Crises of Faith (Faith that causes Friction)

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#GraceSMM : Seek To Do Right, Even If Others Think It Is Wrong.

Mark 5:1–20 (ESV)
1 They came to the other side of the sea, to the country of the Gerasenes. 2 And when Jesus had stepped out of the boat, immediately there met him out of the tombs a man with an unclean spirit. 3 He lived among the tombs. And no one could bind him anymore, not even with a chain, 4 for he had often been bound with shackles and chains, but he wrenched the chains apart, and he broke the shackles in pieces. No one had the strength to subdue him. 5 Night and day among the tombs and on the mountains he was always crying out and cutting himself with stones. 6 And when he saw Jesus from afar, he ran and fell down before him. 7 And crying out with a loud voice, he said, “What have you to do with me, Jesus, Son of the Most High God? I adjure you by God, do not torment me.” 8 For he was saying to him, “Come out of the man, you unclean spirit!” 9 And Jesus asked him, “What is your name?” He replied, “My name is Legion, for we are many.” 10 And he begged him earnestly not to send them out of the country. 11 Now a great herd of pigs was feeding there on the hillside, 12 and they begged him, saying, “Send us to the pigs; let us enter them.” 13 So he gave them permission. And the unclean spirits came out and entered the pigs; and the herd, numbering about two thousand, rushed down the steep bank into the sea and drowned in the sea. 14 The herdsmen fled and told it in the city and in the country. And people came to see what it was that had happened. 15 And they came to Jesus and saw the demon-possessed man, the one who had had the legion, sitting there, clothed and in his right mind, and they were afraid. 16 And those who had seen it described to them what had happened to the demon-possessed man and to the pigs. 17 And they began to beg Jesus to depart from their region. 18 As he was getting into the boat, the man who had been possessed with demons begged him that he might be with him. 19 And he did not permit him but said to him, “Go home to your friends and tell them how much the Lord has done for you, and how he has had mercy on you.” 20 And he went away and began to proclaim in the Decapolis how much Jesus had done for him, and everyone marveled.
Seek To Use Our Faith Not Just Have It.
James 2:14–26 (ESV)
14 What good is it, my brothers, if someone says he has faith but does not have works? Can that faith save him? 15 If a brother or sister is poorly clothed and lacking in daily food, 16 and one of you says to them, “Go in peace, be warmed and filled,” without giving them the things needed for the body, what good is that? 17 So also faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead. 18 But someone will say, “You have faith and I have works.” Show me your faith apart from your works, and I will show you my faith by my works.
22 You see that faith was active along with his works, and faith was completed by his works;
24 You see that a person is justified by works and not by faith alone.
26 For as the body apart from the spirit is dead, so also faith apart from works is dead.
Today we have problems in our communities Today we see people in need.
Drug addiction is rampant,
just about everyone here today has been or is being or will be affected by drugs ether in their life or the lives of thouse around them.
These People need our help, not our judgment
our faith is shown when we work to meet the needs of thouse around us.
Homeless and hunger is growing everywhere
we go anywhere today, in Dunn or Fayetteville, or even in roseboro for me, There are many who are homeless
Its easy to get dull to this problem. But Today we need to make sure we find way to turly meet the needs of thouse around sus
This is not a problem far away. this is from a news artical about fayetville
years ago we saw the problem in big city
Today it is in our neighborhood
it is where we eat
it is where we shop
so the question is
what are we doing to help ?
Our Faith is Empowered By God
Isaiah 41:10 (ESV)
10 fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.
When People Turn On You. Let God Deal With It. Don’t Stress It
Romans 12:19–21 (ESV)
19 Beloved, never avenge yourselves, but leave it to the wrath of God, for it is written, “Vengeance is mine, I will repay, says the Lord.” 20 To the contrary, “if your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him something to drink; for by so doing you will heap burning coals on his head.” 21 Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.
If You Walk With God, He Will Bring You Peace, Even From Your Enemies
Proverbs 16:7 (ESV)
7 When a man’s ways please the Lord, he makes even his enemies to be at peace with him.
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