Come to All, Jesus Part V


Dear Jerusalem,

Your city that has witnessed the ebb and flow of ages. In the sacred echoes of Song of Solomon 5:10, we find a profound invocation, a plea for the radiant and ruddy countenance of the beloved, which you are among ten thousand. As I stand upon the precipice of prophecy, gazing into the pages of Revelation, I see the visions of seals and trumpets of conquest, conflict, and the revelation of God’s message.

Zechariah’s lament and promise echo through time, as the Lord, in His might, stands against the tumult of nations. The Mount of Olives, a silent witness, shall split, revealing the glory of divine intervention. Joel’s words resonate, foretelling cosmic phenomena heralding the great and awesome day of the Lord. In the mystical dance of numbers – 144,000 sealed, the silence in heaven, the tidal wave of the first woe – there lies Jesus Christ’s return waiting to be revealed.

But in this tumult, I am stirred not only by the shadows of impending tribulation but by the light of revival. The Living God, the giver of nephesh Chayyah, the living soul, beckons us to seek His face. I invoke the promise of John 10:10, where Jesus declares, “I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.” It is a call to a nephesh Chayyah Revival, a revival of the “living soul” that transcends the temporal and embraces the eternal.

I sense the instigator, the shadow that looms, and I entreat you, Jerusalem, to stand resilient against the tides of confusion. Let the living Spirit of Jesus Christ, the Living God, guide you through the impending storms. Seek the sweet and bitter message of the little scroll in Revelation 10, for it holds the key to the transformative power of God’s Word. Oh, Jerusalem, I plead for your healing, for the restoration of life that flows from the very heart of the Almighty.

May you hunger for righteousness, conquer the forces of darkness, and, in the silence that follows, hear the whispers of divine grace. In the face of the challenges that cast shadows upon your ancient walls and sacred spaces, I extend to you this fervent benediction. May you be a city that stands as an unwavering beacon of faith and discernment, a fortress of divine wisdom in the midst of uncertainty.

In this world where people seek guidance from authority figures, an instigator may exploit their trust, casting doubt and confusion upon their paths. He, like a deceptive illusionist, thrives on leading the vulnerable astray and manipulating their convictions. The shadows he weaves make hearts doubt their own discernment, creating a fertile ground for manipulation.

In the face of such adversities, I invoke the words of Colossians 3:15, beseeching the peace of Christ to rule in your streets, squares, and homes. Let this divine peace be the guiding force that unites your inhabitants, fostering a sense of peace that transcends understanding.

“Maranatha in Your Ineffable Glory,” a prayer that rises from the depths of the soul, acknowledging the indescribable magnificence of the Divine. It is a plea for the Lord to manifest His glory in ways that surpass human comprehension, a recognition that His wisdom and presence far exceed our limited understanding.

As the Apostle Paul declared in Ephesians 4:4-6, may you be the embodiment of unity – one body, one Spirit, one hope, one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God, and Father of all. Let the oneness of your community be a testament to the unifying power of the Living God.

In the face of confusion, doubt, and manipulation, may you rise as a city of discernment, anchored in the unshakable truth of divine wisdom. May the Living Spirit of Jesus Christ guide your every step, bringing healing and renewal to every corner and crevice.

May the threads of unity, diversity, and the boundless love that emanates from the heart of our Lord. As the ancient stones of your streets bear witness to the echoes of history, let them now resonate with the call for a profound and transformative experience – a nephesh Chayyah Revival.

Ephesians 4:4-6, a celestial symphony of unity, beckons to you, Jerusalem, as the city that has cradled the hopes and prayers of generations. In Christian faith, you are not merely a location on a map but a living testimony to the interconnectedness of believers. You are the embodiment of one body, guided by the one Spirit that dances through your alleys and squares. Under the lordship of Jesus, your streets resound with the harmonies of shared beliefs and practices, a sacred communion with the one God and Father of all.

