The Call of a Caring Saviour
Hidden to the Wise, Revealed to the Simple
human wisdom is justly thrown down, that it may not obscure the praise of divine grace.
All Things in Jesus’ Hands
The Invitation
The Burden of Sin
He said not first, “Take my yoke upon you,” but before that, “Come, ye that labor and are heavy laden;” implying that sin too hath labor, and a burden that is heavy and hard to bear.
He speaks of them as labouring, or groaning under a burden, and does not mean generally those who are oppressed with grief and vexations, but those who are overwhelmed by their sins, who are filled with alarm at the wrath of God, and are ready to sink under so weighty a burden.
The Burden of Christ
It is not enough to indicate that one would like to be a follower of Jesus; to commit oneself to him means to commit oneself to a learning process.
Not this or that person, but all that are in anxiety, in sorrows, in sins. Come, not that I may call you to account, but that I may do away your sins; come, not that I want your honor, but that I want your salvation. “For I,” saith He, “will give you rest.” He said not, “I will save you,” only; but what was much more, “I will place you in all security.”