Investing with an Eternal Focus

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So, this is our last one in the kind of miniseries. We've done here of messages talking about.

You know not just being good stewards but being thankful for it and having the right attitude towards our resources and the things that God blesses us with you know of the nearly 40 Parables that the Lord Jesus Christ. Shares in the gospels about a third of them deal in some way with money. You know and the fact that money played such a prominent role in the teaching of Jesus is not surprising since we know that it has a dominant role in society. It has a dominant role in all of our lives in one way or another. Yo, people spend a lot of their time thinking about money.

You know how to acquire it how to spend it how to save it how to invest it how to borrow it how to keep track of it the best way and sometimes you know how to give it away or how much to give away. You know the widespread preoccupation with money is something that dominates our society and it results in a lot of anxiety a lot of selfishness greediness covetousness discontent idolatry and even Pride unfortunately a lot of the things tied to it are not positive, but we can see it in a different way. And in this Parable in the application of it the Lord kind of Reader X our attitude on that and he wants to redirect, you know for believers their attitude and their focus on wealth. So first off with the parable. Luke chapter 16 verses 1 through 8 Jesus told his disciples there was a rich man whose manager was accused of wasting his possessions. So he called him and asked him. What is this I hear of you. Give an account of your management because you cannot be manager any longer. The manager said to himself what shall I do now? My master is taking away my job. I'm not strong enough to dig and I'm ashamed to beg. I know what I'll do so that when I lose my job here people will welcome me into their houses. So we called each one of his master's debtors. He asked the first how much do you owe my master? 900 gallons of olive oil he replied the manager told him take your bill sit down quickly and make it 450. Then he asked the second and how much do you owe a thousand bushels of wheat? He replied. He told him take your bill and make it 800. The master commended the dishonest manager because he had acted shrewdly. For the people of this world are more shrewd and dealing with their own kind than with the people of the light.

you know just the idea that this

Landowner had a manager overseeing his farm suggest that number one. He was pretty wealthy. But number to it also suggests that he must have kind of been an absentee landowners, you know, he owned the property there, but he wasn't around for much else. And one way or another this accusation against the property manager got to it. The hey this guy is ripping you off. This guy is wasting your money. So when that got to him, he decided to take action on it. He called the manager into the cement, you know said hey, I want you to give me a count of all of your business dealings. I need to know how you've been handling my resources. And you know, it's at that point that the manager knows he's in trouble cuz he knows what he's been doing. He knows what's been happening. So he doesn't know what he's going to do. Then verse for their he kind of has you know that aha Eureka moment, you know, he came up with an idea that was going to save his own skin. So we came up with this scheme that so when he was done working, you know when he was finally released from this job that people would gladly welcome him into their homes, or I don't know if it would be gladly welcome him more than They would feel obligated to let him. Be with them. So on top of Miss managing the resources that have been promised him. He goes ahead and launches this new scheme essentially to take more away from his master.

So he starts to call in all of his master's debtors and you know, the first one there he cuts it in half.

And to us, you know. We probably wonder about that because we don't deal in the type of Commodities a lot that they're talking about here. But you know, the whole idea was within the Jewish culture. Reciprocation was a big deal. So if someone did you a favor you were obligated to do them one. So that's what this manager is taking advantage of by him, you know cutting some big deals here for these debtors. He was essentially taking those debtors from being in debt to his master to feeling like they owed him something. So then his thought was so after I'm fired from this job. I can just Bounce from house to house with them and let me tell you he was giving him some pretty good deals. You know the first one there where he takes and reduces it from 900 gallons of olive oil to 450, you know back then that would have been the equivalent of 3 years worth of wages for the average worker that he just cut off that guy's bill for a little while right? Let him stay there and then on the second one, even though he only reduces the guys bill by 20% That was equal to two years wages. And these are just two of the debtors that Jesus gave examples of and that's already five years worth of wages that he has made these people feel like they owe him. So he's putting himself in this spot where people are going to feel obligated to help him.

But you know, then probably the most shocking part of his his That is Master Praises him for doing it. Because he acted so shrewdly he acted so swiftly and managing the funds and I imagine the manager might have been thinking why didn't you act This truly from the start and then we would have been okay, but he didn't.

