Who am I ?
Who am I • Sermon • Submitted • Presented
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· 1 viewWho are we truly as a Christin and how do we show it and how do other people see us and how dose God see us.
Good Morning , I am Brady Barnes and I am just thirelled to be up here this morning. And I Just want to thak yall for leeting me be up hear this morning. But before we begin I am going to tell a little bit of my testamonie. I am 14 years old and I am a pastors son. I have all ways grown up in a church, and I have always had a relatioship with the lord. I got baptized at 8 years old. And I lived at Myterle beach and now we live in Randleman because thats when my dad got the call to lead a church. We have been here working on six years now. Then 2 years ago I accepted the call to become a pastor not because my dad was a pastor because God called me to be one. I orginally wanted to play in the NFL and thats the only carrer dream I had growing up. And I have played football since I was 3 years old. But then God told me not to play fottball no more because he wanted me to focus on school and bcoming a pastor and that shattered my world but I knew if I wanted to fulfill my calling I had to do this. So after that the enemy started to attack. First Satan tempted me and I did some things that I shouldnt of done and I had to work through them with my dad. Then my dad had I stroke and I was at home alone with my little sister and so I knew what to do because my mom use to pass out all the time and my dad told me what to do if anything ever happend like that and so I couldnt get upset and I had to suck it up and call 911. Then after that Satan tried to tempt me with going back and playing fottball because I had coaches start to try to recruit me to go play with them and it hurt me so bad because this is what I had worked for since I was 3 years old and I knew I had to stay strong and lean on the Lord and do his will and now I am up here stronger in my faith than I have ever been.
Mark 8:27-30
1. The book of Mark is one of the gosples and was writtten by John Mark and was written to pursuade the Gentiles in Rome.
2. In this passage Jesus is wondering what people say who he is and who his deciples say he is.
3. And a little bit of information of about were there at, they are traveling to Caesarea Phillippi and the reason I think this is important is because, we will see in this passage this is the first proclamation of Jesus Chirst as the messiah. And Caesarea Philippi is chiefly non-Jewish and it was a place of two painful memories for the Jews.
Read Mark 8:27-30
Jesus and his disciples went on to the villages around Caesarea Philippi. On the way he asked them, “Who do people say I am?”
They replied, “Some say John the Baptist; others say Elijah; and still others, one of the prophets.”
“But what about you?” he asked. “Who do you say I am?”
Peter answered, “You are the Messiah.”
Jesus warned them not to tell anyone about him.
How do you see yourself in your faith?
How do you see yourself in your faith?
Ask yourself today who am I as a chirstian.
First what is the definaition of a chirstian: a Christian is someone who worships Jesus of Nazsareth as the messiah and the Son of God of Isreal.
are you a chirstian that tells everyone about Jesus or are you a chirstian that hides your faith.
are you a christian that dosent know what your calling is yet.
If you need help to change something for the better like if you want to start to tell people about Jesus and you havent yet you can lean on Jesus to help you change
Or if you need to find your calling I suggest reading your bible and praying and seeking Jesus
7. Coming from experience the thing that helped me the most was reading my bible and seeking Jesus and doing whatever he wanted me to do and now I know I am on the right track because when pastor Tony asked me to come speak at your church I was like Lord I know this a sighn from you showing me that I am on the right path quieting football was the right thing to do because of this sighn even though it came two years later I know this is my sighn.
Who do people say you are in your Daily walk with Jesus?
Who do people say you are in your Daily walk with Jesus?
Read Mark 8:27-28
Jesus and his disciples went on to the villages around Caesarea Philippi. On the way he asked them, “Who do people say I am?”
They replied, “Some say John the Baptist; others say Elijah; and still others, one of the prophets.”
- ask yourself who do people say you are in your daily walk with Jesus
can they tell when by the way you act in the prking lot, can they tell when you get cut off when your driving, or by the way you treat people
Here is an example that really happend. I was at foodlioin and I kept on seeing this elderly woman on one of the scooters at foodlion and I felt God nuging me to see how I could pray for her and I ignored it two times but then I seen her agin and then I said alright lord I will go pray for her and so I did. I was so happy I did because, her car was messed up and she couldnt go any where and I prayed for her that whole week.
but small things like that is how people can know your a chiristian or simply just opening the door for someone
but then we look at Mark 8:27–28 “Jesus and his disciples went on to the villages around Caesarea Philippi. On the way he asked them, “Who do people say I am?” They replied, “Some say John the Baptist; others say Elijah; and still others, one of the prophets.””
Jesus wanted to know who people thought he was because he wanted to make sure they new who he was without knowing who he was if that makes since. He didn’t want everyone to know yet that he was the messiah. Because the time had not yet come.
How dose God see you as a BELIVER?
How dose God see you as a BELIVER?
When God made us, he fell in love with us. but when he put you in your mothers whom he made you with a purpose.
God sees us as a freind and as a child and he wants a realtionship with you. Matthew11:28-29
“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.
3.So this is saying God wants a realtionship with you he just wants to be freinds with you and he cant do that unless you open your heart to it and I will tell you something God can turn your life upside down for the good and I am talking about reading your bible and sitting talking and spending time with Jesus .
4. and the last reson for our purpose is that God wants us to share our faith with other people young or old just like I did with that elderly lady at foodlion.
In closing
In closing
So I challenge you to take this to heart what I shared with you this mornin
one more story I am going to tell you that helped me decide what I was going to preach about is when I went to mens night out in september. And brother Chuck was talking about how he went to a convintion and they were talking about how other people want belive in you if you cant belive in yourself and you need to know your purpose and one thing that you love to do.
So this morning as we leave from this place what is your one thing you can tell someone about you in one sentenec mine is I am a Jesus freak and I love spreading the Gospel.
So I Just want to thank pastor Tony and evryone here for letting me come out speak to all of yall.