Supernatural Salvation

Christian Clarity: Galatians  •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented
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Galatians 4:21-31
Our culture lives by “you can do anything if you set your mind to it.” We find it frustrating that in Christianity, that doesn’t seem to apply.
Main Idea: Salvation is supernatural
Paul has explained they are children of Abraham. God is their father, now he discusses who the mother is. He gives two examples of covenants from Genesis: Hagar and Sarah. God promised Abraham a son. Sarah was barren so he had a child with Hagar. Ishmael was not the promised child. Isaac was. God promised to take care of Ishmael. Judaizers would say Gentiles were heirs of Ishmael. Paul once again will correct their understanding of OT.
Exp. Verse 21. This is their desire. Play on words. Desire this? Then listen to the words.
Ill. My OT students who want to succeed, read the syllabus.
Paul is letting them know that desiring this is a fatal mistake. Not going to turn out like you think.
Truth #1: Salvation through flesh = heir to slavery
Exp. Hagar was an Egyptian slave to Abraham. Common practice. Younger than Sarah. Both agree to this. Ishmael is born. Fourteen years later, Isaac was born. Verse 22-23. One was to the flesh and another to the promise. What is his point? Verse 24. Many argue about how to read OT, Paul says you can interpret allegorically. Allegory = story refers to a larger group of people. It was literal. Deeper meaning.
Ill. Pilgrim’s Progress. Allegory of Christian life. Main character’s name is Christian.
Exp. What is this pointing to? Judaizers say Gentiles are of Hagar. Not bloodline. Slaves. Jews are of Sarah. Bloodline. Free. Paul’s argument is Gentiles are of Sarah. Promise. Free. To be under law would make them children of Hagar. Verse 25. Present Jerusalem is under slavery because they do not believe Jesus as Messiah. Still under the law. Their logic is not sound.
Ill. Fixing garage door. Youtube said to fix sensors. So I did, the doors wouldn’t even close. Wrong directions had opposite results. Found the correct manual and fixed the problem.
Arg. Wrong directions lead to opposite results. At first, it looked successful for Abraham, but there was a lack of trust. Galatians 2:21, “I do not nullify the grace of God, for if righteousness were through the law, then Christ died for no purpose.”
App. Works righteousness is a denial of the promise; denial of Jesus. That’s why Satan wants you to work hard to earn favor. That action is a misdiagnosis. The issue is not your actions, but your heart.
Struggle with lust: Problem is not eyes, but one of desire.
Struggle with gossip: Problem is not mouth, but one of affirmation.
Struggle with bitterness: Problem is not anger, but one of healing.
Struggle with overworking: Problem is not workaholism, but one of knowing when to stop.
We try and fix these externally, but fail over and over. That’s slavery. We’re aiming at the wrong issue.
Truth #2: Salvation through Christ: heir to freedom
Exp. Paul reaches the pinnacle of his argument here. Present Jerusalem is enslaved. Jerusalem above (heaven) is our mother. Mother of the free ones. Paul even quotes Isaiah here to give credence to his argument. Verse 26-27. Paul has given us the whole family tree. Abraham, God, and Sarah. If Hagar is present Jerusalem, Sarah is heavenly Jerusalem. Quotes Isaiah 54:1. Isaiah watched Assyria take over Northern Kingdom. Isaiah knew exile was coming. His prophecy points to Israel being brought back to their land and also Gentile believers of the promise.
Ill. Mountain. You see the peak of that mountain, but there’s a promise beyond it we cannot see.
Exp. We will return to Isaiah. Verse 30. DO YOU NOT HEAR THE LAW? Slavery means no inheritance. They are rejecting Jesus as ultimate salvation, there is no inheritance. Verse 31. In Christ, this is who you are. Your identity is here. Sons of God. Co-heirs with Jesus. Heirs of Abraham. Children of Sarah, the barren one.
Christ - I want to return to Isaiah for a second. Speaks of the barren one. Why is that important? Sarah was barren. Not only Sarah, Rebekah, and Rachel. Three generations of barren mothers. Seems like a contradiction, but when a theme like this is repeated, it is important. There must be some element of faith for God to keep a promise.
Isaiah 66:7–8, “Before she was in labor she gave birth; before her pain came upon her she delivered a son. Who has heard such a thing? Who has seen such things? Shall a land be born in one day? Shall a nation be brought forth in one moment? For as soon as Zion was in labor she brought forth her children.
Was a nation born in one day? Pentecost. Spirit descended and in a moment gave birth to a new people. The theme of the barren mothers was proof that this promise would only come from an act from the Spirit of God doing the impossible. Only God could fill the womb of a barren woman. Only God could fill the womb of a virgin as well. Jesus would come and usher in a new family. You can be a part of this family too.
App. Verse 1. Give up works righteousness and walk in the freedom of Christ.
Where are you this morning? Continuing to search to no avail? Continuing to focus on behavior rather than the heart? The freedom found in Christ is so much greater than trying to get it all right.
Let’s pray.
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