But With God...All Things Are Possible
Jesus’s came to shake things up—His entrance into the world, would disrupt the norm, turn humanities ways on its head—Change the order of things
“30 But many who are the greatest now will be least important then, and those who seem least important now will be the greatest then.”
In today’s gospel, the question is raised, who has a place in God’s kingdom?
— A man who has acquired much and was living for the limited possibilities of this life, instead of the limitless possibilities of God.
Jesus teaches that for some the answer to this question is hard. A difficult lesson for the man who discovers there is only one way to eternal life.
For the disciples the question becomes a teaching moment of the possibility of salvation in following Jesus
(S2) — “But with God...all things are possible.”
Its easy to believe that God who creating nothing out of Chaos…moves mountains...calm rough seas...
Isaiah 40:3–4 A voice of one calling: “In the wilderness prepare the way for the LORD; make straight in the desert a highway for our God. Every valley shall be raised up, every mountain and hill made low; the rough ground shall become level, the rugged places a plain.
Jesus showed the world the possibilities of God— Incarnate birth—Lame man walk—Blind to see—Sinner set free—Dead raised to life
We can all leave here today with this confidence that nothing is impossible for God. But can you leave here today knowing that because of Jesus THE IMPOSSIBLE IS POSSIBLE FOR YOU!
(S3) —Ever tried threading a needle…how about putting a camel through the eye
That’s impossible—The disciples may have thought the same thing when Jesus said...
“24 it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to enter the Kingdom of God!””
Lifestyles of the rich and famous—Some maybe happy to hear that in heaven the streets are paved with gold. But sad to discover that there is no key of Gold— Being rich may get you a lot of things, but it wont be a guarantee of life everlasting with God
First, those who will find it easy to enter into God’s future...
14 But Jesus said, “Let the children come to me. Don’t stop them! For the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to those who are like these children.”
Those who have NOTHING have EVERYTHING...
This is the cause for the man to come running to Jesus—concerned for his own salvation—wanting to be a part of God’s future...
16 “What must I do to have eternal life?”
Second, is those who will find it difficult, those who are dependent on the limited possibilities of this life—In the acquiring of things.
The man discovers by Jesus own words, that even though he has EVERYTHING he has NOTHING...
Third, for the disciples, the way to be with God becomes evident fin Jesus—They have nothing…but at the same time they have everything—Jesus
16 Someone came to Jesus with this question: “Teacher, what good deed must I do to have eternal life?”
The Man’s and his Question
There was an expectation among Jewish people of a coming king...
Jeremiah 23:5 “5 “For the time is coming,” says the Lord, “when I will raise up a righteous descendant from King David’s line. He will be a King who rules with wisdom. He will do what is just and right throughout the land.”
In this culture...Eternal life — The Kingdom of God
“On the most basic level, we may say the kingdom of God is present wherever the king is to be found. Jesus is present by his Spirit both in the church and in the world” (Lexham Survey of Theology).
God’s kingdom had come in Jesus…they were already apart of it and many did not yet know it
There was also an expectation that one who achieved blessing in this life, would be a part of God’s future kingdom. The thought of missing out on this was devastating to the man.
— (Mark) Ernest/Eager man-who came running to Jesus- and he knelt down before him.
We learn also that he is a
— (20) Young-Student-desire to learn (teacher)-Inquiry of Jesus
— (17b-20) Religious in practice-He knew the commandments-all these I have kept
— (21) He was successful in his young life-earthly treasure-Contrast to the poor/Jesus-rich
— (20b) Seeking More—What do I still lack
Overall he is GENUINE in his coming to Jesus—His HEAD was in the right place...but his HEART was out of alignment with God’s will
How do we come to Jesus?
RIGHT Person—WRONG Question—He makes a dangerous assumption, that all GOOD PEOPLE GO TO HEAVEN
All Dogs Go to Heaven
His understanding is flawed in three ways
— First, he is trying to achieve the possible (Eternal life), by way of the impossible (Human Goodness)
17 “Why ask me about what is good?” Jesus replied. “There is only ONE who is GOOD.
