Zechairah 10. The only living God
Zechairah 10.
Redcap: A call to return to God, not only the land, vison of restored kingdom and priesthood, that God will save his people and restore them. Explanation of why God’s people were in exiled, because of them idol worshiping and rejecting God. God would judge Gods enemies and God would save enemies cleanse them they would be apart of the people of God, God is the only living and active God, loves, brings rain, etc. has compassion shows mercy, is a mighty warrior. Sends a savior.
The 1 verse can seem opposite of what we pray for here in Denmark most of the time, and with a recordseeting wet year. Kylene praying Lord let us see the sun, today.
And Sadie asking me why the weather reports get is wrong most of the time and I try to explain, that metrologists they are trying the best the can to understand and guess what will happen, and what whater we get, she would be like so they are lie, no the are guessing, but they are not God, Sadie righty conclude then only God knows what the weather is going to be. Yes.
We did have a dry season in Denmark and Europe, in Denmark it only takes like a month and everything is brown, in the spring/summer. People start complaining, about the weather… We need water for the crops.
All this to say, that God asks his people to ask for him to provide the rain when it is needed, not to much, not at the wrong time, when it is needed, - this was one of the promieses of the law that God would do that if the people would obey and follow him. Verse 1 is also contrasted to verse 2, God is shown to be the provider and lord of the weather, where the false gods idols can’t do anything in the world. God is powerful and provides even the rain, but what can the idols do? The utter nonce, and false prophets/ seers tell lies and false dreams, say everything will be okay, but have nothing to back it up. That means that the people are wandering like sheep, around not knowing what to do, because the ones that should shepherd are not doing it right, the people suffer and God’s anger is against that mistreated the people and lead them the wrong way. (God and Jesus as shepherd).
Leaders mislead people. God will punish the leaders/ bad shepherds, because Lord of host cares for his Juda, and will make them majestic seed in battle.
Then Jesus is promised in verse 4 that from the seed of Juda will the cornerstone come, it seems like he will bring judgment and expand God’s kingdom, verses 5 and they will win their battels because God is with them.
Verses 6-7 God will strengthen Juda, and save Joseph, God will bring them back because he has compassion them. It will be like God had not rejected them, - God states because I am the Lord their God and I will answerthem – 7. Ephraim (God’s people) children shall rejoice in their hears shall rejoice in the Lord, because God has made Ephraim a might warrior, they will be glad as if the had some wine, their hearts are filled and glad.
8. God will call for them and gather them in because God has redeemed them, - they shall be as many as before. 9. God did scatter them among the nations, - but even the ones very fare away shall remember me and with their children thy shall return and live, 10. Seems like examples of where from, Egypt and Assyria, and bring them back to Gilead and Lebanon so many there is no room for them all.
11 God will walk through the troubles and make the wases of the sea still, even the Nile shall be dried up. – The pride of Assyria shall be made low. And Egypt will lose its power.
12 God will make his people strong in the Lord, and they shall walk in his name- declares the Lord.
God contrast God self against idols and false Gods that have no power, and in the text, explain, how God is able to do all the things the idols can’t do and even people, God is God and will do what he has said. But then and now we might need to hear that more often.
This week, and others and news and so on, sin is real, destruction, devastation, is real, it seems at times that evil is wining, and what our eyes see, might have us take our eyes of the hope and truth of The Lord of hosts, the God of the universe that sends us the cornerstone PPT, - develop a bit, the branch, the hope of all the world,
Then for them a destitute people, from exile, a new beginning, getting to know God and his people, a restatement of Gods plan to send a King, the one that was and will be rejected, but will save, redeem, the hope of the gartering of God people to the land, that Nations/peoples will come and get to know God, the greater hope of even enemies getting cleansed and saved. God will judge, God will save, God will redeem, the hope is in God and the one that is sent.
We learn a lot about God, a God of compassion, anger, redeemer, caller, compassion, savior, lord of all also the weather. God keeps his promise, faithful. In other words, God is what we are not, but God makes a way for us to be restored, form exile, adopted, made new cleansed,
Our hope and faith is not in the politicians, new inventions, wealth money, idol gods that cant bring rain/ or sun, we remind our self to lift our heads towards heaven, from where our hope returns, the Lord Jesus Christ, where he is seated at the right hand of the father, waiting to come the 2 time to make all things new. But As Zechariah has called out a few times, the Branch, the King, the Conerstone was coming, and he did, Jesus the Christ, humble, - perfect in obedience, worship, relationship, - showed us who God is most perfectly, - offered his life, his death, for our sin, or restoration, our righteousness, as Jesus concored sin, death, absorbed the wrath of God defeated Satan, invites us to live as his family members, day by day, being changed more and more in to the likeness of Jesus, - day to day, understaning and living out the good news of the gospel, needing reminders often wen we get of tract, taking our eyes of from Jesus. That Jesus is our hope, everyday, every moment, in Him we can do what God has asked us to, walk in the good works that God has prepared for – the ones that trust in Jesus. Our hope is in God is faithful, merciful, loving, but will not let evil go unpunished, he will judge, so we are asked to trust in the king, only build on the cornerstone,
A call for all to trust in Jesus, God has made a way for us. – To live with Jesus and in Jesus, now, as we trust in his plans, with thanksgiving, rejoicoing, that Jesus is the one who is vitorius.