Article 23: The Church's Relation to Government and Society

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Good Morning Church! How is everyone doing this morning? Its a good morning to gather together and worship Jesus! Would you join me in prayer as we prepare for what Yahweh has for us this morning?
In the last segment in our series we looked at Article 22: Peace, Justice and Non-resistance. We talked about this topic as a journey and I shared some of my own journey toward peace and non -resistance, but ultimately God reveals peace as his will and plan for his people through the Biblical Text.
This Morning we are going to look at Church and Government in Article 23.
The Government is often a touchy subject, people have different views on the role of the Government and politics, but I think I can safely say that no one likes paying taxes!
We are not here to talk about how we feel about the Government, but how the “Church” or faith community is to relate to the government! Before, we dive into the Details, We have to do two things.
Understand the Doctrine of Two Kingdoms
Understand the Biblical History of the Clash of these Kingdoms
Then, we can unpack how we are to relate to the Government as a Faith Community today.

What is Two Kingdom Theology?

A Doctrine that came out of the radical Reformation. That argues there are two Kingdoms: The Kingdom of God and the Kingdom of the World.
Characteristics of Two Kingdom Theology: (Slides)
We become Christians by transferring our allegiance to the Kingdom of God. For Christians, this nation takes the place of earthly nations and loyalties.
Earthly nations and their governments are God’s servants, a necessary evil intended to maintain peace for non-Christians.
These two Kingdoms have their own models, Methods, and Ethics.
Transition: In the Biblical Narrative We see the presence and clash of these two Kingdoms. Lets take a Look at the Clash of Kingdoms in the Biblical Narrative! In the different parts of the Narrative these two Kingdoms are often vying for the Allegiance of God’s People, Lets Begin with the Old Testament or Hebrew Bible.

Two Kingdoms in the Hebrew Bible (Slide)

The Kingdom of God in the Hebrew Bible

Theocracy: God is King and Ruler over his People.
Citizens: Put their trust in God for leadership and Provision.
Ethics of the Kingdom: Called to Live by the Laws Established by Yahweh The community is built up by mutual relationships centered around the Worship of God.
Goal of Theocracy: To Be Set Apart and a light for the Nations.
Yet, In 1 Samuel 8, the People of Israel call for a different Kind of Kingdom

The Kingdom of the World in the Hebrew Bible (1 Samuel 8)

The People Call for a Monarchy: Where a Human King would rule over them!
Citizens: put their trust in the leadership of the King.
Ethics of the Kingdom: to follow the leadership and example of the King and submit to his authority and reign.
God warns the people of the Realities of Giving your Allegiance to a Human King

He will take your sons and make them serve with his chariots and horses, and they will run in front of his chariots. 12 Some he will assign to be commanders of thousands and commanders of fifties, and others to plow his ground and reap his harvest, and still others to make weapons of war and equipment for his chariots. 13 He will take your daughters to be perfumers and cooks and bakers. 14 He will take the best of your fields and vineyards and olive groves and give them to his attendants. 15 He will take a tenth of your grain and of your vintage and give it to his officials and attendants. 16 Your male and female servants and the best of your cattle and donkeys he will take for his own use. 17 He will take a tenth of your flocks, and you yourselves will become his slaves. 18 When that day comes, you will cry out for relief from the king you have chosen, but the LORD will not answer you in that day.”

The consequences of the people giving their allegiance to king is progressively destructive as each King leads the people farther away from what God has for his people, granted there were some good Kings, but for the most part they lead the people astray, despite God’s word through the prophets.
Yet, God promised a long awaited King that would not only rule on David’s throne, but would Rule over his Kingdom Forever.

Two Kingdoms in the Jesus’ Time

The Empire of Rome

The Empire of Rome: “Pax Romana” = Roman Peace - Roman Occupation of Israel
Ceasar was God: (Slide)- on the coin he was wearing a crown, but also given God like features.
Emperor Cult: Statues, Temples, and entire worship services revolved around the worship of Ceasar and Rome. We catch a glimpse of this dynamic in Revelation 19-21.
Citizens: Required to give full allegiance to Ceasar, yes they can have their religious freedoms as long as it doesn't upset the empire. But Rome would Crush any hint of rebellion.
Rome Always had the Final Say. We are the definition of “Peace”, We crush our enemies, we rule with an iron fist and dominate with violence.

