2023-11-19 Sunday

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sorry, I'm

You just a few second center now that ain't going to work.

I'm hoping someday we'll have everything exactly the way we would like.

And that be perfect.


We're closed.

So as you see from my opening Just what?

how the Holy Spirit just can overtake you

your emotion


Me and technology is they we don't we don't we don't mix very well.

So Timothy, let's see if this is going to work for us. I don't think it is Dave unless you're on the camera again, or you want to just unplug that cuz it has Sometimes it'll unplug and then when it for whatever reason when I plug it back in it. K'Nex and it's because I didn't, you're going to have to run it Dave. So I guess he had to recap what we've talked about in Timothy here silence the false teachers praise Christ ongoing work of Salvation hold to a good conscience be in constant prayer for all people to be saved a call for women to a life of modesty and self-restraint qualifications of the church leader beware of Doctrine demons and good servant trains for godliness. Now, I didn't put the last one on that's what we're doing today. But the main idea is if a Christian leader is give proper attention to their own lives and teaching the church will bear spiritual fruit and We you know talking about Paul and his walker his life working with mentoring Timothy for one, you know as he sent Timothy out into the world to be ministering to those countries. He know he sent him out into the Turkish area and grease and all of those areas for him to kind of pave the way or lead the way for when Paul was available to do it. You know, he was Timothy was Paul's hands and feet. So there was time where Paul was mentoring, Tennessee.

For for the service. So what?

What are the things that Timothy if he's going to be an effective Minister? What are those qualifications that that he's going to draw those to understand or to listen to him or consider him valid or worthy of listening to you know, how can I win somebody over for Christ? You know, if you're going to preach somebody to somebody or teach them the life lessons of what scripture says if you're out there drunk on the street corner and chasing after women and doing all these these things that you're not supposed to. How are you going to how are you going to be an effective witness to somebody who's like well, why would I listen to you? You know, you have to be living your life in a in a manner that Earns respect and respect is definitely earned.

So there's a couple of words here that I I want to Define here. And that was the first one is exhortation a speech or discourse that encourages insights are in Earnest Lee advises language intended to incite or encourage. You know, I think of what Trump is being accused of is this incitement to hear the word in the statement. He was what do you say lighting the fire for conservatives after he didn't win this last election to go into the capital starting the capital in so he's this is the incitement where he was saying, you know go in there and you know, right or wrong true or false that's not the point. The point is that there was words that were used to incite or encourage people to to to do something. The the next word that I have is prophecy or prophesy speaking in order to strengthen and encourage and comfort others and these are words. We don't always use we don't we don't just use this in our day-to-day language, but we should you know prophecy should be one of those things that we do that we are prophesy and and basically what this is is just a When you speak a word of encouragement that in that strengthens, you have to receive that word so I can I can choose to give you words of encouragement because you're a friend of mine or I can actually get a a function as I would call it or a feeling or a a word sometimes like I shared it a couple weeks ago. I actually heard a whisper in my ear pray for her back. It was literally a whisper my brain heard a whisper in my ear. Nobody was behind me. So I'd speak to us differently in you. No different different ways different time, but I can get a word of encouragement for somebody and I'm going to go off-script here a little bit, but Melody I hope I'm not putting you on the spot when you first started coming here. I had a word I mean God highlighted you as a precious individual who loves her family loves God loves the word and you it it just there was something precious and special about you is something I should say was was at the time but I'm I'm saying God speaks to me about certain individuals and I I'm I'm sorry if I'm putting you on the spot. There's another one.

Monte you're another one that God has put on my heart. And someday I'd like to have a time to sit with you and just talk but it happens and why he chooses who he chooses. It's not up to me, but I'm going to I'm going to share a couple more examples of this but Marine are you at all able or willing to read the Timothy 4:11 to 16 is this is our our foundation of our message today. Don't let anyone look down on you because you are young but set an example for the Believers in speech and conduct in love in faith and impurity. Until I come devote yourself to the public reading of scripture to preaching and teaching. Do not neglect your gift, which was given you through prophecy when the body of Elders lay their hands on you. Be diligent in these matters give yourself wholly to them. So that everyone may see your progress.