I. Salvation is found not in DOING good, but in TRUSTING the ONE who IS Good
I. Salvation is found not in DOING good, but in TRUSTING the ONE who IS Good
— Second, is his interpretation of Good, revealed in his response Jesus
“20 “I’ve obeyed all these commandments,” the young man replied. “What else must I do?””
Jesus is clear that keeping God’s commandments is essential...
17 “if you want to receive eternal life, keep the commandments.”
His response, which one, illuminates what is humanly impossible without God
Who here has never broken one of the 10 Commandments?
II. Salvation depends not on our good, but the GOODNESS of God
II. Salvation depends not on our good, but the GOODNESS of God
— Third, the flaw is in the practice of his religious life
21 Jesus told him, “If you want to be perfect, go and sell all your possessions and give the money to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me.”
By ignoring the poor, who Jesus had said have front row seats in heaven...Blessed are the poor...his faith wasn’t genuine in practice
Why I I love our Wesleyan theology, J.W.’s life was an interpretation of how the scriptures are to be lived out in the Christian life. The Revival called Methodism came out of his wanting to reform the churches misalignment with its faith and the practice or lack of it
By Not loving neighbor and ignoring the poor, he had replaced trust in the worlds security, for trusting God.
I have heard it said that if you want to catch a monkey, there is a particular method which works well. You need a jar which the monkey can just get his paw into when his fingers are open. Then you put something into the jar which the monkey wants—some fruit, say. Then you put the jar temptingly where the monkey is likely to find it. The monkey will reach his hand into the jar to get the fruit. He will close his fist around it. But of course, when he closes his fist, especially if it’s got something inside it, he can’t get it out of the jar. He won’t want to let the fruit go, but unless he does he won’t be able to get his hand out. Matthew for Everyone, NT Wright
Let go...and keep nothing? Or hang on...and keep everything, but have nothing
III. Salvation takes a WILLING sacrifice
III. Salvation takes a WILLING sacrifice
For Jesus, trusting God for the impossible came with a COST...one we don’t have to make....The price has been paid...
But following Jesus still takes a willing sacrifice...
“Then Jesus said to his disciples, “If any of you wants to be my follower, you must give up your own way, take up your cross, and follow me.” Matthew 16:24
One this man was not willing to make
22 he went away sad...
Does Jesus hate the rich? Desire to keep them from eternal life?
“Jesus spoke to this man at the particular point of his need” Myron S. Augsburger and Lloyd J. Ogilvie, Matthew, vol. 24, The Preacher’s Commentary Series (Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Inc, 1982), 18.
He had acquired much (treasure), but was lacking True treasure found in Jesus — God’s kingdom who had come and was his for the taking
Still the disciples question remains...
25 The disciples were astounded. “Then who in the world can be saved?” they asked.
The man’s sad story tells us. that entering into the presence of God is harder for some than others, but not impossible
The person who puts their trust in the only ONE who is GOOD...Saved not by our GOODNESS but God’s...Saved by a WILLING sacrifice...
Are you trusting God for the impossible? If so, then how?
We say God is good, but do you believe it? In what ways does the goodness you do reflect the goodness of God?
What sacrifice do you need to make? What NOTHING do you need to let go of so you can have EVERYTHING a relationaship with Jesus has to offer
If your not there yet, the good news is your only a step away...
Matthew 19:26 (NLT)
26 Jesus looked at them intently and said, “Humanly speaking, it is impossible. But with God everything is possible.”
Jesus is proof that God wants you to have everything…Jesus was willing to go to the cross for you…the question is are you willing to…trust God for the impossible? Let your good reflect the goodness of God? Let go of what this world offers in exchange for everything?
I still cant thread a needle—But I can choose to follow Jesus. Only God can put a camel through it...