Consider the human body, a marvel of divine craftsmanship, as Romans 12:4-5 invites reflection. Just as the body has many members, each with a unique function, so too is your community, Jerusalem. The diversity of your inhabitants, with their varied gifts and talents, speaks of the Creator’s infinite wisdom. From the bustling markets to the sacred spaces, every corner of your being is a testament to the multifaceted beauty of unity in diversity.

In Christ, you, Jerusalem, are not a fragmented city but a harmonious whole. Just as the organs, limbs, and tissues of the body function together, your people, though diverse, form one body in Christ. The shared faith that courses through your veins is the unifying force that transcends differences and binds believers together in a sacred covenant. Oh, how each member belongs to all the others! Jerusalem, every soul, every believer, “makes up” and ties it together with the city with Love. The interconnectedness is not just a physical reality but a spiritual one – a bond of mutual care, support, and responsibility that transcends time and space.

As you stand amidst the whispers of history and the echoes of prophecy, Jerusalem, may you heed the call for unity, diversity, and mutual responsibility. May the streets, walls, and alleys resound with the fervent prayers of believers seeking a Chayyah Revival – a revival of the living soul, a resurgence of faith that transcends the temporal and heralds an eternal transformation. In the luminous glow of Galatians 4:6, let the Spirit of the Living God resonate within your ancient walls, calling out “Abba, Father.” For you are His sons and daughters, and His divine essence flows through the heartbeat of your stones and streets.

Yeshua Hamashiach, the Rescuer and Savior, weaves His presence through your very essence. The name echoes through the ages, a symphony of deliverance and salvation. As Revelation 10:1-11 unfolds its message, may the sweetness of God’s Word bring joy, and the bitterness of impending judgment usher in a transformative revival that sweeps through your alleys and squares.

In the embrace of 2 Corinthians 1:3, may the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort, pour forth His solace upon your dwellings. As you face the trials and tribulations, may this comfort be an anchor, grounding you in the unfathomable love of the Creator.

One Lord, Yisrael, the God who prevails, reign over your sacred spaces, Jerusalem. Acknowledge the sovereignty and grace of the Living Spirit of Yeshua Hamashiach, the King, and let His grace and forgiveness flow through your cobbled streets. Lead us not into temptation, but into the arms of the Everlasting God.

One God, Yishmael, the God who hears our prayers, be our refuge, Jerusalem. As Abba Father, Christ, the God of all comfort, extend your mercy and forgiveness. As you forgive, let mercy flow through your veins, echoing the teachings of Matthew 6:15. Deliver us from evil, oh Jerusalem, and be a beacon of salvation.

In the unity of both Heavenly Father and Papa God, seek refuge, Jerusalem. Let the prayer of Matthew 6:13 be your anthem, asking for divine guidance and protection. Seek forgiveness as you forgive others, and in the silence, hear the whispers of the Living Spirit.

As you love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, and mind, echo the sentiments of Matthew 22:37:

One Father, Yishmael, as Abba Father, Christ, who is the God of all comfort, be the solace in your nights, Jerusalem. Cry out to the Spirit of God, the Father, and let His everlasting love embrace you.

One Son, Jesus Christ, El Olam, the Everlasting God, let the echoes of Matthew 11:27 resound through your sacred spaces. In His revelation, find eternal assurance, for no one knows the Son except the Father, and no one knows the Father except the Son.

In Conclusion, Jerusalem has weathered the storms of time, bearing witness to the ebb and flow of human existence. In the heart of this ancient city, the call to divine comfort echoes through the sacred verses of the Bible, inviting its inhabitants to find solace and redemption in the unity of One Father, One Son, One Lord, and One God.

In the silence of the nights, Jerusalem, cry out to the Spirit of God, the Father, and let His everlasting love embrace you. Abba Father, a term of endearment used by Jesus, reflects an intimate relationship between the Creator and His children. The Apostle Paul, in 2 Corinthians 1:3 (NIV), extols this divine comfort, proclaiming, “Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort.” The divine reassurance heal the wounded soul, a testament to the boundless love of the Father that cradles Jerusalem in its arms.