Watch your life and Doctrine closely preserving them because if you do you will save both yourself and your hearers. And you can move it to the next slide just a photo of just a representation of pollen and Timothy, but you know that those verses there that's talking Paul Pat having a letter or conversation with Timothy. He's trying to encourage him. Don't let anyone look down on you because you're young and I thought well, that's interesting. How how old was Timothy? What's young to find young? Right? I'm young. Right? Why are you laughing?

So, what's young? How how old do you think Timothy was? At this time, I looked it up cuz I I didn't know so is anybody have any guests that they think that he was somewhere between age 25 and 30 roughly, but when he started his ministry with with the Paul when he was mentoring him, he was probably like 16 at at that time. So he was young but as any young individual knows and I we were all young once right you remember when you didn't really have the credibility and then there came this time when you I don't know if it was because my hair started falling out or what the deal was, but other other younger people and some older people would Alison's show more respect. You know, you just there's there's that time where you just feel like You know, nobody nobody will listen to me. I am the youngest in my family. So even at 53 and still, you know, the youngest so what can I know compared to, you know those older than me, but it's interesting how how Jimmy see was was really discouraged and probably feeling like when nobody's going to listen to me. So Paula was encouraging and don't let anybody look down on you, you know, don't let that happen. And then of course, he's he moves on to stay until I come devote yourself to public reading in scripture. And then the interesting part was do not neglect your gift and that's kind of what I want to talk about because without the gift his ministry really lacked the power needed to To to be effective and I want to share a couple of of examples but I want to go back to how did you feel when I singled you out and gave you cuz it was true. It was true what I was saying. So how did you feel where you like embarrassed or kind of irritated mad or worried? Did it encourage you to know that God was sharing something about you with me. It is how about you my tea? You're right. That's a perfect example and and and honestly, it reciprocates. It comes right back to me. Now. I'm I'm glad that I shared what I shared because now I have the joy that you have the joy and it you know, I'm saying it just kind of selfies but

I'm going to share something and I asked this individual if it was okay if I could share this and she graciously said yes, I figured she would but I was going to share this anyway, just because and not necessarily share her name, but it was part of what was on my mind as far as the gift of of being encouraged. I don't know 10 years ago.

10 years. Maybe we used to go to this the Holy Spirit conference down in in North Heights. It's a suburb north of the Metro there and it's just an awesome time of just coming together. There's probably a couple thousand people would show up and there was an individual that came in one year. His name is Steve Thompson. still is and Steve wrote a book called you all may prophesy and some of you've probably heard me share part of this testimony before but when we all came in from break, everybody's sitting down there finding their seed in this huge Auditorium and he says yet everybody come in here a minute. You're all going to prophesy and I thought what did he just say that was like the stupidest thing he could have said because I can't prophesy. I'm not going to prophesy that's not for me. That's for a prophet and I thought that was really just immature of him to say that because I'm sure there's going to be a lot of people in this room that it's they're not going to prophesy and they're going to say see I told you this is you know a joke. And we all came in we sat down and you know, when you if you sit with your group of people, you usually sit in a row like hell here. Yeah, we all travel together. We're friends, but the people in front of you or behind you are probably not necessarily in your group. So he said I want you to pick somebody in front of you somebody that you don't know it's just easier and so we had a role of senior citizens behind us and and we picked a partner in and I'm like, this is so dumb. I'm this is not going to work for me and I'm just kind of irritated and there was this Old Gentleman. I mean to say he was probably close to eighty behind me and we're like that will be partners and at that moment. I'm looking at him and the only way I can describe it as it was like, you know when you see a videotape and it goes fast forward and you're really quick. I had probably six different words of knowledge of this individual. His wife was not with him.

