Mike Friedlein - Saving Faith - James 2:14-26

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Pastor Mike Friedlein, a lay elder at Rockfish Valley Baptist Church, shares about how a saving faith is a faith that works.

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Well greetings from Rockfish Valley Baptist Church. I got to tell you it's an honor and privilege to be here to share the word with you. I am one of Thule Elders that were installed by the membership and together with our senior pastor. We can we make up the plurality of Elders that lead and in teach the congregation at Rockfish. And again, it's an honor to be asked to come here in and share the word.

So as I said part of my responsibility is teaching at Rockfish and one of the things I just love doing is at VBS I get to teach the kids and that's a lot of fun. So last year we decided to do something a little bit different and we kind of deviated from the normal script and we started taking the kids down to the basics and building up for the basics. So if you can imagine we started God and we went to Jesus in a week. That was that was pretty good. And so we would talk to the kids about that and we'd say well who's God? And then we went through the catechism and and how do we know about God? And of course the answer was we know about God from the Bible who wrote the Bible and we went down that road and is is can anything be wrong with the Bible? Well, if it was God's word inspired by God there can't be anything wrong with it. There's no discrepancies. There's no error in the in the Bible.

He never contradicts himself. He's always right. So I texted a is going to cover one of those controversial issues that you get in the Bible where people say, hi. We got you here. There's something wrong, but I think today at once we get through with this you'll find out that that God was true all along. So what we're going to do today as we're going to examine James chapter 2 verses 14 through 26. And what I'm going to do is I'm going to give you an overview of James's letter. Will Define some terms that we're going to need to have to understand this? And then we'll get then we'll look at the text. So we'll look at James argument in regards to regarding faith. We'll look at his response to a possible challenge. And then we'll look at a couple examples of James gives from the Old Testament. Our main idea today. Is that only true Faith saves. Am I exultation to you is to examine your faith to see if you do have that saving faith. So hard as it seems to understand this letter James was written by James. Who is James he was the brother of Jesus and he was the leader of the church in Jerusalem.

And with other New Testament authors that you see these the authors that wrote the letters the Epistles James addresses conflicts then includes splintering of fighting factions. He talks about failing and what they're supposed to do falling in the worldly practices and Lifestyles and failing to put their faith in the practice. And I'll tell you what when I looked at some of that stuff and I look at somebody's others. I say, you know, holy cow. They were dealing with the same stuff. We're dealing with today. It just sounds so familiar. And as we study I didn't and I leave Bible study also at that our church and I when you go through these letters you say holy cow. They could have been writing about us. So that's why we need to take this to Heart. So before we get into the text, I want to look at a few words that we're going to be talking about in those three words are going to be Faith justification and sanctification. And what we use at rockfish. To learn a lot about the words and so forth is we're going to look at the new city catechism and I'll give you those definitions. So question number 30 in the in the catechism is what is faith in Jesus Christ. And what it in the answer to that is receiving and resting on him alone for salvation as he is offered to us in the gospel. And then question 32 what do justification and sanctification mean? And justification means our declared righteousness before God. Sanctification means are gradual growing righteousness.

So we're going to do now is I want to get into the text will pray and then we'll get down to business. So I'm reading out of the ESV. And again, we're going to be if you want to join me. We're going to read from chapter 2 verses 14 through 26. Chapter 2 verses 14 through 26 and this is what James rights.

What good is it my brother's if someone says he has Faith but does not have works. Can that Faith save him? If a brother or sister is poorly clothed and lacking and daily food and one of you says to them go in peace be warmed and filled without giving them the things they need for the body. What good is that? So also Faith by itself if it does not have works is dead. But someone will say you have faith and I have works. Show me your faith apart from your works and I will show you my faith by my works. You believe that God is one you do well, but even the demons believe and shudder. Do you want to be shown you foolish person that Faith apart from works is useless. Was not Abraham Our Father justified by works when he offered up his son Isaac on the altar. You see that Faith was active along with his works and Faith was completed by his works and the scripture was fulfilled by his works.

