Commissioned for Greatness - The Call To Make Disciples

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Opening Prayer:
Let's take a moment to center our thoughts on God.
Father, we're here to pause, to listen, to learn.
Would You open the eyes of our hearts to see the path You’ve laid out for us?
Help us to grasp the weight and the joy of Your commission. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Scripture Reading: Matthew 28:18-20
Matthew 28:18–20 (ESV)
And Jesus came and said to them, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”
Consider these words spoken by Jesus, words that have echoed through the ages, landing right here with us today.
All right, let's get real for a moment.
Jesus starts off with this bombshell: He has all authority—every last bit of it.
So when He tells us to go and make disciples, He's not just throwing out a suggestion;
He's leveraging the full weight of heaven behind this command.
And notice, He doesn't say, "If you feel like it," or, "If you have time after your Netflix binge,"
He says, "Go."
It's an action, a movement.
But it's not about hopping on a plane to some far-off land necessarily; it's about living with purpose wherever we find ourselves—work, gym, coffee shop, you name it.
Making disciples—it's not just about teaching someone the ropes of religious lingo or getting them to sit in church on Sunday.
It's life-on-life stuff.
It's sharing a meal, having real conversations, asking the tough questions, and sticking around for the tough answers.
It's showing someone what the way of Jesus looks like, not just telling them.
So here’s the question we need to wrestle with:
What does 'making disciples' look like for us, right here, right now?
It's easy to think about this in a 'someday' or 'someone else' kind of way, but Jesus is inviting—no, commanding—us to step into this role today.
Think about your average day.
Who are the people you interact with?
Maybe it's your kids, your spouse, your coworkers, or that barista who knows your order by heart.
How can you step into these everyday interactions with intentionality?
How can you turn ordinary conversations into moments of discipleship?
Here's the kicker: discipleship is not just about what you do; it's about who you are.
Are you living authentically as a follower of Jesus so that those around you are drawn to ask questions, to wonder why you live differently?
Are you ready to answer those questions not just with words but with the story of your own life?
And hey, let's be real—this is tough stuff.
It's messy and it's inconvenient.
But remember, Jesus is with us "always, to the very end of the age." We're not doing this alone.
I want to open this up for us to talk about it.
_ look at handout_
As we transition to discussion, keep this in mind: discipleship isn't a solo sport.
We need each other.
We grow best in community.
Let's challenge and encourage each other as we figure out what this looks like in our lives.
Certainly! Here are the revised, concise, and open-ended discussion questions designed to prompt lively discussion:
Discussion Questions:
1. Daily Discipleship Moments: Where might unexpected discipleship opportunities lie in your daily routine?
2. Discipleship Challenges: What obstacles do you face in guiding others spiritually, and how might you tackle them?
3. Spiritual Priorities: Which area of your walk with Christ is demanding attention, and what's prompting this focus?
4. Sharing Faith Experiences: Can you share a moment you witnessed for Christ? What was learned?
5. Mentorship Importance: How has mentorship impacted your faith, and why is it vital?
6. Faith in Practice: How does disciple-making influence your actions and choices across the various facets of your life?
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