He is extremely it's been awhile since I've thought about that. He was extremely lonely a companionship was very important to him. So the the fear of being alone was gripping to him. He did not want to be alone a very important to him for whatever reason it was just put on my heart and then I saw a vision of a hospital which is really weird because it was like a cartoon picture of a like a something let a kindergartener might have drew of a of a building with a red cross on it. And I just knew that that was like a generic symbol for a hospital had no idea what it meant. and then there was a couple other things I can't remember. But anyway, he's looking at me and he says have you ever done this before and I said no and and I'm like but you're not going to believe this. They said I've never done it before but I said, I'm already done. I've got like five things for you and he was like what and so then he we waited for Steve to lead us and Steve says just looking to your person's eyes and just allow just ask God it just ask him it. Would you have a word for this person and it might be one word it might be whatever and and he's just looking at me and I'm looking at him. I'm already done thinking now. What do I do, you know is going to give me more and he didn't but we were done. He's like, I'm so curious to know what you what you have for me. And I said, well, the first thing he told me is your wife is not with you and I didn't know all the seniors, you know, it was him her him hurrying. And I didn't know if his wife was here here while in fact she wasn't with him and Isis. Did your wife passed away. I mean, are you widowed and he looked at me kind of funny and he says did you get that and I'm like no. No, I I just assumed that was my flash mistake. Number one don't lean on your own understanding don't make assumptions, but it was true the word he gave me it was she was not with him. She was at another conference that day in Wisconsin. That's where they were from. And so I thought it was very interesting God's teaching me lessons right out of the gate and the other thing about him being so lonely for companionship was spot-on. He he teared up he was like how did you know? Because he lost his first wife. She had I think she had cancer or something and he was remarried for several years to this other woman and He said you're right. He says it it nearly killed me. Like literally physically just the heart. My heart was so broken on my first wife passed. He said I couldn't live alone. I had to have a companion. So he says, That's amazing that you that you got that word. And then as far as the hospital what what what he told me was his wife had gone through some some surgery will just say and they were not able to be as I'll just say intimate and it was really driving a wedge between him and his wife and the fact that he showed me this hospital to me that gave us an me an opportunity to pray for his wife for her healing but just pray for their marriage and kind of just cancel the plan of the enemy to cause division 4 For their their marriage, so then we get done. He's just like astonished she says I can't believe you had that in less than 30 seconds and I'm like, well, it was like four seconds, but then I asked him what you know what that was my turn and he says First of all, he says you're you're a family man and you love children. And what was the other one and I've heard I've been prophesied over several times over beers and they all say the exact same thing and the end it's true. So it was really great. The other thing that happened at this conference my coming through. Okay was we were staying in her hotel room and the next morning I know what was the day before John Paul Jackson was going to speak. I was so excited John Paul Jackson. If you don't know was a was a modern-day property passed away probably five-six years ago now, I don't know amazing gifted speaker. So anyway, I'm taking my shower and I don't know I don't need to put the details of me taking a shower, but that's where this happen and I see. Melody veenendaal space like a hologram and if you don't know Melody is sitting right over here. And I'm like, well, that's weird. I mean, what am I supposed to think? What am I supposed to do? Right and so I hear Marines voice saying well if God showed you something ask God, what would you what would you say and I'm like so I'm like Lord. What what would you do? You have a word for Melody and like that? He's spoken it again. It seems like a thought it seems like I would it's not that I don't have control of my thoughts, but it's a thought that I wouldn't have come up with so I know it's not my thoughts that make sense. It's just it's so natural like a thought, but he said I have to make sure I quote this correctly