Jerusalem, let the echoes of Matthew 11:27 resound, proclaiming Jesus Christ as El Olam, the Everlasting God. The verse states, “All things have been committed to me by my Father. No one knows the Son except the Father, and no one knows the Father except the Son.” Here, the revelation of Jesus as the Son of God brings forth eternal assurance. El Olam, the Everlasting God, assures Jerusalem of the timeless nature of His love, a love that transcends the boundaries of time and space. In embracing this revelation, Jerusalem finds solace in the eternal presence of the One who knows and is known by the Father.

Jerusalem, acknowledge the sovereignty and grace of the Living Spirit of Yeshua Hamashiach, the King. In the acknowledgment of One Lord, Yisrael, let His grace and forgiveness flow through your cobbled streets. The plea to be led not into temptation is an invocation for divine guidance. In Matthew 6:13 (NIV), the prayer teaches, “And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.” The Living Spirit of Yeshua Hamashiach prevails over the sacred spaces, offering grace and forgiveness, and guiding Jerusalem away from the pitfalls of temptation.

Be our refuge, Jerusalem. As Abba Father, Christ, the God of all comfort, extend your mercy and forgiveness. Matthew 6:15 (NIV) echoes the importance of forgiveness: “But if you do not forgive others their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins.” As One God, Yishmael, the God who hears our prayers, let mercy flow through your veins. In delivering Jerusalem from evil, become a beacon of salvation, echoing the divine commandment to love and forgive.

In the unity of One Father, One Son, One Lord, and One God, Jerusalem finds a symphony of divine comfort and redemption. “For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.” Isaiah 9:6. The verses resonate with the promise of eternal assurance, forgiveness, and the unwavering love of the Creator. May Jerusalem, in embracing this unity, become a sanctuary of divine solace and a testament to the transformative power of the One who reigns over all – the Father, the Son, the Lord, and the God who hears our prayers. In the scriptures, may the prayer of John 17:20-23 be a resounding anthem. May your streets and sacred sites bear witness to the unity of believers, as you are brought to complete unity in His divine embrace.

May the God of peace be with us all, bringing tranquility to our troubled souls. As we don this spiritual armor, may we be transformed into vessels of grace, walking in the footsteps of the Prince of Peace, guided by the Everlasting Father, protected by the Mighty God, sustained by the Son, wielding the Sword of the Lord, and enveloped in the Cloak of Zeal. In this divine attire, may we stand firm, unwavering in the face of trials, radiating the light of our Savior to a world in need:

"Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid. You heard me say, 'I am going away, and I am coming back to you.' If you loved me, you would be glad that I am going to the Father, for the Father is greater than I."

Jerusalem, this statement is attributed to Jesus, and it is part of His farewell discourse to His disciples in the Gospel of John, specifically in John 14:27-28 (NIV). It reflects His reassurance of peace to His followers and an explanation of His imminent departure and eventual return. As we embark on this spiritual journey, let us be reminded of the profound wisdom embedded in the scriptures, which guide us in adorning ourselves with the "full armor of God." For it is not merely a set of protective gear, but a divine infusion into the very fabric of our being, woven into our essence. Let us explore the richness of this armor, drawing inspiration from the prophecy of Isaiah 9:6:

"For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace."

As we walk with "Prince of Peace" on the path of faith, let "Papa God" be our guide. Just as shoes provide stability, may our steps be firm in faith. Ephesians 6:15 (NIV) encourages us to let the Gospel of Peace be our foundation: "and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace." Let us walk in the assurance of peace, bringing the good news to the world including "The Prince of Peace" to be The Shoes of Peace to be In Faith, Servanthood, for The Gospel of Peace.

Wrap yourselves in the Belt of Truth, for our God is the "Everlasting Father." Let our praise, worship, and prayer be sincere and true. Psalm 25:5 (NIV) teaches us about Your grace, "Guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are God my Savior, and my hope is in you all day long." In humility, let the truth of our adoration for the Everlasting God be our foundation.

