Thirty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time (2)


Why would he say that?
good parable gets you to think so hopefully mind catch light and burn with wisdom
only be lit if search for it
if content, run out of fuel for the fire quick
so put yourself in mind set, ask why???
Only childlike, those who seek wisdom, will find it
so like 2 y/o, trusting that the god like parent always has an answer (rather than a cynical teen), always be asking why???
Parable recap
what is the light and the oil?
what, the good don’t share?
why they even need light when other virgins have light too??
and how the heck would the groom not know some of the friends of the bride.
just like modern days, weddings havent changed all too much, and much more social back then
answer that first question, the rest falls in line
Obviously talking about the final judgment, end of all things
falling asleep always used to refer to death
trumpet announcement, dead rise
time of earthly life long over
Light and oil
First, easy: light
ps 119:110 word of God is light
Jn 9:5 Christ is light of the world
1 jn 1:5. plainly: God is light
light shine brightly, is conencted to good deeds Matthew 5:16 .
so to burn brightly, burns off good deeds
Oil in OT
Ex 27:10. pure olive oil burn in menorah right outside holy of holies which contained God’s presence, much like Eucharistic candle today continues tradition.
excluded from sin offerings, but given in offerings (much like good works do earn you forgiveness from sin, but are still offered to the Lord and necessary for salvation)
made by the crushing of the olive
So sacrifice, needed for God’s presence, and good deeds
Church fathers repeatedly it is good deeds
Good deeds helping the poor (spiritual and material) and being a living sacrifice to God
So if God, who is light, is only present when there is sacrificial good works, which is oil, the other questions of parable fall quickly in place.
Obviously good works cannot be shared in a certain way
can give your payment to someone else sure, but good works are your relation with God
acts in life of giving self to love of God
cannot love God vicariously
cannot say I love God because you do, thats absurd
w/o love of God, God won’t burn within you
you cannot share this oil of good works.
Nor can rely on light of others, your light must burn
just because God is present with you doesnt mean present in me
thats what counts, God’s presence in us
Thus the final question is obvious: how never know them?
because was not present in them
their oil was for this life, not next
good works only burned for goods of this life, not God, he was never really present with them and you must be present to know someone
For us
understand necessity of Good works
you will not meet him if don’t burn for him now, for faith without works is dead
allow the olive of your life to be crushed to produce the oil of good deeds
you cannot buy this oil from merchants
He has given you salvation, but you must take it up
if you want to take up His free gift of salvation, take up your cross.
If you seek it, you will find it in the dark with a lamp burning brightly


having constant light in us
probably virgins are all Christians (St. Hilary disagrees)
only had good works for this life, not next
loving wisdom is much more than knowing, knowing is one of the fruits of wisdom and wisdom is a fruit of loving wisdom
light is wisdom, oil is seeking wisdom
Pitre: being vigilant for wisdom
Ex 27:20 Menorah to be constantly burning inside tent, outside of veil
[me] much like Eucharist candale
light virgin olive oil
constant offerign of our crushed nature to be burned
light is glory of God, lamp is lamb (rev 21:23)
Seeking oil from others means its not yours
no personal relation, vicarious love or offering not yourself
and so certainly does not know them
there is no substitute, naked before God can only offer ourselves for thats all we bring
if brides gave their oil love human over God
not preparred for His coming (only enough for life)
had oil, just not enough
merchants are the poor
oil is fruit of good works
lamp is human
lamps are works
merchants are false flatterers, wise virgin are true and so wont flatter
sleep is death, the arrising is final judgment
oil is right teaching, light is good works that burns from it
tradition goign back to Judaism that Christ come at midnight and angel of death too, so thats why no dismissal on Easter vigil till midnight
a virgin soul should not rest on that alone or it will go out
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