Bibliology 2.0
Fundamentals of the Faith: Bibliology • Sermon • Submitted • Presented
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16 All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:
17 That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works.
Inside the Bible's pages lie the answers to all the problems that mankind has ever known. I hope Americans will read and study the Bible. — Ronald Reagan
Inside the Bible's pages lie the answers to all the problems that mankind has ever known. I hope Americans will read and study the Bible. — Ronald Reagan
Henry Clarence Thiessen states this about Bibliology,
"The Christian view has always maintained that the revelation of God has had written embodiment and that in the Scriptures there is such an embodiment. The Scriptures are, therefore, the supreme source of Christian theology”
"The Christian view has always maintained that the revelation of God has had written embodiment and that in the Scriptures there is such an embodiment. The Scriptures are, therefore, the supreme source of Christian theology”
The Bible has internal and external proofs that can be used as evidence to show that God's Word was inspired. The internal evidence is found throughout the Bible. In addition, the Bible claims to be inspired by God: II Timothy 3:16 "All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness;" II Peter1:19 "We have also a more sure word of prophecy; whereunto ye do well that ye take heed, as unto a light that shineth in a dark place, until the day dawn, and the day star arise in your hearts: Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the Scripture is of any private interpretation. For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost." (I Thessalonians 2:13). Some external evidence for the Scripture's inspiration are many fulfilled prophecies Micah 5:2, prophecies where Christ would be born. This is fulfilled in Matthew 2:5. The crucifixion was described in Zechariah 12:10 and Psalm 22. Crucifixion was a means of execution when the prophecy was written.[1] One hundred and fifty years before Cyrus was born, and one hundred and eighty years before the prophesied acts, Isaiah was given the following prophecy: (Isaiah 44:28; 45:1,13). Joshua gives a warning and cautions anyone who tries to rebuild Jericho. This was fulfilled in I Kings 16:33-34.
It also has many scientific and archeological proofs that validate what is said and taught in the Bible. Scientifically that the life of the body is in the blood (Leviticus 17:11)[2]That the earth is round (Isaiah 40:22) as well as that doctors tell us that the eighth day is the best to circumcise a newborn infant (Genesis 17:12). Some archeological proofs are the following; the existence of the Assyrian king Sargon for a time was doubted, when his palace was discovered in Iraq, the event written about in Isaiah 20 was inscribed on the palaces' walls.[3]
I. Inspiration. God Himself wrote the Bible.
I. Inspiration. God Himself wrote the Bible.
5 Every word of God is pure: He is a shield unto them that put their trust in him.
6 Add thou not unto his words, Lest he reprove thee, and thou be found a liar.
(Greek word: “theopneustos” - “God Breathed”)
(Greek word: “theopneustos” - “God Breathed”)
16 All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:
A. God’s Word is Profitable for the Christian.
A. God’s Word is Profitable for the Christian.
1. Invaluable For Doctrine.
1. Invaluable For Doctrine.
(The basic meaning of the term doctrine is “teaching.” Christian doctrine, accordingly, is the attempt to state in intellectually responsible terms the message of the gospel and the content of the faith it elicits.)
2. Beneficial For Reproof.
2. Beneficial For Reproof.
15 The rod and reproof give wisdom: But a child left to himself bringeth his mother to shame.
A scolding a rebuking.
3. Constructive For Correction.
3. Constructive For Correction.
17 Correct thy son, and he shall give thee rest; Yea, he shall give delight unto thy soul.
The word “correction” regards changing something wrong to make it right or better. “Yasar” and “musar” in the Old Testament, and “pideuo” in the New Testament, embrace the idea of corrective discipline. God revealed Himself to His people by instructing them on right and wrong.
4. Effective For Instruction in Righteousness.
4. Effective For Instruction in Righteousness.
The instruction of God tells us what to do and what not to do to help us NOT go the wrong way!
17 He is in the way of life that keepeth instruction: But he that refuseth reproof erreth.
B. God’s Word are Verbally/Plenary inspired.
B. God’s Word are Verbally/Plenary inspired.
belief in verbal or plenary inspiration, according to which not only the biblical message but also the individual words in which that message was delivered or written down were divinely chosen.
1. God’s Words are inspired.
1. God’s Words are inspired.
2. God’s Individual words are inspired.
2. God’s Individual words are inspired.
II. God’s Word is Inerrant and Infallible.
II. God’s Word is Inerrant and Infallible.
The Bible is inerrant, meaning it is accurate in everything it communicates, whether attributed, doctrinal, historical, scientific, etc.
1. Inerrancy pertains to what is affirmed or asserted rather than what is merely reported.
2. We must judge the truthfulness of Scripture regarding its meaning in the cultural setting in which its statements were expressed.