Let the "Mighty God" be our Helmet of Salvation. As we engage in the battles of life, may His compassion be our Ultimate victory. Isaiah 30:15 (NIV) reminds us, "In repentance and rest is your salvation, in quietness and trust is your strength." Let our minds be safeguarded by the assurance of salvation and compassionate obedience of which leads us to the Son.

Raise the Shield of Faith, wielding the Son of God as our defensive weapon. Hebrews 11:1 (NIV) defines faith: "Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see." Let our faith be offensive in its mercy and obedience to Him. As we trust in the unseen, may our shield deflect the arrows of doubt and fear.

Likewise, brandish the Sword of the Lord, the Word of God. Ephesians 6:17 (NIV) instructs us, "Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God." This weapon is forgiveness, a reflection of enduring hopefulness. Let the glory of forgiveness pierce through darkness, bringing the light of His grace. Now, envision the Sword of the Lord, a divine blade forged in the furnace of truth and righteousness. As we wield it, we engage in a battle not of flesh and blood but against the forces of darkness. Our offensive weapon is the glory of forgiveness, the very essence of our Savior's teachings.

Lastly, imagine draping ourselves in the Cloak of Zeal. This cloak, woven from threads of passion and fervor, wraps us in a mantle of purpose. It symbolizes our commitment to close combat, facing the challenges of the world head-on, radiating hope and determination. Envelop yourselves in the Cloak of Zeal, and put on Breastplate of Righteousness drawing all hope from our Rescuer and Savior, Yeshua Hamashiach. Isaiah 59:17 (NIV) speaks of God putting on righteousness as a breastplate and a helmet of salvation on His head. In close combat, may our zeal be an extension of His righteousness, proclaiming hope to a world in need.

In the sacred reflection of spiritual armor, we find a mirror that doesn't merely reveal our outer selves but reflects the inward metamorphosis of our souls. This mirror, radiant with the light of divine purpose, invites us to gaze upon the embodiment of grace, resilience, and righteousness.

Imagine, then, our collective footsteps echoing in harmony with the Prince of Peace, whose path we follow. We traverse landscapes of compassion, forgiveness, and humility, leaving behind imprints of serenity and understanding. Isaiah 9:6 becomes the compass guiding our journey, "And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace."

As we walk, the "Everlasting Father" stands as our celestial guide Jesus Christ, our Lord. His wisdom, vast as the cosmos, navigates us through the twists and turns of life's tribulations. Our steps, illuminated by His eternal light, find sure footing in the boundless grace bestowed upon us.

Visualize the "Mighty God", as our guardian known as the Lord God Almighty, a celestial sentinel shielding us from the arrows of doubt and fear. Ephesians 6:11 (NIV) speaks of putting on the Full Armor of God, and in this moment, we don the impenetrable protection of our God.

In the luminous reflection of this spiritual mirror, may our journey be a testament to the transformative power of grace, a symphony of footsteps guided by the "Prince of Peace". In this celestial ensemble, the Son, who sits on the right hand of our father, Jesus Christ becomes our sustenance. His love, a wellspring of eternal nourishment, fuels our spirits. We draw strength from His teachings, mirroring His compassion, and find solace in His promise of everlasting life.

This mirror reflects a vivid picture of Christ Jesus as the Holy Spirit, the all-seeing and all-knowing presence in your life- the "Wonderful Counselor". He is not distant or detached, but intimately involved in every aspect of your journey. His unwavering focus on you assures that He will provide for your needs and guide you in ways that are beyond your comprehension.

In this divine attire, fashioned from the fabric of Faith, may we stand firm like sentinels on the walls of Zion. Unwavering in the face of trials, our souls become lighthouses, beaming the undying light of our Savior to a world in need. As Ephesians 6:13 (NIV) echoes, "Therefore put on the full armor of God so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground."

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