And now since those debtors who had not only been obligated to his master for now debt in debt to him. His future was Secure In the point of the parable up to this point is pretty simple. You know if an unrighteous man was shrewd and using money for his own selfish interest. How much more should righteous Believers use all they possess for God's glory?

But Jesus goes on to explain it a little bit more in Luke chapter 16 verses 9 through 13.

Since I tell you use worldly wealth to gain friends for yourselves so that when it is gone, you will be welcomed into Eternal dwellings. Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much and whoever is dishonest with very little will also be dishonest with much. So if you have not been trustworthy and handling worldly wealth who will trust you with true riches and if you have not been trustworthy with someone else's property who will give you a property of your own. No, one can serve two masters either you will hate the one and love the other or you will be devoted to one and despise the other you cannot serve both. God and money.

You know the Lord draws some lessons from this and sometimes I think when you read through that passage, you know, they sound a little bit cryptic in there. You know, it's kind of like some comparables you have to think about them or read them for a little bit till they make sense. But essentially got is breaking it down here to you do our view of money in relation to the others are view of money in relation to ourselves and our view of money in relation to God is kind of how he breaks it down. so as we look at those, you know in relation to others, you know, Jesus kind of challenges his here's to make friends for themselves by means of the wealth of this unrighteous passing world. Now the first when you hear that you think that's not right. Is it for us to use our money to make friends, but it all depends how you define friends? Yeah, unbelievers like the unrighteous manager, you know, they use their money to buy their friends, right? They indulge them they entertain them they get them to like them for the stuff they have But what Jesus means here to the Believers is to use their money to gain those God friends that I talked about, you know, those heavenly friends to use your Earthly resources to help evangelize and spread the gospel. Then when you get to heaven, you will be greeted by people. You've never met people you've never known but people who were impacted by your generosity and helping proclaim the gospel. That's what it's about. That's how he tells us. We are to use our worldly wealth in relation to others. Our whole idea should be that we are blessed the way we are blessed so that we can Use it to help others hear about Jesus. The often that's not where our first thoughts go. But you know, we all know that you can't take it with you. So. When all our Earthly well fails, you know, the friends Believers have gained through investing that like I said are those ones who are going to be there to welcome you into your Eternal dwelling in heaven?

And I think that's just an overwhelming thought for us. That's a hard thing for us to even comprehend what that'll feel like what that will be like But it's what we're supposed to do. We're supposed to see how we can invest those resources in a way that brings God glory by helping those who are unreached to hear the gospel message.

Now concerning our attitude of money as it relates to ourselves.

You know, that's where Christ again is challenging us to make Eternal Investments.

You know, I hear a lot of people say that well if I had more money I would give more money.

but the truth is its character not circumstances that determines your faithfulness and giving Luke chapter 21 verses 1 through 4 says as Jesus looked up he saw the rich putting their gifts into the temple Treasury. He also saw a poor Widow put into very small copper coins.

Truly I tell you he said this poor Widow has put in more than all the others all these people gave their gifts out of their wealth. But she out of her poverty put in all she had to live on.

You know something like this poor Widow described In this passage. I just read who have nothing give everything. They can they're willing to do that others who have everything that you can imagine give nothing. Like I said, the issue is not finances but integrity and spiritual character. Yeah, those who are faithful with very little they would be faithful if they had a lot but those who have a lot that can't even be faithful was that. It doesn't matter how much wealth they obtain. They will not be any more faithful than what they are at the level. They already are giving. The determining factor is not how much people have but how strong their commitment really is to the proclamation of the Gospel. How important do you really believe it is?

you know the sad fact is that I think people don't realize that or maybe they realize it and they just don't want to talk about it. Is that their perspective? On how important are proclamation of the Gospel is has an eternal impact not just in their own lives, but in the lives of others. Who can hear the gospel?

And we have to realize that you know, if we haven't been faithful with the material wealth that God's given us, you know, if we haven't used that and a way to bring him glory and to expand his kingdom. Why would God bless us with true riches?

Heavenly rewards, you know, we talked about storing up Treasures in Heaven those come when you're using your Earthly resources correctly. Those things will be there waiting for you. I mean, what would be more precious or valuable than getting to heaven and meeting people that you never knew that you've never met? Who know Jesus because of something you contributed to?

Can I have a hard time imagining something more precious or viable than that? And it's foolish for us to think that God is going to reward those who foolishly waste what he has given them in this life. Those who just use it for their own pleasure their own interest and never think twice about helping others with it.