3. The Bible's assertions were fully true when judged in accordance with the purpose for which they were written.
4. Reports of historical events and scientific matters are in phenomenal rather than technical language.
5. Difficulties in explaining the biblical text should not be prejudged as indications of error.
A. God’s Word is Faultless and Errorless.
A. God’s Word is Faultless and Errorless.
Infallible means that it is absolute truth with no possibility of being false. This is, of course, due to inspiration (II Timothy 3:16). God cannot lie (Titus 1:2) or change (Malachi 3:6), and He was the one that breathed the words, and because of that, there is no way that His words are errant. The Bible contains no errors because it is incapable of possessing any.
1. The Bible is Faultless and Errorless because God inspired it.
1. The Bible is Faultless and Errorless because God inspired it.
16 All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:
2. The Bible is Faultless and Errorless because God cannot lie.
2. The Bible is Faultless and Errorless because God cannot lie.
19 God is not a man, that he should lie; Neither the son of man, that he should repent: Hath he said, and shall he not do it? Or hath he spoken, and shall he not make it good?
29 And also the Strength of Israel will not lie nor repent: for he is not a man, that he should repent.
18 That by two immutable things, in which it was impossible for God to lie, we might have a strong consolation, who have fled for refuge to lay hold upon the hope set before us:
35 Once have I sworn by my holiness That I will not lie unto David.
2 In hope of eternal life, which God, that cannot lie, promised before the world began;
3. The Bible is Faultless and Errorless because God cannot change.
3. The Bible is Faultless and Errorless because God cannot change.
6 For I am the Lord, I change not; Therefore ye sons of Jacob are not consumed.
B. God’s Word is both the Old and New Testament.
B. God’s Word is both the Old and New Testament.
The New Testament is as valid and essential as the New Testament.
“The Old Testament is the New Testament concealed; The New Testament is the Old Testament revealed.”
18 For the scripture saith, Thou shalt not muzzle the ox that treadeth out the corn. And, The labourer is worthy of his reward.
4 Thou shalt not muzzle the ox when he treadeth out the corn.
C. God’s Word is the Source of Authority (sol Scriptura)
C. God’s Word is the Source of Authority (sol Scriptura)
1. It is the final judge on all matters of doctrine.
1. It is the final judge on all matters of doctrine.
2. It is not the sole source of truth, but it is Absolute truth.
2. It is not the sole source of truth, but it is Absolute truth.
12 One of themselves, even a prophet of their own, said, The Cretians are alway liars, evil beasts, slow bellies.
13 This witness is true. Wherefore rebuke them sharply, that they may be sound in the faith;
Many historical events that are true and known for sure to have occurred are not mentioned in the Bible. For example, you cannot find Pastor Humber’s birthday, place of birth, or occupation, but he knows everything about himself to be true.
III. Preservation.
III. Preservation.
A. God Preserved His Words. Matthew 5:18 Psalm 12:6-7
A. God Preserved His Words. Matthew 5:18 Psalm 12:6-7
29 The secret things belong unto the Lord our God: but those things which are revealed belong unto us and to our children for ever, that we may do all the words of this law.
8 The grass withereth, the flower fadeth: But the word of our God shall stand for ever.
24 For all flesh is as grass, and all the glory of man as the flower of grass. The grass withereth, and the flower thereof falleth away:
25 But the word of the Lord endureth for ever. And this is the word which by the gospel is preached unto you.
B. God has preserved the documents it was written on.
B. God has preserved the documents it was written on.
C. God has preserved the Bible in English in the King James Version.
C. God has preserved the Bible in English in the King James Version.
Additionally, which Bible translation and text family you use is essential; there are two prominent text source families: the Byzantine/ Received Text Family and the Alexandrian/Critical Text family. The Byzantine Text family is more numerous; it is also the source of some of the first translations, such as the Syriac Peshitta and the Old Italic Bible.[1]It also originated from the Byzantine area where many of the early churches were situated.[2]
The reason for using the King James Version of the Bible is three main components included in a translation: the text, the translation method, and the translators.[3]The King James is widely considered to have the best text. It is primarily translated from the Textus Receptus. This is the received text family found in the Byzantine area discussed earlier in the paper.[4]It has many manuscripts to compare it to, and those documents 99% agree with each other. It is translated in the formal equivalence meaning the translators sought to communicate only what the original claimed to state. The translators of King James were more qualified than most translators would ever be.[5]This is not to say that the King James cannot be improved, but that it is the most authentic and competent translation available.
In culmination, The Doctrine of Bibliology is the foundation on which the rest of the major doctrines of the Christian faith are built. Without the ability to rely entirely on the Word of God as Scripture and inspired by God, believers cannot hope to understand and uphold critical tenets of the faith. The Bible is the final authority for matters of faith and doctrine; 2 Timothy 3:16 "All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:" According to the Bible it is critical to trust that the Word of God is faithful. Bibliology is the study of Scripture, allowing one to look closely at God's written Word. It is a correct belief that the Word of God is infallible, inerrant, and will never change. Numbers 23:19 "God is not a man, that he should lie; Neither the son of man, that he should repent: Hath he said, and shall he not do it? Or hath he spoken, and shall he not make it good?" (John 17:17; Proverbs 30:5).