Two Plans; Esther 5:1-14
When our joy is found in something other than Christ, we are not living by faith, but out of a desire to satisfy our own selves.
A Prayerful Plan
A Prideful Plan
A Purposeful People
Reflect and Discuss
1. Describe a time when you were used to the detriment of God’s kingdom. How and when did you experience conviction over it? What did you learn from the experience?
2. How can we know we are being used for the development of God’s kingdom rather than its detriment?
3. Describe a time when you followed a plan that was determined by your will rather than God’s Word. How did this turn out for you (and others)?
4. How can we be certain we’re discerning God’s plan for our lives from his Word rather than devising plans from our wills?
5. Have you ever used prayer for delaying rather than obeying? If so, why? How can we minimize this tendency in our lives?
6. Describe a time you walked obediently in faith and experienced the Lord’s favor, provision, and blessing. How do we know he will provide all we need if we obey?
7. In what ways can we feed idolatry in our lives rather than forsaking it?
8. How does the gospel answer our need for true significance?
9. What can we do to surround ourselves with voices of conviction rather than just voices of compliance?
10. In what ways are you hoping the Lord will use you in the development of his kingdom this year?