And the scripture was fulfilled that says Abraham believed God and it was counted to him as righteousness and he is called a friend of God. You see that a person is justified by works and not by faith alone. And in the same way was not also Rahab The Prostitute justified by works when she received the messengers and sent them out by another way. For as the body apart from the spirit is dead. So also Faith apart from works is dead. If you join me in prayer, please. Lord this is a powerful message. And we appreciate you sending this to us and I pray that we look at this with open eyes open ears and Open Hearts that we may understand the word that you're trying to pass along to us. We can internalize that word and then we can go out in our communities and spread that word. It's in Jesus name we pray. Amen.

So anybody that has participated in sports or watch a sports or has Sports in our lives know about this word that you go that talk is cheap. And you hear that a lot in the sporting world. Do you hear a lot of athletes that just run their miles and do a lot of talking? But there's one example in particular that I thought was pretty interesting on a date myself and football fans will appreciate this. The back in 69 during Super Bowl 3. There was a quarterback for the Jets by the name of Joe Namath. And Joe Namath was a talker. And the day before the Super Bowl, he was very famously laying beside a swimming pool and the reporters went up to him and they said Joe. What do you think? What's going to be the outcome of the Super Bowl? And he looked at them quite frankly and said we're going to win. And not only are we going to win but I guarantee we're going to win and everybody say, oh, wow, you know his Brash guy ologies. He's going to get any rough against the best team in the NFL. They're up against the Colts who by far was you know, what today is betting World. They were going to they were going to walk all over the Jets and by golly the Jets the guarantee came true and the Jets won their game. Your actions give credibility to your claims. Your actions give credibility to your claims. So name is action and out of the Jets gave credibility to the boasted. He had the day before. So this is what James is so that's what James is saying and verses 14 through 17. Universe 17 he says What good is it if you say you have faith, but you do not have works. What good is it if you say you're going to win the Super Bowl if you don't win the Superbowl? Notice, he doesn't say faith. Plus Works equals salvation. But asked if that faith that faith has a company works. The Deeds are Works give credibility to the claim if I have faith. There's going to be works that follow.

He then gives the example and first 15 about a brother or sister in need of and need and walking past them without helping them. And he said they say go in peace while what is going peace will essentially what that is that saying. I'll pray for you. Okay in the end how often we do that we walk past somebody to say when I pray for you or someone says I need some help I pray for you. How often do you pray for him? You know?

So you go about your day you don't ever pray in and I'm not saying the prayer prayer is an important. I'm not saying that James isn't saying that. Okay, but what he's saying is if you're offering a prayer rather than offering action. Then you're really just talkin. Okay, and and and and he's saying I guess he's not saying the prayer is an important. He's not saying that you got to respond everything that's in your path. But if you've got the means

to help somebody what he's saying is that's the action that he's talking about the reflection of your faith.

It's kind of a it's kind of an evasive maneuver. I mean how many times have you been asked for example of yet? Someone had a death in the family or someone had someone in the hospital asked to repair me Alanis, I guess I got kind of busy. But boy, I'll pray for them or I don't know if y'all have church work days here. I don't know if you have people come out and help clean up around the church and everything, but you did ask about you know, I had a busy week. But I'm with you in spirit.

Again, not every possibility is a relates to Services a responsibility. But I'm saying that your faith shows. It's not bloodless. It's not sweatless. It's not tearless or It's Not Invisible. James point is that true saving faith is defined by the actions that follow.

If they claim the faith has made and it doesn't have the finding actions than that face is essentially dead. And I'm going to borrow an example from a pastor in Louisville by the name of Greg Gilbert. Gilbert says if you plant a seed and nothing grows out of it, then you can rightly assume that the seed was dead at the start. So you need to ask yourself the question. What kind of Faith do you have? And sometimes God is already given us the answer to prayer. You don't lean on a shovel and pray for a whole. Is your faith the lazy leaning on the shovel type of faith is that your is that the faith that you have the quality of your faith shows up on how you live? That's what James is saying. What kind of face do you have?

Now James changes gears and he gets into Verse 18 and he engages our hypothetical critic who says I have faith and you have works. And that objective setting for that says for that the faith and works are two separate and equally valid gifts. Some people have faith. Some people have work. And the faith and works work against each other, but that's not what James is saying. He's saying that the faith and works are friends. Faith is the root and works of the fruit of salvation. Saving Faith genuine Faith shows up. They make that meal they help at the at the church work day. So let's take a look at another pastor this look at Matthew 7:15 through 20.

