gift can be realized, it must be received! No one will ever be saved unless they personally and consciously come to Jesus and receive Him into their heart and life. What I am saying is this, God offers you salvation and He means it, but you will not be saved until you come to Him by faith in the Lord Jesus Christ!
(Ill. The Prodigal Son—When he returned home, the Father ran out to meet him and fell upon him, Luke 15:20. There are probably several reasons why the father did this. However, there is one Biblical reason that we can be absolutely certain of, Deut. 21:18–21. In these verses, the townspeople were instructed to stone a child who had disobeyed and dishonored his parents. When this father ran and fell upon his son’s neck, he was placing himself between his son and anyone who would want to kill him.
This is exactly what Jesus did for us when he died on the cross. He placed Himself between us and the wrath of God. We deserved to die for our sins, but Jesus absorbed God’s wrath and paid the price for us. Now, we are all free from the penalty of our sins! No saints of God need ever fear going to Hell!)