Prophecies & the Second Coming of Jesus in Judgement (2)
Outline of Topics
Outline of Topics
REV 1-9 Jewish War 66-70AD
Heavenly Visions/Earthly Repercussions
Revelation 1- Introduction, Context, Familiarity with Daniel
Revelation 2-3 - The 7 churches to which this letter is addressed.
Revelation 4:1-8:1 - The Breaking of 7 Seals
Black horse- shortage of food described by Josephus details these exact descriptions of costs for barley & wheat, alongside a documented plenty of both oil and wine still in the land as prophesied in Revelation.
Pale Horse-
The 4 ways to be killed were sword, famine, pestilence, wild animals… Mirrored from similar judgement in the book of Ezekiel with the Babylonians destroying israel. (Ezekiel 14)
Luke 23:27 jesus predicts the fulfillment of hiding in caves by mothers and children, also confirmed accounts by Josephus.
144,000 - Ezekiel 9 symbolically identifies the same type of event with a sealing of faithful remnant. These are called the “first-fruits” which only fits an early timeline, not a late timeline. The Jewish Christians are identified as the firstfruits multiple times in the new testament.
Revelation 8:2-9 - The 7 Trumpets
2nd Trumpet, The Battle at the Sea of Galilee, Josephus records so many Jews killed that the entire sea of galilee was full of dead bodies swelled with water such that it looked like all blood.
Revelation 10-13 - Unique Section (Potentially Idealist interpretation) 3 1/2 Years (1260 days/ 42 Months) There is not mention of a 7 year tribulation, only one single 3 1/2 year period. Small book(scroll) that John is told to eat… potentially the only section about the single 3 1/2 year tribulation.
-A new scroll & prophecy of global impact (straddling land and sea) that the mystery of God is to be fulfilled, which is the church, inclusive of both Jews and Gentiles. This prophecy is ultimately sealed, and may demonstrate the “church age” that has yet to come to fulfillment.
2 Witnesses: Ministry overlaps the church age and symbolizes the passing of power from Moses & Elijah down to Christ at the Transfiguration, down to the Church.
Revelation 14- Angels & Messages Related to AD70
Revelation 15-16 - 7 Bowls of Wrath Poured out (Most likely also about Judgement on Jerusalem)
-Josephus records Catapults hurling 100pound hailstones that were white during the night. The watchment would shout, “the son cometh!”
Revelation 17-19 - The Judgement of the Great Harlot/Prostitute
-Potentially the Death of God’s first Wife, Israel, after His destruction… And the marriage to God’s new wife, the Church
Revelation 20-22 - The Millennium,
When the Bible talks about “the land” it often speaks to the land of Israel.
When “the land” contrasted with “the sea” in prophecy, it is often contrasting the land of israel and the sea as representative of the Gentiles
Jesus identifies Israel/Jerusalem as the murder of the maryters/prophets during His earthly ministry