The Kingdom of God

The Gospel of Peace at Jesus’ Birth: Luke 2:8-14
Luke 2:8–14 NIV
And there were shepherds living out in the fields nearby, keeping watch over their flocks at night. An angel of the Lord appeared to them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were terrified. But the angel said to them, “Do not be afraid. I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people. Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord. This will be a sign to you: You will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger.” Suddenly a great company of the heavenly host appeared with the angel, praising God and saying, “Glory to God in the highest heaven, and on earth peace to those on whom his favor rests.”
Political Identities: We say we are republican, Democrat, Liberal, Progressive, Traditional Conservative. These Words have become identifies we assume and labels we hurl at others. We use these words like weapons. We know longer see the other side as human, but merely as enemies.
Ethics of the Kingdom: Care for the Least of These, to Love your Neighbor, and seekig first the Kingdom of God! We are bound by the ultimate ethic of Love for one another.
Goal of the Kingdom: Live in such away that mirrors Christ’s love and and service for the World and Invite others in.
The Message of the Kingdom: Jesus Christ is the Risen King who rules over all creation. The Kingdom has come and is coming! God loves you and desires to be part of his plan for all of creation.
These two Kingdoms Clashed and Yet, Its God’s Kingdom overcame even the Empire!

Two Kingdoms in Our World

Democratic Republic: Bipartisan Political System

System: We the People, Elect individuals to represent us and ultimately a president to lead us. Yet, in my lifetime there has been a shift, from political participation to political identity.
Political Identities: We say we are republican, Democrat, Liberal, Progressive, Traditional Conservative. These Words have become idenities we assume and labels we hurl at others. We use these words like weapons. We know longer see the other side as human, but merely as enemies.
Ethics: The ethics and values of this system revolve around personal values, commitments and stances on hot topic issues. In many ways, our allegiance is demanded as we are called to make a stand as this social political issues.
This Kingdom Clashes with the Kingdom of God, but What represents the Kingdom of God in our world today? The Church!

The Church the Kingdom of God Bursting Through!

In Matthew 5, Jesus says we are to be a city on a hill, this is a political statement. The word for city is polis, which is where we get the word politics from. Thats why our creed says that the church is a political Body!
How do we Be and Live the Kingdom of God?
We are Citizens of God’s HOLY Nation, God’s Kingdom has no Geographical Boundaries. The only Christian nation is the church of Jesus Christ, made up of people from every tribe and nation,3 called to witness to God’s glory.
But What about the Government, We are legal citizens of this country?
We Believe: Governing authorities of the world have been instituted by God for maintaining order in societies. Such governments and other human institutions as servants of God are called to act justly and provide order.4 But like all such institutions, nations tend to demand total allegiance. They then become idolatrous and rebellious against the will of God.5 Even at its best, a government cannot act completely according to the justice of God because no nation, except the church, confesses Christ’s rule as its foundation.
So How Do we relate to the Government?
we are to respect those in authority and to pray for all people, including those in government, that they also may be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth.6 We may participate in government or other institutions of society only in ways that do not violate the love and holiness taught by Christ and do not compromise our loyalty to Christ.

Namely, We Live IN the Kingdom of this World, but We live for the Kingdom of God!

We witness to the nations by being that “city on a hill” which demonstrates the way of Christ.7 We also witness by being ambassadors for Christ,8 calling the nations (and all persons and institutions) to move toward justice, peace, and compassion for all people.
In Summary: There is the Kingdom of World and The Kingdom of God. Throughout all of history, this Kingdom’s have Clashed. But Ultimately the Kingdom of God is and will reign forever! As the Church, we must always remember that although we Live in the Kingdom of this World, We Live for the Kingdom of God!
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