Jesus says beware of false prophets who come to you in sheep's clothing. But inwardly are ravenous wolves. You will recognize them by their fruits. Are grapes gathered from Thorn bushes or figs from thistles? So every healthy tree Bears good fruit, but the diseased tree Bears Bad fruit. A healthy tree cannot bear bad fruit nor can a diseased tree bear good fruit every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. Do you recognize them by their fruit?

So I Faith bears fruit and this fruit is seen daily. When you're born again, if you want to love God, you want to glorify him by performing good works.

But Miraak donation exclamation of faith is not saving in other words just saying you have faith is not saving faith. Look at first 19 and this is where James gets a little snippy and it's a I think it's pretty neat be honest with you. He says you believe there is one God know. Why does he say that you believe? There's one guy. Well, that's the that was the Jewish confession of of monotheism, right? There's only one God and changed his good way to go. You're a Believer good job, but then he follows with even the demons believe that and they shot her. What is James saying here? Why is he saying it this way take a look at the at Luke 18 9 through 14 in the parable of the Pharisee and the tax collector.

He also told this Parable talking about Jesus to someone he trusted in themselves that they were righteous and treated others with contempt. Two men went up to the temple to pray one of Pharisee and the other tax collector. the Pharisee standing by himself prayed us God I thank you. I'm not like other men extortioners unjust adulterous or even like this tax collector. I fast twice a week. I give tithes of all that I get. But the tax collector standing far off with not even lift his eyes to heaven, but beat his breast saying God be merciful to me a sinner. I tell you this man went down to his house Justified rather than the other for anyone who exalts himself will be humbled. But the one who humbles himself will be exalted.

The Pharisee knew there was only one God and he knew a whole lot about the Torah and the law. I'm sure he professed his Holiness and told everybody I hold he was.

But the tax collector went home Justified because not only did he have faith but it's a faith was demonstrated. And what he did he humbled himself and he begged for forgiveness. And this is really the picture of of repentance faith and repentance are two sides of the same coin. We see them in the tax collector was poor in spirit and it Bears the fruit of Mercy by doing his father's will So now that James made his argument he was ready to offer some examples and he chose to examples from the Old Testament. I why in the world would he choose two examples from the Old Testament? Keep in mind who is audience says these are all Jewish conference and I'm going to tell you something about the the Jews were they understood the Old Testament. So not just James with you look at all that other New Testament writers of the Epistles. They all appeal to the Jewish knowledge of the Old Testament. So he starts off in first 20. Once again, it gets a little snippy. Do you want to be shown you foolish person that faith without works is useless. You know after all I've told you now you need examples. Okay, I'm going to give you some examples. So he uses Abraham and Rahab is examples in versus 2125. Not again Abraham's a very clever choice to use in his example because he's the man. He's the one that started the whole the whole Jewish population of the all the people that was that was the guy. Until you so to use him is kind of put an exclamation point on this example. Sew-in first is 21 to 25 was not Abraham Our Father justified by works when he offered up his son Isaac at the altar. You see that faith is active along with his works and Faith was completed by his worked in the scripture was fulfilled that says Abraham believed God and it was counted to him as righteousness and he was called a friend of God. You see that a person is justified by works and not faith alone. And in the same way was not Ray had the prostitute justified by works when she received the messengers and sent them out the other way. So look at Jenny says justified by works World Nelly, isn't this what isn't it's a contradiction, aren't we told faith alone? Now here's James coming up and saying justified by works doesn't this contradict what Paul says Paul says in Romans 3:28 for we hold that one is justified by faith apart from works of the law.

Is James corrected Paul? Can we have a contradiction in the Bible? Does God contradict himself?

I want to ask that question to the kids and bbsi said this God contradict himself. What's the answer new? Not at all? So, how does this work? How does this how does this work together?

