1 Peter- Chosen Exiles • Sermon • Submitted • Presented
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I dont know about you but I find it really hard sometimes to respect Our Government
In fact, as I think about all the things they are doing it gets me angry and frustrated. HOW COULD THEY BE SO IGNORANT!!!
it makes me uneasy and nervous
it causes me to become fearful of what the future may be for me and my children.
Do you have that same concern today?
Friends we live in a time where our government seems to be making some of the worst decisions we could ever imagine,
and in our text this morning Peter Exhorts the church and he tells us to submit to the government!
How are we suppose to submit to something so rotten in this life?
At first sight this seems like a terrible exhortation for the church to have to follow.
But I believe that as we delve into our text this morning You will see How our submission can be the greatest picture of Jesus Christ to the world
Last week we looked at 1 Peter 2:11-12
Where Peter lays out The Code that all christians should live by in this life, and after he reminded them of the gospel in their lives He gave them two principles that all Christians should live by in every relationship they have on this earth
The Code is simple
Avoid Sin
and live a holy life.
This should be the Spiritual principle that we as Christians live by in our relationships today,
IN EVERY RELATIONSHIP WE have our desire should be to
In the next few verses Peter is going to describe what this looks like in 3 different relationships we have in this world
the relationship between the Christian and government authority
The relationship between the Christian and his master
and the relationship between Christian husbands and wives.
This morning we are going to look at this first relationship between the church and the governing authorities in the land.
I think before we jump in We need to understand that Christians in society are Christ’s representatives in this land.
This means that we have the responsibility to advertise His virtues in this country.
and this should be the loudest influence in our lives when it comes to how we react and respond to every authority in our lives.
Listen as I read our text this morning
1 Peter 2:13–17 (ESV)
13 Be subject for the Lord’s sake to every human institution, whether it be to the emperor as supreme, 14 or to governors as sent by him to punish those who do evil and to praise those who do good. 15 For this is the will of God, that by doing good you should put to silence the ignorance of foolish people. 16 Live as people who are free, not using your freedom as a cover-up for evil, but living as servants of God. 17 Honor everyone. Love the brotherhood. Fear God. Honor the emperor.
Peter gives the church to ways that we can avoid sin and live lives of Holiness when it comes to submitting to the authorities in our lives.
Lets break this down a little more together this morning
the first thing Peter says that if we are going to avoid sinning and live holy we must
Be Subject to Every Human Institution
Be Subject to Every Human Institution
Being Subject to government does not mean Blind obedience
Peter knew first hand that the government is not always right, in fact the government he is referring to is the same government that allowed the execution of his friend Philip, and in Acts 12:1-2 We read the short account how one of Peters closest friends was executed at the hand of King Herod
1 About that time Herod the king laid violent hands on some who belonged to the church. 2 He killed James the brother of John with the sword,
When Peter wrote the words Be subject to every Human institution He wrote them as a man who had experienced great injustice from this same government in his own life.
But notice Peter didnt just say to be subject He said Be subject FOR THE LORDS SAKE!!!
Peter makes it very clear why we should submit to every human institution.
its not because we like them as a person
its not because we like and agree with their policies.
We are called to submit to human authority for the Lord’s Sake.
Peter understood from his own experiences of walking with Jesus, that when we submit to the authority in our life, even when we dont agree with all they are doing, it gives a testimony of our Savior to the world.
Remember Peter was there when the soldiers came to falsely arrest Jesus in the Garden,
In fact He is the one who reacted poorly and cut off the servant s ear while Jesus took time to heal the man.
Peter was there as Jesus was put on trial illegally before the high priest. And witnesses who had been paid lied about Jesus and his followers
Peter was there when Jesus stood before Pontius Pilot, and when asked about his guilt He responded in love and compassion for those who had arrested him.
Peter was there when Jesus was condemned to die even though he had committed no crime.
peter was there when Jesus hung on that Cross and said” father forgive them for the dont know what they are doing.”
Peter was there on that sea shore When Jesus called him out and asked him to feed His sheep- understanding that Jesus was offering him forgiveness even after all that Peter had done.
And Peter was there -even after all of this evil that the government had done against Jesus when He commanded him and the other discipels to go into these same communities and preach His gospel so that they could be saved
You See peter understood that when He got angry and cut off the servants ear- He was not exemplify Christ,
He understood that when he stood by that fire and denied being a friend of Jesus, He did not exemplify the same love that Christ had shown him.
Bt He also understood that even when the government was evil against Jesus, He chose to avoid sin and to respond in holiness, and in the end He alone was the one exalted Before the throne of God.
and so now in his letter to the church - He is saying brothers this isn’t an option- Ive been there in my life- Ive made the wrong decisions, We must submit to all human institutions for the Lord’s sake because this brings God the most glory from our lives.