continue to love others just as you are keep on giving your love. And I'm like, okay. My memory is so bad. I have to remember this continual of others. Just as you are to keep on giving you the whole time. I shower I'm continuing others just as you could get out get my piece of paper and write this down. And before I could do that Melody's face turns into Kathy's face, which is Kathy is Melody sister and Kathy has this look like she's just discussed it and I discussed it but just like like really you got to work for her and not for me and it was so funny. It was, I'm laughing in the shower. And so I said Lord, give me a word for for Cathy to and I remember texting you right after that cuz I'm like are you going to be at the conference today? Cuz I've got something that I really want to share. I didn't know what it was. But I knew of God is going to share it with me. He's got something going on. Do you remember what that when we when I share that with you Melodies she was so excited New Yorkers were always excited as it as the family right to to see each other. I still have that excite me when I see your face and and I said, well God told me this and in your face went from this. Joyful happy like what are you going to say to this? done. Almost n n the tears came And it's it meant nothing to me. I could have just ignored it and just like whatever right but it meant something to you did encourage you when he did that when you know, and then it's the same thing. I'm just like this. Let me know this meant something to the melody. Do you do you remember what the you you reached into your purse? And you had a verse you remember what the first was? It was on a card you have these little like a recipe card and you had been wrestling. I'll say with the fact that you were feeling like you just didn't love others you whether it's your husband or your kids or your co-workers like you should and it was just it was exactly in alignment with what she had been wrestling with and you pulled out this card and you showed me the first I wish I could remember that now but I'm only sharing this is because it's it's got an action and before going to these conferences and understand what it means to be filled with the Holy Spirit. I had no idea that God through his holy spirit could talk to me. I just never grew up knowing that I could be used to to speak a word of knowledge or understanding of them have discernment about a situation and it's it's just amazing. And ni if you don't know that you don't know then you won't know right? I mean, so I want you to understand that we all have this gift if you're filled with the Holy Spirit in the word having your face turn to God. She will give you a talk to use blabbermouth. The problem is and I'm just pointing at myself here. I never took time to listen. So if it wasn't for us going to these these conferences I would have never never been able to step into that role. Now. I will say there are times and seasons in our life. I get busy and get family we have events going on and sometimes it's easy to kind of push God off to the side and me start living life. So it's a perfect plan of the enemy to distract you to keep you from hearing God so that you can make a difference in Ministry. And that's exactly what Paul is is talking about with Timothy. So, what do you think Timothy's? I'm sorry, Dave. I'm totally going off script here. So let me see you if I can before we move on to the wild weekend. We could do that next but what do you think Timothy's gift was? He talks about this don't neglect the gift that was given to you by the laying on of Hands by the elders. It was actually what we talked about from earlier in in Timothy. It would make sense that maybe he had the gift of preaching and teaching but it's not I mean that could that could have been one of his talents or it could have been a gift but the gift that he's referring to hear. Is it the gift of faith? Paul was using Timothy's gift of faith his confidence his demeanor to reach out to it was his effective tool to minister to the audience and who Timothy was ministering to so that gift of faith is huge because if you can stand confident near and in your own shoes, you're you're going to win others over so I want to talk about six principles that Paul uses to encourage. The first one is to begin this ministry with encouragement, you know have that demeanor that is Joyful, I feel like that a lot. I I understand that time so I can be that look that as my daughter would say the dad look and she can tell if I like things aren't right. I give the look so.

And it works it works. Trust me. No encouragement some some model this Wells others not so much but keep in mind always in preparation for sharing the gospel be approachable display empathy display fruit of the Holy Spirit. Your here is will be more receptive to your words versus shut you off before you ever begin. So be encouraged and be approachable. The next one is expect others expect of others what you expect of yourself holding a double standard doesn't fly in Ministry. You can't tell somebody gambling is wrong when you have a gambling addiction. That's obvious. Next is develop a realistic expectation of others walk a mile in the other another man shoes. Love them where they're at. However, you want to say it but I think often times we may have higher expectations that we it's easier to project this on to others, you know that they have to hold a higher standard, but if you can't can't do that that's going to hold you back as well. Just be mindful of The expectations you set next is monitor your expectation of others Graham Cooke always had this serve. I remember one it from one of his tots the principal of reframing someone meaning and Chad Chad could probably relate to this Chad and I were classmates in high school. So we we did a lot of life together growing up. But if I were to look at Chad and how he was when we were in high school, And can keep him there even though in our in our fifties. That's not fair. I mean, it's not fair for him to look at me. I'm not the same person. I was when we were in high school on my Chad. I'm a new creation. Insulted to judge somebody to judge their behavior based on who they were years ago is not fair. So I'm just referring to just monitor your expectation of others again. Love them where they're at. The next is clarify your expectation of others. Nobody should be expected should be should be expected to hit a Target that has not been identified. I mean that's kind of obvious to what happens when someone is not keeping with clear expectations. How much time do you spend with somebody not willing to adhere to sound teaching these are these are things I know when we went to our love and respect that marriage thing one of the big things if you're if you're meeting with other couples and let's say that the husband is he's busy he's not he just doesn't want to participate in doing marriage right doing holding up his side of the bargain, you know, there's there's certain things you might suggest go through these scriptures and then we're going to meet in a month and month after month. They're like now I didn't have time to do it and if he's not going to give effort to it.

