1 Thess 5-End Times
“Times and dates” (v. 1) translates two Greek words for time. In contexts where distinctions are made between them, the first (chronos) connotes time as a sequence, and the second (chairos) connotes an event or an epoch in time. But the two apparently formed a stock phrase in the church’s teachings about the end times
The words need not describe idyllic times but arrogant or self-deceived people. They are like the prophets and priests who disputed Jeremiah’s warnings of impending destruction and cried “peace, peace” when in fact Babylon was about to destroy the city (Jer 6:14).
Ezekiel mocked such people by likening them to fools whose response to finding a weak wall is to whitewash it to make it look good. It will collapse when the storm comes and expose their folly (Ezek 13:10–12).
“Faith and love” are placed together as modifiers of “breastplate.” “Hope” is the lone referent for “helmet” and is itself refined by the phrase “of salvation.”