In verse 15 Peter wants to make sure that the church understands that when we submit to the authorities in our lives Christ is the one who receives the glory.
He says God’s will is that your honorable life would be so pure that it silences the foolish accusations agains you,
So what does it mean for a Christian to live in submission to all human authority in our lives?
It’s really quite Simple.
You Obey the laws and rules set in place, unless they go against gods laws and rules set forth in His word the Bible.
Undestand that even when we obey Gods Law over mans law we still can live in submission to that authority.
We can submit to the penalty that we receive.
Remember the example Christ gave us? He was innocent and yet he submitted to the Penalty hew as given for standing firm on Gods law over mans law.
He didn't change his ways to be in line with the government but yet he willingly submitted to the penalty he was given. WHY- Because that please God.
The same is true for us today- When we submit to human authority in our lives - even when we know its foolish, We do it for the Lords Sake- Because in our submission- Christ is magnified, But in our rebellion or in our defiance the only one who is magnified is our own selves.
Verse 16 Gives us our 2nd command
16 Live as people who are free, not using your freedom as a cover-up for evil, but living as servants of God.
We are to
Live Rightly as People who are Free
Live Rightly as People who are Free
Remember we are not citizens of this world, We are not slaves to this dominion, We have been made Free in Christ
But Peter wants to exhort these Christians to not use this freedom to live in defiance to the government authorities over them.
This freedom that we have in Christ, however, should not be misinterpreted as a license for believers to live in disorder or rebellion against the government.
We need to understand that when we act in a chaotic and insubordinate manner it not only harms the unity of the church but also hurts the testimony of Jesus Christ in our community.
Friends, Peter addressed these concerns because He understood the persistent temptation among Christians to resist the authority of secular rulers, Especially when they keep making decisions that are morally and spiritually corrupt.
As Christians our greatest purpose when it comes to our relationship with Submitting to government authority should not be to prove how right we are or how wrong the government is, But should be to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ the loudest even when the government is wrong and even oppressive.
Friends Being right should not be our end goal,
If being right and proving how wrong the government is is our end goal then we have missed the entire point of our submission as a believer.
Our Purpose should be to bring God the most glory form our lives. And that includes submitting to the authorities he has placed in our lives.
leave out- Friends God is not glorified when we sinfully rebel against the authorities He has sovereignly placed over us.
and the best way we can do this -when it comes to Human government- is to understand our freedom in Christ is not an excuse to be defiant but is a freedom to exemplify the same submission Jesus gave to the Roman authorities as we submit to every authority God has put in our lives.
Understand that when we humbly submit to those in authority over us - We do it for the Lords sake- We exemplify Christ to the World.
Trans; in verse 17 Peter wraps up this teaching on Submission and gives us 4 actions that will prove we are submitting for the Lords Sake to Every Authority in our life.
The Christian’s life will prove his submission (for the lords sake)
The Christian’s life will prove his submission (for the lords sake)
Listen to these 4 proofs
1 Peter 2:17 (ESV)
17 Honor everyone. Love the brotherhood. Fear God. Honor the emperor
Friends, If our submission to authority is genuinely "for the Lord's sake," it will be evident to those who are around us.
A Believer who submits for the Lords Sake will give respect to every human authority in their life
WHY- Because they understand that God in his sovereignty has placed that person on that throne.
So what doe these 4 proofs look like?
Honor Everyone
Honor Everyone
TO submit for the Lords sake means that we will Honor ALL Men’ If you are Christian you are called to respect other human beings.
We need to remember that even at their worst everyone is still an Image bearer of Christ-
Our President was created in the image of God.
Our Senators were created as image bearers of God
Our governor was created to reflect Gods image to the world.
Friends We need to understand that even if their ways are evil- They are still the object of Whom God Loves
John 3:16 (ESV)
16 “For God so loved the world… That includes everyone -
If you are submitting to authority for the Lords sake-you will respect all others even when they are very unlovely at times,
Why? not because they deserve it, but because you understand that they are image bearers of Christ and they are loved by God.
You are honoring them not because they are worthy but because You want to proclaim Jesus in your life.
the2nd Proof that your are submitting for the Lords sake is that you
Love the Brotherhood
Love the Brotherhood
Do you love the Church?
I believe Peter is remembering the exhortation Jesus gave him in John 13:35
John 13:35 (ESV)
35 By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.”
Its through our love for each other that the world sees Jesus in us.
This truth of loving one another in the church is so important to Peter that he reiterates it in every chapter
1 Peter 1:22 (ESV)
22 Having purified your souls by your obedience to the truth for a sincere brotherly love, love one another earnestly from a pure heart,
1 Peter 3:3 (ESV)
3 Do not let your adorning be external—the braiding of hair and the putting on of gold jewelry, or the clothing you wear—
1 Peter 4:8 (ESV)
8 Above all, keep loving one another earnestly, since love covers a multitude of sins.
1 Peter 5:14 (ESV)
14 Greet one another with the kiss of love. Peace to all of you who are in Christ.
When we love one another even when we have differences we showcase the unconditional love Jesus had for us,
When we love one another the world sees something that is so different that what they been given through this world. and they begin to long for that same type of love.
the love that only comes through Christ.