That's when you have to cut it's like I'm sorry, but we've been through this and if you're not willing to to help then then I can't spend more time helping somebody that's not willing to be helped, you know, so there's this. Idea of making making sure you're clear. Your expectations are clear.

The next one is end with encouragement just like when we start and with encouragement people love to be recognized for a job. Well done. Right. Is there anybody that doesn't like to be acknowledged that they've done something, right?

There you go. The love language Marine said for some people, it's true. I remember I'm talking about wrestling in high school. I remember a time. I was I was not the best wrestler and believe it or not and you kids will probably laugh. I was too light as a 7th grader to wrestle 98 pounds. I was too little yeah. Yeah take that one. So right right it don't worry you'll get there.

So yeah, I had to I had to wait until I was in 8th grade before I was able to wrestle 98 but I had I had Chad on the team. So he was always that he always took the spot when we needed a man to come through so but yeah, I just remember one time on the mat. I done something. I wasn't the the star wrestler, but I spent a lot of time on my back and I think I remember receiving the the sunglasses award at the end of the season. If you don't know what that means when your on your back and you see the lights in any of the sunglasses to protect yourself, so that's not where you want to be when you're wrestling is he don't want to be in your back.

So where was I going with this the the awards we had we had crazy words that the 10 lb orange a word for the guy that was always overweight, you know, if you could be a quarter of a pound overweight and but coach all I had was an orange. Nothing was working right for me. I don't know if it was just psychological or I do remember I always get in the cottonmouth where you just can't I mean, there's like no moisture whatsoever and it hurts your throat and I was doing so horribly and I remember getting off the mac and my brother I'm thinking if anybody is going to give me some love. Maybe I'll get some for my brother. New know all I got was why didn't you do this? You could have done this, you know pointing out all those things. I just remember that that hurt me. I mean cuz I needed encouragement and I didn't get it but I also had a couple of people and I'm going to mention his name. It doesn't matter. Ronnie Erickson. Remember Ron. He he knew that my battle on the mat was up here and he knew if I'm I needed to be encouraged. That's all I needed. And it was the Brewton tournament. I don't know if Chad if you remember the the Bruton tournament. The very first match of the day, I'm wrestling a kid that in second grade in the old JC's Rick Clinic. He's no longer living anymore. He passed away in an accident. But Clement was a from Brandon Evansville, and he and I wrestled every time from 2nd grade all the way up until we were Juniors at least an every time I crawled out on the mat with this guy. He pinned me every time and it was like every time I knew that picks up there. I'm going to lose. I knew before I even got out there that I was going to lose because that's just the It's a it's a thing, you know and course the first match I get out there and I wrestle Rick and one second left in the first. I get pinned one second and I start, you know, great day and I remember somebody, you know guys like Chad like hey you come back and you'll get it, you know, and you know, you need that encouragement, but I had worked I thought okay. I'm going to try this. I'm going to I'm going to do this like Chad mentions the Cradle, right? That was a big thing. If you don't know what the Cradle is, it's kind of a few get somebody in the Cradle. They're done right you do it, right? and I get to the

