Angels and Their Responsibilities Part 1
The imagers of God, eternal members in his family, have a lot more to do than cloud-lounging and singing. But discerning that requires grasping heavenly host (“angelic”) participation and reclaiming the nations currently under the dominion of evil, supernatural beings. A theology of the heavenly host is indispensable for conceiving our eternal destiny as co-rulers with Jesus.
And the angel of the presence spoke to Moses by the word of the LORD, saying, “Write the whole account of creation, that in six days the LORD God completed all his work and all that he created. And he observed a sabbath the seventh day, and he sanctified it for all ages. And he set it (as) a sign for all his works.”
2* For on the first day he created the heavens, which are above, and the earth, and the waters and all of the spirits which minister before him:
the angels of the presence,
and the angels of sanctification,
and the angels of the spirit of fire,
and the angels of the spirit of the winds,
and the angels of the spirit of the clouds and darkness and snow and hail and frost,
and the angels of resoundings and thunder and lightning,
and the angels of the spirits of cold and heat and winter and springtime and harvest and summer,
and all of the spirits of his creatures which are in heaven and on earth.
In your wisdom [you] es[tablished] eternal […]; before creating them you know {all} their deeds
8 for ever and ever. [Without you no]thing is done, and nothing is known without your will. You have fashioned
9 every spirit and […] and the judgment of all their deeds. Blank You have stretched out the heavens
10 for your glory. Everything [which it contains] you have [es]tablished according to your will, and powerful spirits, according to their laws, before
11 they became h[oly] angels […] eternal spirits in their realms: luminaries according to their mysteries,
12 stars according to [their] circuits, [all the stormy winds] according to their roles, lightning and thunder according to their duties and well-designed storehouses
13 according to th[eir] purposes […] according to their secrets.
21 1 And I came to an empty place. 2 And I saw (there) neither a heaven above nor an earth below, but a chaotic and terrible place. 3 And there I saw seven stars of heaven bound together in it, like great mountains, and burning with fire. 4 At that moment I said, “For which sin are they bound, and for what reason were they cast in here.” 5 Then one of the holy angels, Uriel, who was with me, guiding me, spoke to me and said to me, “Enoch, for what reason are you asking and for what reason do you question and exhibit eagerness? 6 These are among the stars of heaven which have transgressed the commandments of the Lord and are bound in this place until the completion of ten million years, (according) to the number of their sins.” 7 I then proceeded from that area to another place which is even more terrible and saw a terrible thing: a great fire that was burning and flaming; the place had a cleavage (that extended) to the last sea, pouring out great pillars of fire; neither its extent nor its magnitude could I see nor was I able to estimate. 8 At that moment, what a terrible opening is this place and a pain to look at! 9 Then Uraʾel, (one) of the holy angels who was with me, responded and said to me, “Enoch, why are you afraid like this?” (I answered and said),” 10 “I am frightened because of this terrible place and the spectacle of this painful thing.” And he said unto me, “This place is the prison house of the angels; they are detained here forever.”
17 1* And they lifted me up into one place where there were (the ones) like the flaming fire. And when they (so) desire they appear like men.
20 1 And these are names of the holy angels who watch: 2 Suruʾel, one of the holy angels—for (he is) of eternity and of trembling. 3 Raphael, one of the holy angels, for (he is) of the spirits of man. 4 Raguel, one of the holy angels who take vengeance for the world and for the luminaries. 5 Michael, one of the holy angels, for (he is) V 1, p 24 obedient in his benevolence over the people and the nations. 6 Saraqaʾel, one of the holy angels who are (set) over the spirits of mankind who sin in the spirit. 7 Gabriel, one of the holy angels who oversee the garden of Eden, and the serpents, and the cherubim.
10 Israel, for this will be the day determined by him since ancient times for the war of extermination against the sons of darkness. On this (day), the assembly of the gods and the congregation of men shall confront each other for great destruction.
11 The sons of light and the lot of darkness shall battle together for God’s might, between the roar of a huge multitude and the shout of gods and of men, on the day of the calamity. It will be a time of
12 suffering fo[r al]l the nation redeemed by God. Of all their sufferings, none will be like this, hastening till eternal redemption is fulfilled. And on the day of their war against the Kittim,
13 [t]he[y] shall go out [to] destruction. In the war, the sons of light will be the strongest during three lots, in order to strike down wickedness; and in three (others), the army of Belial will gird themselves in order to force the lot of [light] to retreat.
14 There will be infantry battalions to melt the heart, but God’s might will strengthen the he[art of the sons of light.] And in the seventh lot, God’s great hand will subdue
15 [Belial, and al]l the angels of his dominion and all the men of [his lot.] Blank
16 […] the holy ones, he will appear to assist the […] truth, for the destruction of the sons of darkness.
1 [Of the Instructor. Song for the sacrifice] of the first [sabba]th, the fourth of the first month. Praise
2 [the God of …,] you, gods of all the most holy ones; and in {his} the divinity
3 [of his kingdom, rejoice. Because he has established] the most holy ones among the eternal holy ones, so that for him they can be priests
V 2, p 809 4 [of the inner sanctum in the temple of his kingship,] the servants of the Presence in the his glorious sanctuary. In the assembly of all the divinities
5 [of knowledge, and in the council of all the spirits] of God, he has engraved his ordinances for all spiritual creatures, and [his]
6 [glorious] precepts [for those who establish] knowledge, the people of the intelligence of his divine glory, Blank for those who are close to knowledge.
4 The first voice was blessing the name of the Lord of the Spirits. 5 The second voice I heard blessing the Elect One and the elect ones who are clinging onto the Lord of the Spirits. 6 And the third voice I heard interceding and praying on behalf of those who dwell upon the earth and supplicating in the name of the Lord of the Spirits. 7 And the fourth voice I heard expelling the demons and forbidding them from coming to the Lord of the Spirits in order to accuse those who dwell upon the earth. 8 And after that, I asked the angel of peace, who was going with me and showed me everything that was hidden, “Who are these four faces which I have seen and whose voices I have heard and written down?” 9 And he said to me, “The first one is the merciful and forbearing Michael; the second one, who is set over all disease and every wound of the children of the people, is Raphael; the third, who is set over all exercise of strength, is Gabriel; and the fourth, who is set over all actions of repentance unto the hope of those who would inherit eternal life, is Phanuel by name.