Hebrews 8 Sermon Notes
Hebrews 8 • Sermon • Submitted • Presented
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The writer of Hebrews has taken us through doctrinal issues in the reality of Christ. A lot of these doctrines by this point are showing themselves to be repeated throughout this letter.
With each encounter of a “repeated” theme it is developing in depth. Here in our part of the letter the writers of Hebrews is pointing to Jesus being the better covenant.
In our previous sermons (keep in mind this is a letter, it would typically be read in portions over weeks as we are doing)
The writer of Hebrews has already addressed in previous the the house of Mosses and the Abrahamic Covenant.
Last week we spoke of the Abrahamic Covenant, this week we will keep this in mind but our focus is on the temporary covenant with Mosses.
The Abrahamic Covenant is enteral fulfilled, kept in Christ. Those promises are ever going and don’t cease in Christ.
In similar fashion the Mosaic Covenant has an enteral fulfillment in Christ, as that part of the Mosaic Covenant is tied into the Abrahamic Covenant.
There is a temporary covenant that is abrogated in the New Covenant. Replaced by the better.
First we need to understand the Mosaic Covenant as last week we saw the Abrahamic Covenant.
Mosaic Covenant Explained
Mosaic Covenant Explained
Before I enter into this covenant, it needs to be firmly expressed that in in no way in times of the Old Covenant (Mosaic) Isreal was and is saved by grace alone.
The law was not given to Israel until God had saved them from slavery, they were chosen before the time of the law, saved because God made a covenant with Abraham. This is kept in the Mosaic Covenant.
A good was to look at the Mosaic Covenant is through the scope of the Abrahamic Covenant which is the foundation of the New Covenant.
The Mosaic Covenant is as Ligonier Ministry would describe it a minor covenant within the overarching Covenant of Grace.
The Shadows of the Mosaic Covenant
The Shadows of the Mosaic Covenant
The covenant includes a law, in this shadow of the law it is writtien on stone and people are called to attention to the law. The law was given for the purpose of living out the fidelity of both Abrahamic and Mosaic Covenant.
The law would be the “rule book” for the promise land. This is how you Israel ought to live in the Promise land which at the time of giving of this law was still a future hope.
The Mosaic Covenant would provide procedure for sacrifices for sin. God’s grace is on display with even accepting a sacrifice from sinners.
Mosaic Covenant is a reminder that Israel has no hope in keeping the law and constantly need renewal from the Lord.
This covenant is a good covenant, but it has to be fulfilled on Israels behalf. Much like the Abrahamic Covenant, God has to be the one to keep it.
Israel as we know of their story will disobey God and we get the office of Prophets to point to a messiah who will redeem sinners from their sin, and be ushered into a New Covenant.
The Jews knows this, it is so clearly given from the prophets like Jeremiah, that the hope is in the New Covenant.
The New Covenant
The New Covenant
Now that we have a slightly better understanding of the Mosaic Covenant lets explore the New Covenant.
The law is no longer written in stone and no longer is man called to know the Lord, but now the law is written on flesh and man knows God. Notice the writer is not expressing those outside of true Israel will know the Lord, but those who are of true Israel, those who are of Christ, will know the know Lord and His statues.
Sacrifices are no longer needed, because the great High Priest *Jesus* has offered himself a living sacrifice once and for all. Let me make a commentary objection to Dispensation; why would God atone for sinners and have sinners (such as the Jewish people) return a sacrificial system in the temple when scripture has clearly stated it is done away with? To offer such a belief is to discredit God’s word and the atonement of Christ.
Notice the promise linked into the New Covenant, sins remembered no more. Why? Because the righteousness of Christ is upon all who call upon His name for salvation.
I want to recall you once more the promises made to Abraham as we spoke last night are fulfilled in this New Covenant. Today we mainly called attention to the Mosaic.
Why did the Writer give this?
Why did the Writer give this?
Growing up baseball was my sport of choice, and my Grandfather and I would toss the ball back and fourth. I remember the first glove he gave me. I did as all boys do, place the glove under my bed, rub it with oil, toss the ball as hard as I could into the glove.
Now of course I know it was a great glove at the time, but as you grow and abilities change a new glove is needed.
The Mosaic covenant is the little boys glove, but like every boys dream is to grow up to play in the majors. The mosaic covenant had its day for the season it was supposed to have, but it needed to develop into the fulfillment of the New Covenant.
Stop offering Sacrifices
Many today are living as if the Mosaic Covenant is binding today; it is not. There are denominations or cultures within the Christian community that seeks to return to a Jewish Theocracy or have placed additional laws because their liberty in that matter would cause them to sin; therefore every Christian needs to forgo XYZ.
In the Covenant the law of mosses is no longer binding, rather we have great liberty in Christ because His law in our heart, we know the ways of the Lord as the New Covenant has not only given us Christ, but His spirit which dwells upon us.
This does not mean sin willing, but it does mean you are free to walk not in bondage to the law, but in the spirit of God through Christ who redeemed you.
You know God
I hear of stories from Christians if only I knew God better, or if only I knew His will. Christian may I remind you in the New Covenant you know God and God knows you. Your relationship with the Lord will increase the more you are in His word, the more you are praying, the more time you spend with the bride of Christ.
Christian if you are truly born again you have a relationship with God that is no longer built on a future covenant, but one that is built in an everlasting covenant through Christ alone.
Your are forgiven and the sin is no longer remembered
Perhaps the greatest battle for new babes in Christ or even those seasoned in their walk is will God really forgive me for that sin? Does he really remember no more?
Christian, God does not lie, and that is what His word says. Embrace what the New Covenant gives you in this promise and live freely in this promise.