the next round not so great. But I won the next round. I had a tough guy. I can't remember the name. I shouldn't have won that match, but I did and I thought are you kidding? I am wrestling now for third and fourth and guess who I have to wrestle for third and fourth. Same guy that penny with one second left is now who I get to wrestle and I'm sitting in the waiting for my turn and Ronnie Rex and I'm looking up into the crowd cuz Mom and Dad are up there. Ron was sitting next to Dad and Ron I could almost see Ron looking at me. Like I know what he's thinking. Do. You know what I was thinking? I mean based on what I've already told you you can write Rick's going to pin me and that's going to be the the norm right Ron came down and he grabs my head and he puts his head and forehead, right? I mean, he says knock it off. He says I know what you're thinking. You need to knock it off you are better. And he says you I've seen you do the Cradle. He says I don't know why you don't do it on Rick or with some of these guys. You need to go out there and do your thing and just forget this out of your head. And I tell you that encouragement was huge. I went out there and id'd him. for the first time

twice wow

So encouragement. We all need it. We all need to be encouraged.

I'm going to show you another thing about where it where he talks about here neglecting your gift. And what happens when you neglect something when you let something go without taking care of it. You know, what I'm going to use the I'm going to put a picture up here of the classmate of mine. Who remember what I said how I was too little and seventh grade £89, I weighed. Okay crazy. So I had another one of our friends good friend and he was shorter than I was and both of us were always too little to be really on the football team because we're going to get clobbered right? So I'm not enough weight the pads and what not, but put put the this is my classmate. After know this is this is a real photo. This is Dwayne Melo grew up across the tracks here. He he did not have a body like this when we were in high school. Trust me. He worked very hard to build in condition hitting of diet and just he put a lot of attention and I think he took if not first in his age group course, I think he's probably in his mid 30s here in Chicago, Illinois. He was mr. Mister Illinois, but he was very you very high but you don't you don't go from what we look like in high school to something like this without you know, this isn't a neglected body put it that way. This is a body that's been been working some but the same thing happened to you spiritually if you're not in the condition if you're not in the word, if you're not putting the effort forth, you're going to get weak spiritually weak. It was funny this morning. I texted Wayne and I'm like, I know I have this correlation between physical strength and spiritual strength and how we have to be conditioned and I'm like I used to be on Facebook. We let it go about 5 years ago and I'm like Dewey do you have a couple of those photos that you had made when you were doing the bodybuilding and he's like sure they're on Facebook and I'm like, I don't have Facebook. So I was glad that he was at least willing to allow me to use them in my message today. But so let's see where I'm at here.

Yeah, what happens when a bodybuilder stops lifting weights stops eating healthy the conditioner the structure changes to maintain that condition. You must maintain the source that brought you to that condition in the first place. So Timothy Timothy needs to

Be ready he needs to be in the word he needs to be prepared. You know, I shared a couple of prophetic words that we're done. Does anybody have the vet speak to anybody that does anybody want to share anything that a word that was shared for you that made a difference in your life.

first of all

hotspot for a while, but yesterday was amazing. all day

Make a call.


if that deck

and then he needed encouragement. And there was really nobody then run.

And I need somebody to believe in you.

right, right all those lessons

Family Guy

Starting after Thanksgiving.

There's been a lot of things in life that make me want to. So I've been over here.


So that was encouraging for me. Awesome. Yeah, and we need to just live chat up and it went over when I close here. I will do that cuz and we all need prayer we all life happens, right? We all run into our own Goliath at some point. Are we going to be victory Victorious over Goliath or not? But yeah, that's we need to encourage each other. This this is going to get really challenging in the future guys with everything that's happening. We need strong relationships. We need the high level of trust. We need to be accountable to each other. We need to be I need to which we say this in our men's group a lot. If if I'm doing something Randy I give you permission to approach me. I will receive what you have to say. If I step out of line how how much easier is it for for Randy to come up to me feeling safe that he could tell me something. I may not like to hear. But he's already knows my heart enough that I will receive what he has to say because I need correction. I mean, I'm I'm I have my faults, right? Let's see. I'm going to probably wrap this up here. But the big takeaway that I want to have here is if you're looking to gain influence with those whom you are ministering the power of the holy spirit is important and needs to be recognized first. You need to acknowledge that you are. The temple, I mean the the Holy Spirit resides in you and then the second thing is utilize that I mean if you don't know you have it. How are you going to use it? So that equips us with these tools. He will help us in those times when we were facing Goliath and it's like I need encouragement right now. I need I need to to know what to do next and he gives you those words I can tell Marine is itching to spend time with my train of thought that we need the gifts and I see you have that up there if the disciples who directly sat underneath Jesus and learn from Jesus himself if Jesus told them to wait until they've been endued with power from on high how much more do we need that and we don't we can have the right words week. You know all the right things to say. But it is the only the holy spirit that has the power to convert people to turn their hearts. And so we can't do it on our own. We need the power of the Holy Spirit.