So as you study the Bible you need to understand that God intended message Donner stand that you got up put things in context that you got to be able to see how words are used. And that's what we're going to do here. We'll look at this context first and history is all full of people that cherry-pick bible verses to try to support their own what they want to believe. But we can't do that here. Sobersis 21 and 23 are classic examples of what's when they are taken out of context doesn't support the point that Bible has contradictions and is an errand is errant. So let's put these two verses in context. Paul knew that his teaching was being distorted if you look at Romans 3 7 and 8, but if Through My Life by God's truth about ounce to his glory why am I still being condemned as a sinner and why not do evil that good may come as some people slanderous lie charges with saying Paul knew he was being his teaching was being distorted and James and part is correcting these distortions.

Paul and James are on the same sheet of music in terms of defining true Faith James verse 14 asked if that face that is without works can save that's what he's talking about when he when he's in in compliance with with Paul saying Galatians 56 is the key to seeing Paula James Unified.

For in Christ, Jesus neither circumcision circumcision or uncircumcision counts for anything but only Faith working through love. I was put versus 21 and 23 and context will finish verse 23 Abraham believed in God it counted him righteous and he was called the friend of God and the first 22 you see that you see that Faith was active along with his works and Faith was completed by his works. That's the Saving Face with faith were talking about his faith was active along with this works in his faith was completed by his works. So the other way of understanding scriptures have a grasp on word meanings. For example, if I use say the word Rock depends on your contacts Jimmy plate likes basketball. Sometimes they refer to a basketball as a rock. Someone has a ring on a diamond ring a diamond could be referred to as a rock. So type of music perhaps Or mineral show in our text the word in question is justify. Remember, we defined that at the beginning of our discussion as a declared righteousness before God made possible by Jesus death and Resurrection.

Paula James, however, use that word a little bit differently. Paul use of the word from a technical meaning judicial acquittal in other words justification is a pronouncement of being made right with God pronouncement of being made right by God. James is using it in an older common way of using the word justification. His case is the Public Presentation of the person is righteous.

It is what it said fourth is proved. What is claimed? So the 1st 2014 says you see. That is you that is you can tell or prove a person is Justified because the presence of his Works demonstrates that he had saving Faith to start. So what change to say in the first 23 agrees with Paul is saying and Romans 4:3 on the same subject? What does Scripture say Abraham believed God and was counted as righteous? Example of Rahab in verse 25 is the same logic James uses the word justification in the sense that the works allow or The Works show the presence of saving faith. Bottom line is if you ask James and pop all how a person gets right by God, they both answer with verse 23. James conclusion verse 26 by restating his whole point of the passage that Faith apart from works is dead.

Mark put it best Indian 4:20 and if you recall this is the parable about the seeds on the path and so forth. The parable concludes with first 20 but those that are sewn on the good soil are the ones that hear the word and accepted and bear fruit 30 fold and 60 fold in hundred fold.

What does this song mean to the Christian?

If you made a profession of true faith in the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, then you're reborn with a new heart and you're on the road of sanctification. You are the new creation. You want to be christ-like. You want to be holy you want to love your neighbor. All you want to do everything in God's glory. Just like Jimmy said earlier you want to come to church and then worship with fellow believers. Works are drug-free. They should be welcomed. They should be joyful. Do you have to do everything that you don't have to do everything but you should ask God for needs that he places before you that you can act upon. I think earlier when the card went around with the mower and so forth. That's you know, that's just one way of demonstrating your face.

That's the challenge. We have to examine our faith that a determine if it's genuine or if it's counterfeit.

If you fear that your faith is not genuine. There is a solution you need to confess to God that you have false faith and asking for the gift of true faith. Faith and Jesus who died for our sins, so we might die to our sin and live in righteousness. to be clear It is not our works that save us. And it is not our faith that saves us it is Jesus Christ as saves Us by his grace. We put the faith God gives. I am God's son and he saves us. We do all the sitting he does all the saving. It's salvation is by grace alone through faith alone. But remember faith, that saves is never alone. You pray for me, please.

Lord we thank you for your word and we thank you for revealing just a little bit more about you. And we pray that we all have true faith and we all pray that that faith is demonstrated by what we do. It is demonstrated by fireworks and it's demonstrated by works that we do. Joyfully and happily in the effort to want to serve. Our Benevolent Lord, Jesus Christ as in Jesus name we pray amen.

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