You know those who fail to invest their wealth in the work of redemption impoverished themselves forever. I can't remember who I heard that quote from but as I worked on this message this week that kept coming back.

You know, if you pinch a penny here and save it there by not giving it towards God's work. You might think you saved in the end. But really you're cheating yourself out of rewards that could be their Eternal Rewards. Is eternal reward comes to those who are faithful with whatever they have. You know heaven isn't like, you know, we talked about different giving campaigns, you know, we have Diamond level right platinum gold silver bronze, whatever. That's not the way it works.

So much more of it pertains to where your heart is and what your motivation is and how Faithfully you do that.

You know, and then finally Jesus spoke of a Believers attitude towards money as it relates to God.

You know, it says no servant can serve two masters. Jesus warned us that you know, he will hate one and love the other or else will be devoted to one and despise the other.

we know that makes perfect sense because

they're talking about someone serving their Mastery you they're talking about people who are slaves or indentured servants to these people. It makes sense. A slave can't have two masters, right? Cuz if you're a slave to someone you are owned by that person and they aren't going to share that ownership with someone else. You know a slave doesn't have the option like we do is modern workers as well. If I need to make a little extra money. I can go pick up a part-time side job. That's not the truth for slaves. They can't do that. They only have one employer. They are only owned by that one master who has complete singular control over them. So you can't render that type of exclusive service to two masters. And that is what he's talking about. You know that exclusive totally owned by one person service.

You cannot be both a slave of God and of material wealth. Which one is your owner? Which one is your master? They can't be cool rulers of the Same Heart.

John Calvin said where rich is hold the Dominion of the heart. God has lost Authority.

When money is our ultimate goal when money is our ultimate objective it pushes God out of the way.

And you know conflicting demands inevitably produce conflicting emotions, right? Because you don't know what to do. There's a conflict and that usually starts to shape your attitude towards one side or the other because his you want to get the one you got to lean the other way. Those who love money will despise and resent what God requires of them.

They'll start to dislike it when they feel God urging them to share those Resources with others.

If money has taken that place of God in their hearts and in their minds.

they start to despise God because Why would you ask me to give that much? Yeah, I've been amazed over the course of the fundraising for LifeWise what some individuals have done? You can tell where their heart is. But those who love God will choose to honor him by not making Earthly wealth their master. Yeah, they might have it. But that's not what they live for. That's not why they acquire it. They acquire it because God has put them in the position where they can And they use that to grow his kingdom. So instead of using it to self selfishly gratify their desires there once They seek to manage the money that God has entrusted them in such a way that it can have the greatest impact for the kingdom. They seek to manage that money in a way that it can be used to help others. Find Jesus to help others hear the gospel. So that Souls can be one for the glory of God.

Yeah, that sounds like a lofty ideal, but it's really not an unrealistic thing. It's what God wants for his people. And if that is truly the attitude we have towards our finances in our resources. I believe will begin to see them in a much different way. And I also believe that God will continue to bless us to be able to earn more resources. But that's only when we're doing it with the attitude and the objective of I want to do it so I can support more of God's work.

Sure, if you want to go straight down the path of the world and just earn more so that you can have more.

Keep doing it. The world will make you feel like everything's great.

But when you get to the end.

There won't be people waiting there to greet you with. Thank you for how you help me to hear the gospel.

There won't be anything there waiting for you. It'll be a totally different thing.

So what does hole Parable is about as it's encouraging us to see our resources? Not as just something to serve us. You know, we're supposed to depend on God for all of our once in our needs and our resources that we need for day-to-day life. And when we do he'll bless us not just with that but with more than what we need so that that can be used to help when others.

You know, that's what this Parables about, you know investing those Earthly Resources with a focus on Eternal Rewards. And sometimes it doesn't make sense. to us from an Earthly perspective of why you invest in one way or another but you know God is not wanting us to use Earthly wisdom to judge that. He's wanting our Focus to be on people. Loving people and helping other people to get to God more than were concerned about material possessions and wealth. And it's just my prayers that is you know, everything gets a little tighter for everybody as inflation continues to do its thing. But we have to realize you know God's Focus for how he wants us to use those resources hasn't changed. We just have to adjust accordingly. Please bear with me and

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