I love you.

awake when that happens The ticker tape is going.

Four letter word that was going what's the word payday? take

when we Face difficulty

we can take negative what have you over here? You're going down the wrong road here. He's got to take every thought.

Or reject what that person has to say if something is speaking negatively.

I'm not going there. will not accept their Destiny for my life or my life.

Do I negative things come in? cake take them captive.

If you want to get rid of the Giants move.

You will face mountains in your life. You will Face Mountain. Are you going to take that long and cast it into the sea and check out? I'm not going there. You have something much better for me for my family will be.

that They know right? Don't receive it.

forgetfulness leave it there

much better things are

Write thank you. Ron Dave in the blue 1st Corinthians 14 31r and you want to read that cuz I know you'll have a prophesy intern that everyone may be instructed and encouraged.

therefore Brothers the next one there is therefore my brothers and sisters be eager to prophesy and do not forbid speaking in tongues, but everything should be done in a fitting an orderly way. So the reason I had that in there is this there is one thing that the Bible into work. We're taught in the Commandments not to covet right Thou shalt not covet. Thy neighbor's wife a manservant. But there's one thing that the Bible says that we should cover it.

And that's the wording that is used in some translation is actually you should covet the gift of Prophecy. That is something we should all desire to have the only thing in scripture. So that's First Corinthians 14 verse one and I think it's the King James version that actually says covet spiritual gifts, especially the gift of Prophecy. So these are the scriptural and I tell you what it is changed my life to to to know and again first 40 years of my life. I never I never had any understanding of any of this and it changed my life forever. I seen you had 1st Corinthians 12 up there at one point, but we never read through it but it's spiritual gifts the gifts of the Holy Spirit and I'm sure we just read that got it now to each one. The manifestation of the spirit is given for the common good to one there is given through the spirit a message of wisdom to another a message of knowledge by means of The Same Spirit to another Face by The Same Spirit and I thought was interesting you mention Timothy's gift was the gift of faith and it is a spiritual gift that's listed in 1st Corinthians 12 to another Gifts of healing by that one spirit. To another miraculous powers to another prophecy to another distinguishing between spirits to another speaking in different kinds of tongues and to still another the interpretation of tongues. All these are the work of one in the same spirit and he distributes them to each one just as he determines and so like I had mentioned before Jesus told the disciples to wait until they've been endued with power from on high and so on how much more do we need that these gifts are our empowerment they are to equip us to go out and to serve and be effective in our ministry. Help me out dumb dumb dynamis. Dumas dunamis is the route for Dynamite. That is the word that is used to describe the holy spirit's power. It's it's not just like strength and a little its explosive. That is power. And once we understand just how magnificent that power is and if we put it into action, there's there's lots of blows all the roadblocks out. So any any other comments anybody's field led to share or yes.