IF you are submitting FOR THE LORDS SAKE
You will Honor everyone
& You will Love one another in the church
The final two proofs go hand in hand
The term to Fear God does not mean to be afraid of him like we may be afraid of the dark or afraid of spiders or snakes,
this type of fear is a profound attitude of reverence, awe, and deep respect toward the Almighty Creator.
It’s not a dread of the punishment God may give us if we screw up, but rather a deep recognition of God's perfect holiness, an understanding of his unmatched majesty, and an overwhelming awe of his supreme authority over all things.
to fear God means that you understand that God is sovereign over all creation and there is nothing in this world that He has not allowed to Happen
To fear God means that You understand who you are in comparison to the greatness of who he is.
And Friends it only When we understand that every king and authority has been placed on their thrones through the sovereignty of God that we will understand that "Fearing God" and "honoring the ruling authorities" are interlinked.
Christian, You cant have one without the other.
You cannot say that you truly have a reverence for God if you do not honor those he placed in authority in your life.
We can’t sit here and dishonor who God put on the throne and then say that we fully believe and trust everythting He choses to do in our lives.
in Proverbs 24:21 Solomon offered similar counsel to his son:
21 My son, fear the Lord and the king, and do not join with those who do otherwise,
The point Solomon was making was...
Honoring the king is an expression of our fear and reverence for the Lord.
Friends If you truly are submitting for the Lords Sake You will trust in the sovereignty of God- You will Fear God. and you will honor those he has placed in authority over you on this earth.
Honor the Emperor
Honor the Emperor
If you truly are submitting for the Lords sake- Then you will show honor to those God has allowed to sit on there earthly thrones.
The reason Peter needed to exhort the church to submit to the authorities in their life was because He understood how hard it would be.
He understood that in our humanity we tend to look through the googles of our limited human perspective and only see the evil around us.
Friends, don’t let your tunnel vision keep you from fearing God.
Don’t let the sinful actions of the government keep you from trusting in the sovereign plan God has for our lives. A plan that at times includes sinful people on the throne.
So the question we should be asking ourselves is ....How do we honor our leaders who seem to do everything against what we know God’s Word says is right?
Pray for them - 1 Timothy 2:1-2 tells Christians to pray for all men especially for those who are in high places
.We believe in the power of Prayer- Pray for God to do a work in their life. and to use them despite their sinfulness,
Care about their spiritual souls- Friends if our leaders die without Jesus they will spend an eternity in the Lake of fire apart from their creator- Does that bother you? it should
Respect the flag and and the position that they hold in leading this country-
Speak the truth in Love- Friends, remember if they are without Christ they are acting exactly like who you once were before Christ redeemed you. - So when we speak of their actions- speak the truth but with a heart that understands the only thing that can change their ways is a relationship with Jesus.
When Peter wrote these words to the Exiled Christians in Asia -NERO WAS ON THE THRONE_ and I am sure that is was hard for many of these persecuted Christians to hear because they were living under a ruler who was not just evil but was actively ramping up his persecution of the church.
Peter understood that all christians would need to consistently maintain these attitudes of continually Honoring others, loving the brotherhood, fearing God, and honoring the king
if they were going to avoid sin in their lives and to walk in holiness in how they submit to every Human authority they have been placed under.
Brothers and sisters, As Christians, the greatest gift we have is not our freedom in America its our Freedom in Christ.
and we need to use this freedom to proclaim Jesus to the World,
Friends the world is watching US. And How we respond to the injustice we receive as Christians will either point them to the savior or turn them away.
There will be times when sacrificing our privileges is the right thing to do for God to receive the most glory from our lives,
and there will be times when we must stand firm on God’s truths and submit to the consequences it brings us, because that will bring God the most glory form our life.
When we believe that God is still on his throne- We can have peace even when this world is in turmoil.
When we believe that God is still on His throne- We can honor the king as the man God has placed in that Position
When we believe that God is still on his throne we can give up our privileges for the sake of the gospel of Jesus
and when we believe that God is still on his throne- We will have the strength to endure every consequence we receive for standing firm on Gods truth and not yielding to the sinful ways of this world.
REMEmber what Peter said was the reason we need to live Holy lives and avoid sin?
1 Peter 2:12 (ESV)
12 Keep your conduct among the Gentiles honorable, so that when they speak against you as evildoers, they may see your good deeds and glorify God on the day of visitation.
When we submit for the Lords Sake to every Human authority the world will see Christ in US. and God will Be glorified
Friends I pray that in our submission God will Grow his kingdom