Rob's Expository Sermon Preparation | Ruth 1
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· The Tension of Advent:
I) The Road Away…
I) The Road Away…
A. The Dream of More Bread Abroad
A. The Dream of More Bread Abroad
i. A Time and Place not Unlike Our own (vs. 1)
1. “When judges ruled the land” – a time of relativism, chaos, rebellion
2. A famine in the house of Bread: God’s judgment rests on the land
ii. A Picture-perfect family (That really wasn’t): (vs. 2)
1. On the surface: Elimelek and Naomi were a happy, faithful to God:
2. But also: two boys that reveal weakness, struggle
iii. The appeal of Bread in a Far-off place (vs. 2b)
1. The family moves outside of God’s Will – perhaps excusing it/justifying
2. “MGIK” made himself king & sought bread in the land of compromise
3. APPLICATION: How many of us know the allure of Bread in Moab:
a. When compromise looks easier than conviction?
b. When the promise, allure of the world looks more appealing than trusting God’s promises, and His will
B. The Death of a Dream
B. The Death of a Dream
i. The Grass is Never Greener in Moab (vv. 3-5)
1. Her husband dies; the family settles into Moab; the children die
2. “Pleasant” indeed finds herself vulnerable, with no future
3. Revisiting the story:
a. “In the time of chaos, when no one was really in charge, there was famine in the house of bread. “Pleasant” and “My-God-is-King” left the land of promise, for the land of compromise, but then “MGIK” died, and so did their two children, “sickness” and “weakness”, and so “Pleasant” was left all alone, with nothing to hope for.”
ii. Emptiness, Advent & Our longing
1. The pain of poor choices, or circumstances, sin, or shortcomings…
2. Advent: How does God respond? Did Naomi make her own bed?
II) The Road Back Home
II) The Road Back Home
A. A Picture of Covenant Love (That is unappreciated)
A. A Picture of Covenant Love (That is unappreciated)
i. Repentance: (vv. 6-8)
1. A repentance: acknowledging that the “bread of Moab” didn’t satisfy
2. A plea to stay – as Moabites wouldn’t be welcome…(vv. 8-15)
ii. God meets His people with HESED Love
1. Ruth pledges herself – no matter what – to Naomi(vv. 16-17)
2. Her love is a dying – to her future, to her dreams, independence, family…
iii. A pattern for Hesed Love
1. In a “Disney-love” world of self-center, HESED is a love that dies
2. EXAMPLE: From letting someone take credit, to caring for the poor
iv. But HESED love often goes unappreciated (vs. 18, 20, 21)
1. Yet after one of the most beautiful speeches of love in human history, Naomi throws her arms around DIL, hugs her, thanks her…or not.
2. She comes back empty – “Mara” – failing to see God’s provision for her
3. Have you ever loved like that?
a. People who WON’T: No “thank you.”
b. People who CAN’T: a parent w. dementia, all you get is screaming
B. A Promise of God’s Provision (Even If We Don’t See it)
B. A Promise of God’s Provision (Even If We Don’t See it)
i. Advent promises the HESED love of God
1. We may wonder if God cares for us – does he really love us?
2. The answer is found in the incarnation – God coming to us, as one of usàpledging himself, For better for worse, so that not even death can separate us.
ii. Advent promises a future (vs. 22)
1. Scene 1 ends hope: Harvest is beginning in the House of Bread. (
2. Today: War. Conflict. Marital breakdown. Grief. But it’s Advent. “