and if we're not speaking, which I want to



Right. Yeah, there's there's so much more that we we could go into in the end. Thank you for bringing that up. I was thinking of you know, some would say don't do this. There's this book I mentioned Steve Johnson wrote to you all may prophesy it totally when we read that book. It was like we are experiencing every one of these there's right right away. It talks about five myths of the gifts and it's like you seek The Giver not the gifts and if you're doing this that it could be stating that speaking to you not God and it's just a lot of it is what we think of an our human understanding. It's it's it's I think it's a plan of the enemy to to hide us and pre prevent us from receiving that power to be effective for the kingdom and the the whole yeah, go ahead. Did you ask and it will be given to you seek and you will find knock and the door will be opened to you for everyone who asks receives he who seeks finds and to him who knocks the door will be opened. Which of your father's if your son asked for a fish will give him a snake instead or if he asked for an egg will give him a scorpion. If you then though you are evil know how to give good gifts to your children. How much more will your father in heaven? Give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him and that directly. Coincides with Matthew 7 verse 7 through 13, but it says if you then though you are evil know how to give good gifts to your children how much more we go Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him. So when our faces to him in our heart is open and honest to him and and we're just like Dad. Will you show me this a he's not going to allow the counterfeit to come in and that's exactly what I was going to try to interpret, but you did it. Well, thank you. is it true you if you ask God for something, he's not going to give you allow the enemy to come in and lie, so and I've experienced that personally, so Anything yet?

Peter is up there in the action force.

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and I

Right, right.

That we are fans of the word and the spirit. There should never be a contradiction of the word and noticed that for the scripture read Discerning the spirit.


Yep, now thank you. It's just like the counterfeit. The only way to know the the the fake is to understand the authentic. And so if we know our scripture and can recognize when it's like wait a minute 90% of that was good, but there's something that just sits in your stomach wrong. So we never grow. Unless we're outside of her comfort zone. And so how do we grow in this we grow in our faith in our knowledge in the Lord and as we grow we have to step out right and and actually asked the Lord. Where do you have a word to encourage, you know Matia or whatever and then wait and listen and then we're just so humble. Like you know what? I I I don't know if this is just me or if this is the Lord but here's this word that I have and does that resonate with you and just being very like humble and just being real Melanie is here. That's hard for me that what she just described as difficult. I'm not always so outgoing that I'm going to say come on over here. I want to talk to you know, I've been wrestling for what how long have you kind of been coming you guys sick? Let's like 3-4 months for a long time. I've been wrestling with this and for you mine a little bit longer you been coming here a little longer but I this is me being real here is and so many times. I've had a word or something. Sometimes I step out and it's just an amazing and sometimes I've either been lazy or distracted and I've just kind of pushed it off to the side and now I wonder what am I missing out on? You know anything that is too is what what does the Lord want to do? What is for who does he want to encourage has nothing to do with me and my gift and what how much I've scripture Rhino or anything like that if if we are surrendered to the Lord as our savior he can use us. However, he sees and even with you. I felt like when we were struggling with gifts of the holy spirit, I know you were very frustrated at one point and I felt like the lord gave me a word for him that to me was not a big deal and I was just like that doesn't mean anything and and he kept giving it to me and give it to me it sound like I just I just have to say this to me it wasn't a big deal to him and then everything so I'm not going to go there. We'll save it for another day. It's true. Every time I share that story I get choked up, but that's that's how the Holy Spirit role so With that, I know before I close close are we doing? We have leftovers from yesterday. So I don't know if this is like hot soup or we got buns but whatever was left over from yesterday should be like ham slices and cheese and crackers and and what not. So after we're done that's what we're doing in lieu of cookies. So anyway, so I will close us with prayer. Thank you Father. This is kind of one of those messages. That's that's heavy and yet confusing the Lord. I just pray that you work in the hearts of those who hear heard Lord that you would encourage us that you would be our Defender that you would be encouraged her that you would open her eyes and ears to the things that you would have for each one of us. Each of us has gifts that we don't even know about so Lord, I pray My message would would spur those to get into the word to be encouraged to seek the gifts. As long as is the motives are pure Lord. You will bless each and everyone of us and and that blessing would just multiply through whether it's our families our church body our community Lord. I just pray that that Dynamite power of the Holy Spirit would just be added to to this just that power. I just thank and praise you Lord for everything that you have done for me and my my family but Lord for this ministry for each person in this room Lord. So I just thank you. I praise you and and may your blessing be upon this body in Jesus name. Amen.

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