You have a place
A good work is a divinely prescribed action that benefits others in such a way that God is glorified
God saved you for his purposes and pleasure. Many Christians are unfulfilled and miserable because they’ve never gotten around to the work God has for them. When you understand the grace with which God saved you, gratitude will drive your response to it. The purpose for your life has already been designed. You don’t have to come up with it. God prepared ahead of time for us to do good works. He will give you the desire for them and the ability to pull them off, but you must live them out
We are part of a great eternal plan that God determined “before the world began.” God knows the end from the beginning. He has purposes for His people to accomplish for His glory
Why It’s Important to Discover Your Place
Helps you understand God’s Will For Your Life
helps you know what God has NOT called you to do.
equips you to fulfill God's purpose for your life.
How can I Figure Out My Place
Steps to Discover Your Place
1. Seek God
2. Be planted in a Local Church
flourishing, and fruitful in the things of God
3. Ask These Folks
Calling Killers
1. Your character
2. Imposter Syndrome
3. Being someone else
Don’t give God your leftovers; give him the best you’ve got to offer